One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 250 Another Meeting

"We can help you with this job, so what kind of compensation will the navy give us?"

Without much hesitation, Luo decisively responded to this troublesome matter. He knew very well that he needed Qi Wuhai's identity now, and it was not the time to break up with the navy.

And I also want to see if the intern on the original One Piece Roger's ship next to me is really useless, or something else.

"How about 300 million Pele per person?"

With a wave of his big hand, Sakaski directly promised 600 million yuan, showing the demeanor of a landlord.

"It's a little thing, I will definitely satisfy you if I come out!"

As soon as he heard that there was a full reward of 300 million, Bucky's eyes turned into banknotes, and he agreed instantly, as if he was afraid that the other party would go back on his word.

Even Luo kept silent in front of 300 million Baileys. Although he was not short of money, he didn't mind having more.

When I first became a supernova, the bounty was only 200 million. Even now it is only 440 million. 300 million Baileys are enough to buy most of my life.

Besides, this matter is not difficult, it is equivalent to earning 300 million for nothing, and they have no reason to refuse.

"Then look forward to the good news."

Seeing that the two agreed, Sakaski couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

I even suddenly feel that the Qibuhai system is not as bad as I imagined, at least it can help the navy deal with special things that are inconvenient for its own personnel to show up.

"That's how it is. I still have things to do here, so I won't send you two off."

"Flying squirrel, give it to me."

After getting the answer he wanted, Sakaski issued an order to expel the guest again, but he was much more tactful than before, at least he said a few polite words.



The two of them had already been mentally prepared for this, so they said goodbye and left directly.

As for Sakalski, he didn't stay here too long. He went out and turned a few corners before entering another meeting room.


The first time he stepped into the door, Sakalski coughed to remind others of his arrival.


A group of marines who were sitting and resting in the room hurriedly stood up and saluted Sakaski.

Sakaski didn't say anything about this, but he looked around but couldn't see the person he wanted to see, so he couldn't help asking in doubt.

"Has Lieutenant General Garp notified?"

The deep and hoarse voice made one of them tremble, but he stood up immediately.

"T-I've been notified. Lieutenant General Garp said he'll be here later."

It can be seen with the naked eye that Sakaski's brows are tightly frowned, and the four characters "I'm very upset" are clearly written on his face.

"Go and inform me again. If you can't bring someone in front of me within three minutes, you don't have to come back. Go straight to the front line!"

"Yes Yes!"

Facing the angry Sakalski, this subordinate completely lost the ability to defend himself, and rushed to the door non-stop to invite Karp.

boom! A muffled sound followed, and the navy who had just walked to the door collided with something, fell back into the meeting room again and sat down on the ground.

"Who is so short?"

The cursing words stopped suddenly at this point, the reason was very simple, he didn't dare to scold the person in front of him.

"Lieutenant General Garp! You're here."

At this moment, in the eyes of the navy, Garp's figure is even more exciting than his wife at night.

As a civil servant, he knew too well what would happen when he went to the battlefield, which meant the end of his life.

He knew too well how cruel the war was during this period. The news of victory published in the newspapers was just to reassure the world. Even so, tens of thousands of navies had been lost!

"Ah la la, there are too many urgent documents that need to be corrected, so I am sorry for being late."

Hearing Garp's explanation, Akainu's face turned black. Other people in the room may not be clear, but he understands it very well.

In the more than 30 years since I joined the army, I have never seen this old guy review any documents!

To perfuse himself with a reason that only he can see the flaw, in the eyes of Akainu, this is clearly a provocation!

For provoking Sakalski, uncle can bear it, aunt can't bear it, aunt can bear it, and she can bear it.

Since his strength has improved, Sakaski proudly believes that he is already comparable to the Warring States Period.

But for Garp, the dangerous person who has been mentioned many times by the Five Old Stars, Sakaski always maintains the awe he deserves.

"Just come, sit down."

For a moment, Sakaski seemed to be a different person, and it was difficult to see a little bit of anger on his face.

Everyone noticed the changes in Sakaski immediately, but no one dared to say a word.

Because they know very well that this is a collision between big bosses, if they get involved.

Hehe, I don't even know how I died.

After a while, everyone took their seats.

"The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the bounty issue of Katie's gang."

After speaking, he looked at Garp again.

"The reason why I invited you here is also because you and Katie have only played against each other recently, and I want to hear your opinion."

"That's it, easy to say. Just ask."

Facing Sakalski's explanation, Garp agreed and took out a bag of senbei to eat, and it was still crunchy and kimchi-flavored.

Smelling the smell of pickles in the air, and listening to the sound of chewing from his ears, Sakaski's veins suddenly popped up, and he wished he could kill Garp with a punch.

However, the power of the right fist gathered, scattered and gathered again, repeated several times and finally endured the anger in his heart.

At this moment, Sakaski finally understood why Sengoku couldn't help arguing with Karp, and finally felt his pain.

I secretly made a decision in my heart that I would definitely avoid meeting Karp as much as possible in the future. If I can't do it, I, the admiral of the navy, will take the initiative to avoid him, the lieutenant general!

"Let's start the meeting."

With Sakalski's announcement, the navy's meeting against Katie and his gang began again!

"This is the latest information about Katie's gang, please take a look first."

The person in charge placed a thick stack of materials in front of everyone.

Looking at the more than 50 pages of information, the wrinkles between Garp's brows are comparable to the largest mountains in the world. It is even more unacceptable for him to read these so-called latest materials than to kill him.

So the wayward Garp decisively chose to throw it away.

"Ahem, I don't think it needs to be so troublesome at all. You are responsible for reporting the names and I am responsible for giving the numbers to give suggestions. After that, you can decide on your own."

Faced with Karp's proposal, everyone's eyes could not help turning to Sakaski, who was sitting at the top, but they couldn't make a decision.

"Just do what Lieutenant General Garp says!"

Without thinking too much, Sakaski directly agreed to Karp's request. Although it would delay a lot of time, it shortened the time he and Karp spent together. In order to stay away from Kapu as soon as possible, Sakaski resolutely endured !

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