One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 267 Weipa's Battle


Katie's statement can't help but make people feel very puzzled.

On this ship, Weipa's strength may be counted from the back, but it is also limited to the Emperor Wu. If it is placed outside, even the Four Emperor Pirates are enough to serve as the captain of the team.

On the other hand, these people in front of them, although there are two kings under Shichibukai, they don't have too impressive record. Although Weipa's strength is not enough to kill the enemy in seconds, it shouldn't be difficult to win.

However, they knew better that Katie would not be aimless, and among the dozen or so people in front of them, there was definitely a big guy who was hiding on purpose.

"Could it be Bucky?" His eyes swept over everyone, and Koshiro's eyes finally stopped on Bucky.

As a person who has experienced Roger's era, even though he has been living in seclusion in the East China Sea, he often hears stories about him. If the time point of explaining to his father is not right, he even has the intention to go to him.

Also as an intern on Roger's ship, the red-haired Shanks has already ruled the new world and become the emperor who despises the world.

On the other hand, Bucky, who has been unknown for more than 20 years, has shown himself as a clown, and the bounty offered before the war was only tens of millions.

It's almost indescribably strange that he has only recently made some name for himself.

Moreover, the captain's attitude towards him is also puzzling, that way he completely treats Bucky as a strong man of the same level.

"It seems that this battle is something to watch." Koshiro smiled slightly, and a little interest flashed across his originally calm face, and his palms were involuntarily stroking the handle of the knife.

"Yosie! Get him in three minutes, and then go get that bastard Katie!"

Bucky's attitude was as arrogant as ever, and he didn't even take Weipa seriously.

However, before Katie herself could say anything, Weipa on the battlefield got angry first.

"I can't pretend I didn't hear what you said!"

The body instantly exerted strength, and the whole body turned into a sharp arrow and rushed towards Bucky, and a huge hole directly burst out of the original position.

He will never allow anyone to say that Katie is not good, because everything he has now is bestowed by Katie, and he is no longer a benefactor.


Wei Pa's movements were too fast, even Luo only had time to shout two words.

Although they wished to leave Bucky sooner, it was not at this time, even if they parted ways, they had to deal with the enemies in front of them first!

"Torn apart, emergency escape!"

With an exclamation, Bucky decisively used his ability to split his body into more than a dozen pieces, barely avoiding Weipa's attack.

Bucky, who wiped off the cold sweat from his forehead and trembled, became angry, and looked at Wei Pa with extremely unfriendly eyes.

"Damn intern, don't be too arrogant. When I was an intern, you didn't know where to play with mud!"

Faced with Bucky's ridicule, Wei Pa was not angry at all and replied lightly: "As an intern on the Roger Pirates, you are really a failure now."

With a contemptuous tone and a disdainful expression, Weipa showed Katie's personal experience on the road of angering people to death.

Visible to the naked eye, Bucky's body trembled more violently, and his violently heaving chest made people wonder if this guy would spurt blood from anger, right?

While Weipa was enjoying the pleasure of mocking Bucky, the enemy's attack arrived quietly.

"Candle Shackles!"

In just an instant, both hands and feet were completely locked by the white candle.


Just as Weipa was trying to get rid of the candle, a large shadow suddenly fell over his head.


At the same time as the roar of the beast came, the lion's bloody maw had already reached the top of the head, and the dagger-like teeth exuded a palpitating chill. If it was really bitten, even Weipa would turn red.

"It's kind of interesting!"

However, the corners of Wei Pa's mouth curled up, and there was a hint of wildness in his pupils.

The body grew rapidly, and the white hair grew wildly all over the body like upside-down steel needles in the blink of an eye.

The candle with its limbs locked quickly collapsed, turning into slag all over the place.


Far louder and more terrifying than a lion's roar!

On the other hand, the sneak attacking lion seemed to have found something frightening, with obvious fear in his eyes, and even his half-closed mouth stayed where it was.

"Li, Liji, what's wrong with you, hurry up and attack!"

The sudden change really frightened Mochi, who was sitting on the back of the lion, and tried various methods to wake up his partner.

However, the result made Mo Qi startled and chilled. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't let the old man move a bit.

"Since you don't do it, then I will not be polite."

Weipa's voice came again, and for some reason, Mochi, who was a beast trainer, suddenly felt a sense of familiarity.

"Mochi, run!"

However, Mr3's reminder was one step too late.

With his bloody mouth wide open, Weipa brazenly grabbed the two largest fangs in the lion's mouth, and while the center of gravity sank slightly, his body exerted all his strength to directly lift up the lion, which weighed several tons!

"Get out!"

With a roar, the giant lion and Mochi instantly took off and crossed a perfect parabola in the air.

There was a loud bang and I don't know where it landed.

One second before he fell into a coma, Moqi finally understood why he felt familiar just now.

Because that kind of Weipa no longer belongs to human beings, but is a beast, a wild beast! It is more fierce and ruthless than all the beasts I have ever seen!

After realizing this, Moqi wanted to remind his partner, but Wan Jun's heavy eyelids made him unable to do anything.

So far, only ten seconds after the start of the battle, the Bucky Pirates have lost two members.

The originally slightly relaxed atmosphere suddenly became tense and depressing.

Looking at the white-haired monster in the middle of the field, they found that they had no idea what it was, and could only vaguely guess that it should be a kind of animal.

Feeling the fear in the eyes of the people around him, Weipa grinned: "Why, this is Qiwuhai? Is this a supernova?"

"Come on, let's go together!"


Hearing this, Luo gave the order to attack first, and Bai Xiong and others quickly followed.

"Let's go together and avenge Mochi and Liji!"

With a roar, Bucky also ordered to attack, the difference is that he did not rush to the front but fell behind

Bored, Katie accidentally discovered that the princess who asked to follow her was staring at the chaotic battlefield without blinking, even though she was trembling with fear.

"What do you think, Your Highness the Princess?"

Although Katie's voice was as gentle as possible, it still scared Alice, who was watching the battle intently.

"Ah, Kay, Katie-sama, I, I"

However, it quickly calmed down.

Maybe it was the identity of the savior who didn't know, but after seeing that the person who came was Katie, Alice was not as scared as the others.

"It's hard to imagine. Even though I have seen the power of my adult companions in the Chambord Islands before, I still can't understand how one person can be so powerful."

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