One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 249: Qiwuhai Conference

"Cough cough."

A light cough meant that the Shichibukai meeting had begun. Although the rest of the people looked at each other unhappy, they tacitly kept their distance and did not interfere with each other.

Although there were less than ten people present, everyone knew the importance of this meeting, otherwise the navy would not have called everyone at this time.

"This meeting has two main contents."

"First: Welcome to the two new members." After speaking, he nodded and gestured to Trafalgar Law and Bucky who were relatively far away.

Following Sakaski's gaze, the attention of the rest of the people also focused on the two. But more stay on the relatively younger Luo.

The news of the increase in members had been received long before they came, and they knew a little about their identities and experiences.

In comparison, Supernova Luo, who naturally exchanged the hearts of 100 pirates for the position of Qiwuhai, needs more attention. This ruthlessness cannot be underestimated.

"Fufurfur, Trafalgar Law, we meet again."

Doflamingo's slightly harsh voice came again, and the special emotion in the voice was confusing.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the meeting room suddenly became very delicate, and no one thought that these two had other relationships.

Especially Akainu's face turned black again.

There are seven people in Qiwuhai. Excluding Xiong who has surrendered to the navy and Hawkeye who doesn't care about other things, strictly speaking, there are only five real Qibukai.

However, who would have thought that two of the five people have a special relationship with Doflamingo, which means that Dover alone occupies half of the position.

This kind of thing not only exceeded the Navy's expectations, but also exceeded the Navy's control.

The reason why Qiwuhai under the king is set up is to use the power of pirates to restrain pirates.

It turns out that it is good now, and it has become a platform for Doflamingo to develop and grow. How can Akainu not be angry.

"If I could, I wouldn't want to see you."

Ignoring all the gazes, Luo Kuku said, the flat voice made people unable to hear the joy or anger.

After hearing Luo's answer, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, at least it seemed that the two were not in the same camp.

"Hey, can't you see my uncle sitting here?"

Seeing that everyone's attention was attracted by Doflamingo and Luo, Bucky, unwilling to be lonely, couldn't help but speak out.


However, the air was suddenly quiet. Only the naval officer in charge of the minutes of the meeting was writing something, and there was no other sound.

"You, you."

Just when Bucky was about to say something more, Sakasky on the side spoke first.

"Okay, that's the first thing."

Don't give Bucky any face at all, just take it all in one stroke.

"As for the second matter, it has to do with you."

After a pause, he continued.

"The significance of the existence of the Seven Martial Seas under the king is to maintain the balance of the new century together with the navy. The occurrence of the Tianlongren incident will bring an unimaginable impact on the existing world structure. You should know, it can be described as a pot of porridge!"

"I don't want the new world to become like that, and you probably don't want to either."

"All in all, I hope that everyone can shoulder their respective responsibilities and maintain the balance of their respective sea areas. Of course, if necessary, the Navy will also provide assistance. After all, we are in the same camp. The wheels of the new era are the first to affect us all. .”

In the end, Sakaski's voice was very long and long, as if to remind a few people that we are grasshoppers on a rope.

Facing Sakarski's statement, no one directly expressed his opinion.

They are too clear about what the other party means, and they obviously want to use people like themselves as a shield.

Although it is true that Qiwuhai has such an obligation, as pirates, they are not willing to sacrifice their lives for others, let alone this other person is a navy.

Who can guarantee that one day in the future, the navy will not meet him in battle? You'd be an idiot if you really did what he said.

However, there is indeed a fool here.

"Yo Xi, since the admiral of the navy has spoken in person, I will help you with difficulty, and leave the safety of the waters near Kale Bali Island to my uncle."

Unlike the deserted one last time, Bucky's speech this time really attracted the attention of everyone present, and one of them couldn't help but look at him.

I'm really curious about what is going on in the mind of this fancy-dressed man, and I can't help but wonder if this guy is an actor hired by Sakalski to stand up and support Sakalski at this time.

"Okay, okay, I think everyone else here has the same plan as Mr. Bucky. Don't worry, when the situation is stable, the world government will definitely give you material subsidies, and you will never suffer!"

The overjoyed Sakaski couldn't help saying three good things in a row, and suddenly didn't dislike Bucky calling himself my uncle in front of him.

"Wait a minute, I think it's better to send the supplies earlier, after all, we are not as big as the navy."

On the other side, the empress Hancock, who had been silent for a long time, spoke.

Instead, Doflamingo, who was planning to make the same request, was surprised for a while.

Because the empress was the most silent one in the previous meeting, she never expressed any opinions. But he didn't think too much about it, and he was happy to have someone in his early years.

Little did he know that Hancock also had troubles that he couldn’t tell. Because of Luffy, the consumption of materials on Hydra Island, especially food, more than doubled faster than usual.

I used to go out once a month, but now I have to go out twice or even three times a month.

However, it is not peaceful at this stage, and the title of Shichibukai is no longer very useful. If he goes out too frequently, it will inevitably cause unnecessary casualties. This is undoubtedly what Hancock does not want to see.

That's why she came to the Navy headquarters again in response to the Navy's call, just to stock up some food for Luffy.

"Okay, then I'll give you material support for the first quarter first." Although he didn't want to agree, Sakaski also understood that these people in front of him couldn't work for him for no reason.

"No, at least a year."

On the other side, Doflamingo, who is the largest "business" in the Seven Wuhai, took over the "heavy task" of the negotiation, and began to bargain with Sakaski week by week

As for the others, they just watched with cold eyes. They knew that Dover was proficient in this aspect and didn't need to worry about it.

"Okay, then the material support for two and a half quarters can't be more!"

In the end, in the voice of Sakalski gnashing his teeth, this negotiation is considered to be over.

Dover even showed a winner's smile on his face, but this smile was so dazzling in Sakaski's eyes.

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