One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 251 High bounty

"Captain, Changeable Kitty."

"Three and a half billion Baileys."

The second after a navy announced his name, Karp immediately gave his own answer, so fast that it seemed that he hadn't thought about it at all.

A simple count of six words made everyone present stiff, and the meeting recorder almost fell off his chair.

As civil servants, they did not have high combat power, but they knew very well what the bounty of more than three billion Berries meant.

In terms of the amount alone, 3.5 billion has already entered the top ten in the world.

In addition, once the bounty exceeds three billion, it means that the existence of the enemy requires the navy to go all out, and the degree of danger is only lower than that of the Four Emperors. If Katie's age is considered, it is basically equivalent to saying that Katie will definitely become the fifth emperor in the future!

How could they not be shocked.

"What, is there a problem?"

Facing the sudden awkward atmosphere, Karp asked naturally.

Listening to Karp's words, a group of people lay down directly. That's 3.5 billion, not 3.51. Is it really good to make such an easy decision on such an important matter!

"Are you sure it's 3.5 billion Baileys? Is it a bit sloppy?"

Subordinates express themselves as tactfully as possible.

"Don't be hasty, I thought about it on the way here, this number is just right."

Hearing Karp's explanation, the subordinate felt a little relieved.

Oh, I thought about it on the way here, so I didn't ask. No, it's no problem.

There can be a few minutes on the way here, such an important matter has been decided in such a short time, let's play!

"Here, marshal, do you see?"

The subordinate really didn't know what to do, and couldn't help looking at Sakaski, who had been pensive since Karp finished talking about 3.5 billion.

"Continue, you can remember what Lieutenant General Karp says, don't talk nonsense!"

At this time, Sakaski surprisingly stood with Karp.

Although Karp was not pleasing to the eye, Sakaski knew that Karp would never intentionally make trouble in the face of right and wrong. He must have his reasons for saying this.

"Yes Yes!"

The subordinate hurriedly nodded and agreed, since one of the two dared to speak and the other dared to believe, there was no need for them to continue to struggle.

"Crew, Ice Queen Estes."

"Twenty-two billion Baileys."

"Navigator, Priestess Linna."

"1.7 billion Baileys."

"Swordsman, Sword Demon Koshiro."

"Twenty-one billion Baileys."

"Boatman, the golden murloc Tyrone."

"One and a half billion Baileys."

"Crew, Thunder God Enel."

"1.4 billion Baileys."

"Crew, Magellan the Poisoner."

"Two billion Baileys."

Just when the subordinate was about to read the next name, he was interrupted by Garp reaching out.

"For the last two interns, each person can set a random number. Well, it's nothing to do with me, so I'll go back first."

After speaking, he patted his butt and left, and his actions were neat and tidy.

By the time others reacted, Karp had no idea where he was going.

Under the moonlit night, the sea breeze blowing on the face carried a little taste of the sea. Looking up at the starry sky, I couldn't help stretching out my hand to grab the brightest star.

However, the next moment, a system voice suddenly came from my mind.

"Host, are you regretting this?"

Different from the past, this time the system's voice was slightly softer, caressing Katie's heart like a spring breeze.

"Regret? Why do you say that?"

Even though she knew what the system was referring to, Katie didn't intend to directly point it out.

"Counting from the public beheading of the Tianlongren, you have been in a bad state for more than a month, and you seem to be preoccupied. It is obvious that you have not let go of that matter."

As Katie's exclusive system, it knows Katie's status better than anyone else, so it took today's opportunity to clarify things.

"I didn't expect you to care about me, thank you."

The corners of the mouth are slightly raised. Of course, it is worth being happy to have such a caring system.

"However, there is one thing you said wrong. I have long since let go of killing the Tianlong people. After all, if I have to wait for so long to kill two pigs, I would have failed too much."

There was no ups and downs in his voice. In Katie's eyes, the Celestial Dragons were pigs, and they still couldn't eat worthless pigs.

"Then, what have you been thinking all this time?"

Hearing Katie's answer, the system felt relieved, but at the same time, new confusion appeared. If it wasn't because of the Tianlongren, then what was the reason?

"I'm just thinking about what to do next."

Speaking of this, Katie's eyes radiated a dazzling brilliance, which was endless guessing and planning.

"It is undeniable that the appearance of Garp and the words of the dragon have had a great impact on me, and even made me wonder what is going on in this world! But now I want to understand."

Katie's voice paused at this moment, and then continued after a while.

"Even before crossing over here, I have been thinking, does the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters really have the strongest strength in the Pirate World? The answer is obviously not, because Akainu can't beat Whitebeard."

"Would it be Whitebeard and Kaido who have the title of Four Emperors? Now it seems that they are not, because Garp, who is obviously an awakened one, is stronger."

"I don't know who is stronger than the dead Roger, Lockes and Garp, but I don't want to know now, because they must not be the strongest if someone appeared so early from outside the sky!"

Speaking of this, Katie's tone was finally no longer calm, and even said to be mixed with a little excitement.

"So far, what I know about the world of Pirates is only what Oda wants me to know, at most adding a little extra news from adventures. Even this is far from the real truth of the world. .”

"My own adventure, my journey has only just begun, this pirate world is destined to become different because of my existence!"

As soon as the words fell, another voice suddenly sounded.

"As expected of my man."

At the same time, Katie could only feel the softness on her back, and the intoxicating body fragrance was even more tangy.

The body turned around quickly, and her hands were naturally placed on the other's waist. Feeling the temperature from her fingertips, Katie's heart fluttered.

"You haven't slept yet?"

Katie asked subconsciously, after all, it's getting late now.

However, the warm air that was inadvertently exhaled was sprayed on Esdeth's snow-white neck.

Feeling the breath from Katie, Esdeth was also hot, and couldn't help but stepped forward to cling to Katie.

"Well, isn't this waiting for you?"

The voice was slightly waxy, and the eyes looking at Katie were like spring water.

"Then, go to sleep."

The beast's blood boiled in an instant, and a princess ran towards the familiar bedroom with a beautiful woman in her arms. Wushan was so intense.

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