One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 268 Two Women and One Drama

However, what Katie cares about is that when Alice speaks, what is in Alice's eyes is not the fear of the strong, but the yearning, the yearning for power!

"Master Katie, do you know? I thought that as long as we are ourselves, and don't take the initiative to cause trouble, and don't take the initiative to commit trouble, life will naturally be stable and harmonious."

"However, the experience of this period of time made me fully understand that what I originally thought was really what I thought. Living in this world, it is impossible to be alone, and a person's thoughts are even more fragile in front of the whole world. Like a bubble, it will explode at the slightest movement."

Hearing this, Katie already guessed what she was going to say later, but she didn't interrupt.

"Only by mastering power, the power of money, the power of rights, and the power of fists, can we live a better life in this world. I am very glad that I am a princess, because this identity prevents me from experiencing the pain of ordinary people maintaining their lives since I was born." .”

"I originally thought that my life would continue like this until that day when the flag representing His Majesty Shichibukai Doflamingo appeared in the palace, and everything around him changed completely in an instant."

"If it weren't for the help of your crew, it would be impossible for me to stand here now. Today, just now, you saved me for the second time. I really can't repay this kindness."

"So if you don't mind, the little girl is willing to serve the adults around to repay her great kindness."

After speaking, a sly smile flashed across his face.

However, the voice that came from the next moment froze the smile on his face.

"Are you repaying your favor? My lovely princess."

With the cold tone and haughty posture, there is no doubt that the person who appeared at this moment is Esdesh!

As early as Alice asked to follow up, the woman's sixth sense was to tell Esdeth that something was wrong with the princess.

So from the very beginning, Esdeth paid part of his attention to the princess, especially when he found that Katie took the initiative to find her, because Alice did this to let her man take the initiative.

He no longer cared about the battlefield, and focused all his attention on Alice. When he heard the last sentence, Estes smiled.

Hehe, the little girl Pianzi actually wants to grab a man from my old lady, I'm afraid she's gone!

Feeling the chill on Esdeth's body, Katie decisively shut up and handed the stage to her.

And Alice's last request was indeed beyond her expectations. Although it is true that people are needed right now, not everyone is qualified to join.

"What does sister mean? Why can't my sister understand?"

There was an endless chill radiating from Esdeth's body, and even the king Habili who was beside him couldn't help trembling, but Liz had a cute face as if she hadn't noticed it at all.

However, these are useless in front of Queen Shaking S.

"I think you are pretending to be confused. If you want to repay your favor, you can give money, food or even say thank you. Why do you have to put yourself on the line?"

"Is there anything wrong with that?" Alice looked suspicious as if she didn't understand Esdesh's meaning.

"Hehe, we don't collect waste on board." This sentence hit Alice's sore spot.

Alice's face instantly became ugly.

Because this is irrefutable, and this is why I want to follow Katie.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting into a stalemate, Katie hurriedly interrupted.

"Let's talk about this later, the battle is about to end, let's see the result of the battle first."

While speaking, the battle on the high ground has gradually come to an end.

Weipa broke out with all his strength, people who were not strong had already left the field one after another, and only Luo, Qiangbalu, Bucky, Yarrita and Mr3 remained standing.

Seeing that there was one more combatant beside Bucky than himself, Luo's face became ugly for a while.

Although Luo Zi believed that his personal strength was far superior to Bucky, the overall performance of the crew made him helpless.

"Captain Bucky, I think we need to cooperate."

Facing the cruel reality, Luo still chose to bow his head and take the initiative to find Bucky.

"How to say?"

Seemingly aware of the seriousness of the problem, Bucky did not refuse Luo's proposal.

"So so. So so"

In a brief whisper, Ro introduced his plan to Bucky.

"Yoxi! Just do as you say!"

After nodding in agreement, he turned around and told Mr: "Mr3 seal him up, let him taste the taste of my uncle Bucky!"

Although I seriously doubted the Bucky bomb in Bucky's mouth, I couldn't think of a better way, so I could only ask him to do as he said.

"Speeding Candle Shackles!"

His hands were instantly empowered, and he quickly threw out sticky candles in an attempt to block Weipa's actions again.

"Oh, it's too slow."

Weipa, who had been fooled once, naturally couldn't be trapped by this little trick again, not to mention that now he can barely keep up with Enilo's speed, even if there are several attacks at the same time, he can still easily dodge.

"Candle blockade!"

One move failed and another move was made, but Mr3 turned into a candle fountain spewing out endless candles, and then divided into two groups to surround Weipa.

"That's it?"

Seeing that the candle encirclement was about to take shape, Wei Pa didn't panic at all, even showing a contemptuous smile on his face.

"Crush me!"

Both fists struck at the same time, hitting the candle wall more than one meter thick at the same time.

The candle wall, which was as hard as a stone, cracked and collapsed in an instant, and lasted for only a second.

"Don't be too arrogant, Bucky!"

At the same time, Bucky's attack was in front of him.

In Bucky's plan, Mr3 did not expect to trap Weipa at all. His role was only to bring Weipa a short gap, interfere with his normal actions, and cover up his attack.

A black cannonball the size of a marble ejected from the toe of Bucky's shoe and blasted towards Weipa with a whoosh.


The moment a danger signal came from Weipa's perception field, the secret Bucky bullet had already landed on him.

With a loud bang, a huge mushroom cloud with a diameter of more than ten meters was born.

The power of the Bucky bomb, which was the same size as a marble, exploded with the power comparable to that of a dozen normal shells. Such an interesting scene even surprised everyone on the Emperor Wu.

"I didn't expect this guy who looks like a clown to have two brushes."

Even Luo didn't expect that Bucky would bring such a big surprise. Such a close-range hit might cause a lot of damage to the opponent.

Weipa's figure gradually appeared after the thick smoke cleared.

The originally white and clean hair was dyed a layer of black, especially the chest area showed a large area of ​​burnt, faintly smelling of barbecue.

"Hey, you damn it!"

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