One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 249 Special Arrangements

"Okay, let's stop here for today's meeting. Bucky and Trafalgar Law, please stay for a while, and everyone else can go back first."

As the host, Sakaski unceremoniously issued an order to evict guests. The failure of the negotiation with Dover made him very upset, and he lost even the mood of being perfunctory.

Like Sakaski, Dover and others, who are Shichibukai, also didn't want to stay here any longer, and left one after another.

Only Dover, who was walking at the end, suddenly turned around and said something to Luo just before he was about to step out of the door.

"Luo, remember to go back and have a look."

Hearing these words, Luo seemed expressionless, but the right hand holding the blade betrayed his unsettled heart.

"Fufurofuru!" The marked and arrogant laughter came again, and Dover's figure also disappeared.

Looking at Luo who was sitting silently at the same place, an inexplicable brilliance flashed in Sakaski's eyes.

Pirates killing each other, this is his favorite scene to see!

But this fantasy is only a flash in Sakalski's mind.

Because he knows very well that fantasizing blindly with his head will not have any results, and the end of pirates is to be killed by fists!

"Marshal Sakalski, I wonder what's the point of leaving the two of us alone?"

Before Sakarski took the initiative to explain, Bucky, who was curious about the baby, couldn't help but open his mouth to ask.

"It's like this. It's actually a matter of entrusting the two of you to stay alone."

When speaking, the voice is slightly calm, after all, there is something to ask for.

"Oh? I don't know why, it needs to be so secretive?"

Sakaski's words made Luo instantly refreshed, and even temporarily suppressed his hatred for Doflamingo. You must know that there are countless strong men in the navy.

In this case, the two of us have to complete the two possibilities.

One: Things are not bright, and I need to be a pirate to do it for me.

Two: To complete this matter, they need to rely on their respective fruit abilities. After all, there is no one in the whole world who has the same ability as me.

"We have received information that King Habili of the Uz Empire is planning to join the Revolutionary Army. And we don't want or see this happen, so we hope that the two of you will stop it."

Speaking of this, Sakaski's voice paused a little, and murderous intent began to flow in his eyes.

"As for what method to use, that is the freedom of the two of you. It doesn't matter whether it is persecution, kidnapping or assassination. In a word, we don't care about the process as long as the result."

After listening to Sakaski's words, Luo couldn't help being shocked. Compared with the previous Admiral Sengoku, the new Admiral in front of him has too much murderous intent! It's like wanting to kill all the criminals in the world!

However, the clever Luo quickly realized that Sakaski was trying to make an example of others!

The reason why the world government has been able to stand for eight hundred years is inseparable from the many allied countries under its banner. With more than one hundred and seventy allied countries together, no one knows how strong this force is, let alone underestimate it!

However, Katie's act of beheading the Tianlong people directly undermined the authority of the world government and planted a seed of resistance in the hearts of the world.

If this seed is suffocated in the soil, it will be fine, but once it takes root and sprouts, it will cause incalculable damage to the existing world structure, and it is very likely to trigger a chain reaction, causing countless kingdoms to question or even break away from the world government.

And the Uz Empire is the switch of this chain reaction, because once the Uz Empire successfully joins the Revolutionary Army, those originally neutral countries will definitely be biased towards the Revolutionary Army.

As the saying goes, if there is one, there are two, I am afraid that it will not be long before joining the revolutionary army will become a trend among the kingdoms. This is by no means what the navy or even the nobles of the world want to see.

Otherwise, in normal times, the navy would never pay attention to such a remote and barren country, so what if it joined the revolutionary army? It doesn't affect you at all, okay?

"Uz Empire? Where is that?"

Bucky's sudden sentence made the originally serious question suddenly become strange.

Looking at Bucky who was full of hip-hop and not doing anything right, the little appreciation left in Sakaski's heart disappeared in an instant, not only that, but also a black line on his forehead.

I couldn't help but carefully looked at the guy in front of me from head to toe, and a few questions couldn't help but pop up in my mind, how did such an idiot escape from the city? And what method was used to gather more than half of the fugitives into his subordinates? How did you survive until now?

Is the navy so incompetent that it can't even deal with this kind of stuff?

Sakaski's not-so-small head was full of big questions, and he forgot to answer Bucky for a while.

"The Uz Empire is located in the Connor Sea area. It is a remote empire away from the great shipping route. The overall situation of the country is average, but it covers a large area. It is precisely because of its vast land area that the Uz Empire is basically self-sufficient. Therefore, there are not many exchanges with other countries, and it does not appear in the eyes of the world, and it is normal for ordinary people not to know."

It was Luo who spoke.

"As for why you suddenly decided to join the Revolutionary Army, it's not convenient for me to say more about the inside story. Moreover, this empire has a lot to do with the three Tianlong people who were kidnapped by Katie."

After speaking, he glanced pointedly at Sakaski next to him, then lowered his head and said nothing, and handed over the right to speak to Sakaski again.

"As expected of the smartest kid in the supernova, the intelligence collection is sufficient."

Taking a deep look at the young Trafalgar Rowe, even Admiral Sakalski must admit that Rowe is very smart, and even said that his brain is better than his own.

However, in Sakaski's heart, Luo's threat is still far less than the straw hat Luffy who was rescued by him.

As the saying goes, being smart has its own mistakes, people who think they are smart are sometimes easier to deal with, not to mention there are many people in the navy who are smarter than him.

Than the mind, the navy has never been afraid!

However, the difference is that the straw hat boy, who looks stupid and mentally retarded, not only has a terrifying identity background, but also has an inexplicable attraction, and can always unite everyone at critical moments.

Just like during the Dingshang War, the entire layout of the Whitebeard Pirates was completely changed because of the appearance of Luffy.

Several team captains even escorted him, and the former Shichibu Kaixia Jinpei and Crocodile also stood by him.

The core of the war even shifted from Whitebeard to Straw Hat for a time, even saying that if Katie hadn't appeared later, there is no doubt that kid was the most eye-catching and most influential existence in the whole war.

Damn Katie! Damn Katie!

Thinking of this, the hatred in Sakaski's heart was precisely because Katie's appearance caused him to suffer too much humiliation.

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