One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 266 Weipa Plays

Katie's seemingly inadvertent slip of the tongue caused countless fantasies to emerge in the minds of others.

Dragon, everyone knows what this name means. It represents the leader of the revolutionary army and also represents the dozens of kingdoms that joined the revolutionary army.

The occurrence of the Tianlongren incident not only made Katie and his gang famous all over the world, but naturally also included the revolutionary army involved.

While ordinary people pay attention to the ending of the Tianlong people, those with brains and ambitions look to the Katie group and the revolutionary army who came together.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if the World Government is excluded, these two organizations occupy the largest scale and strongest combat power respectively.

With the support of dozens of kingdoms, the number of fighters under the revolutionary army has exceeded seven figures. This number is not so many fighters in any of the four emperors' forces or even all the four emperors combined.

As for Katie, although there are only ten members, the total bounty offered is a total of 15 billion!

Finding ten people in any of the Four Emperor Pirates, it is absolutely impossible to reach this number!

Once these two forces join forces to complement each other's strengths, no one knows how powerful it will be, and they don't want to know.

Therefore, when everyone heard the name dragon from Katie, various thoughts appeared one after another.

Especially Luo, even wondering if he should change his original development strategy.

However, this idea didn't stay in Luo's mind for too long, because he knew that what he needed to do now was to find a way to overcome the current hurdle.

Otherwise everything else is just fantasy!

His eyes glanced back and forth on the Emperor Wu, and the next moment Luo focused all his attention on a female face he had never seen before, because there was no such person in his information!

Apparently in the two months since killing the Draco, Katie found another companion out of nowhere.

However, Luo didn't focus on her for too long, and turned to look at the two of them.

Weipa and Kuina who are trainees!

Compared to strange women with unknown strengths, Luo is more inclined to them with relatively accurate information.

After thinking for a moment, Luo already had a plan in mind.

"Captain Katie, can we choose our opponent?"

He nodded and agreed with Luo's statement: "Anytime."

Looking at Trafalgar Law who was still thinking calmly at this time, Katie had to lament that this guy deserves to be the best brain among the supernovas.

Although he is completely absent from the first half of One Piece, this person has a lot of roles in the subsequent plots, especially the Dressrosa chapter.

The whole plot was almost to introduce his identity, experience, etc., and he still exists in the unfinished Wano country chapter.

It is even said that as Luffy's savior, Oda will definitely leave a strong mark on him, after all, his fruit ability is very good.

Advance and attack, play with the enemy in the palm of your hand; retreat and defend, heal the wounded and evacuate the scene in minutes.

But the premise is that you need a good body, otherwise you will have to rest for half a month if you release two Kamui like Kakashi at 50%.

"We choose Weipa, and please Master Katie."

After speaking, he looked at Katie with a worried face.

After all, the target I picked was not an official crew member. Of course, Luo didn't think he made a mistake, because Katie herself said that she could pick anyone.

Under Luo's nervous gaze, he was surprised to find Katie smiling.

And not only him, but everyone on the Emperor Wu laughed, not mocking but joking.

Taking one last look at Luo, Katie turned around and asked Weipa beside him, "Weipa, what do you think?"

"I think the one billion bounty has been settled."

For the challenge of the two Shichibukai, Wei Pa did not show any nervousness on his face, but was eager to try, like a wild wolf smelling blood.

With Tsunade's help, Weipa was able to act alone on the day the battle ended. Ordinary people need three months to recuperate. However, Weipa under the double increase of fruit and blood only took three days.

What Weipa, who has enough strength, looks forward to most is a battle to prove himself.

The challenge from Luo just satisfied his wish, and he even said that he was still worried that Luo chose someone else.

However, for Luo, at the moment when he looked at Wei Pa's eyes, he suddenly had a feeling of being stared at by a wild beast inexplicably.

However, the matter has come to this point, and I have no chance to regret it.

"The field here is too small, let's go out and fight!" After speaking, Luo left the palace without giving Luo a chance to refute.

Feeling the speed at which Weipa left, Luo's face turned black.

Obviously, I seriously misestimated Wei Pa's strength, his real strength is definitely more than 300 million bounties!

After taking a last look at Katie, Luo led the others to chase in the direction where Weipa disappeared.

But the attention is still on Katie, and I can't help but wonder whether Wei Pa was so strong from the beginning or because he followed Katie to become what he is now.

If you rely on Katie, can you do it yourself?

For a moment, Luo's attention went astray unconsciously.

"If King Habili doesn't mind, why don't you go and have a look?"

"Then respect is worse than obedience."

Facing Katie's invitation, Habilly agreed in a hurry, and even looked flattered.

Seeing that Katie turned around and was about to leave but didn't intend to invite herself, Alice couldn't help but begged: "Master Katie, can you take me for a ride? I want to see it too."

There is a strong longing in the eyes.

"Okay, let's go together."

I didn't expect Alice's request, and even said that she thought she would hate fighting and killing.

But what she saw through her eyes was a strong heart.

It was this heart that made me change my mind.

With a big hand, he immediately took the two of them to fly to God No., then disappeared from the real world, and rushed to the battlefield from a different space.

On the other side, on a high ground thousands of meters away from the imperial palace.

Weipa alone faced a dozen enemies including the two kings Shichibukai.

"Come on, let me see what level Qi Wuhai is!"

The Shichibukai, which makes ordinary people frightened, has become a tool for practicing hands with Wei Pa, whose strength has been greatly improved.

"Weipa is a little drifting." Tai Long, who happened to see this scene, couldn't help saying.

"It's a little bit, but this kid's strength has indeed improved a lot." Enilo continued.

Having had a battle with Weipa, he knows better what kind of combat power he has when he explodes with all his strength. The general lieutenant general of the Navy is no longer his opponent.

Enel asked Katie curiously: "Captain, who do you think will win this battle?"

"That depends on how that person feels."

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