One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 270 The Real Bucky

The restless air finally had a moment of silence, and everyone was silently waiting for the final result.

The breeze blew slowly, blowing away the thick smoke and cooling the hearts of Bucky and others.

Through the smoke and dust, they vaguely saw a figure, a figure that was much larger than normal people. Although they didn't want to admit it, they knew that figure was definitely not Luo.

"Damn bastard, I'll fight you!"

It was really hard for Qiangbalu to accept this result, and his hill-like figure quickly moved towards the man in the smoke.

However, before Qiangbalu rushed into the world of smoke and dust, the people inside appeared first, and the crimson figure came to Qiangbalu in a flash.

"It's up to you!"

A domineering fist with an armed look brazenly hit the opponent's door, and a muffled sound forced Baru to go back and forth at an even faster speed.

The huge contrast between the front and rear made it impossible for others to react for a while, but the enemy on the battlefield never waited for you to react.

"And you, Little Candle, the word obscene and developmental is really appropriate for you."

Mr. was stunned, and suddenly a devil's moan came from his ear.

For a moment, the whole person froze in place like a wooden sculpture, because there was a demon standing beside him.


Without talking nonsense, Weipa directly punched Mr3 and asked him to join Jangbalu.

"Alrita, run!"

At this moment, Bucky finally came to his senses and raised his voice to remind Alrita who could stand besides himself.

But at this time, Weipa's own speed has already exceeded the speed of sound, and Weipa also arrived at the same time when Bucky's reminder sound arrived.

"Since your captain cares about you so much, I'll send you there for him."

As he said that, he also punched the other party.

Faced with this punch, Alrita gave up resisting because she knew that even if she resisted, it would not be really useful.

With a bang, the beautiful woman took off, pierced the sky and landed in Bucky's arms.

Looking at Alrita in a coma in his arms, Bucky was furious! "Reckless man, don't you know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade!"

Regarding Bucky's awareness, Wei Pa smiled, "Since you are on the battlefield, there is no distinction between men and women. I really doubt how you have come here for more than 20 years."

Facing Weipa's ridicule, Bucky was silent, although he had a clown face painted on his face, but he had a serious feeling personally.

"Little ghost, do you know that we should respect our elders, as the remnants of the old era, our temper is not very good."

Bucky disappeared the moment he finished speaking.

The sudden change made Weipa feel puzzled and nervous at the same time. He never expected that there would be another accident at this time, and it still happened to a clown!

What about people?

After looking around, there was only one thought left in Weipa's mind, where are the Buckies?

"Little devil, aren't you hanging? Why can't you see me when I'm on top of you?"

The indifferent voice made Wei Pa's heart tremble uncontrollably, why does this tone sound so similar to the captain's? But he is obviously just a clown!

Forcibly dispelling the uneasiness in his heart, he clenched his right fist and slammed directly to the top of his head without even looking!

"How, how is it possible!"

However, the result of the attack made Wei Pa feel cold for a while, and his fist was firmly blocked by the opponent!

It seems that it is not a person but a mountain standing in front of him, a huge mountain that pierces into the sky!

His fist, which is powerful enough to smash tons or even tens of tons of rocks with all his strength, can't stir up a storm in front of him.

The scene of huge contrast stunned everyone present, even if they knew that Bucky would not be as simple as Katie on the surface, they were still shocked at this moment.

In One Piece, which has been serialized since 1999, the image of Bucky has appeared since the fifth episode, and even now he has not received a box lunch.

The image of a timid, mischievous but Ouhuang has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

However, from this moment on, this image has completely changed, at least in my own eyes.

"Do you know why Katie agreed to let you fight?"

Before Weipa could accept the reality in front of him, Bucky's voice came again.

Subconsciously asked: "Why?"

"Because he wants me to beat you."

While speaking, a smile slowly emerged, and because Bucky's mouth was painted with red paint, this smile looked extraordinarily large.

In the next second, there was a rhythmic blowing sound, and Bucky threw Weipa's huge figure into the air and never fell again, because Bucky would always give a timely blow every time he was about to fall. fist.

In this way, Weipa kept ups and downs in the air like a rubber ball. Although there was resistance, all resistance seemed extremely fragile and unbearable in the face of absolute power.

Tai Long and the others on the Noble Emperor resisted the urge to make a move, and glanced over Katie from time to time.

The moment Bucky showed his true strength, they realized that Katie had her own plan for the whole thing from the beginning, so now they can only choose to watch.

Feeling Weipa's gradually weakening breath, Katie moved.

The body disappeared on the Emperor Wu in an instant, and in the next second it had arrived on the battlefield and appeared between Bucky and Weipa.

Holding Weipa falling from the sky with one hand, the other hand clenched into a fist and smashed at Bucky who was also attacking.

Seeing the two fists that were about to meet, everyone paused for no reason, as if something big was about to happen.


The quiet air boiled instantly, with two fists as the center, a storm swept over.

The huge sound is no longer simply transmitted to the ears, it has already transcended the limitations of the physical body and reached the depths of everyone's souls.

When the strong wind hit, it was as if an atomic bomb had been dropped into the air. If Tai Long and the others hadn't stood up in time, the entire Diwu would have been blown away!

At this moment, Alice's original desire for power disappeared in an instant, replaced by fear and fear.

If Weipa's battle can still be understood with the brain, then Katie and Bucky's attack can only be imagined in a dream.

Numerous trenches were cracked on the high ground with a radius of several kilometers, and the collapse and collapse proceeded simultaneously.

In an instant, the highland that was hundreds of meters above the horizon directly turned into a basin, and even the sky changed because of it.

Thousands of miles of white clouds have completely disappeared, and there is only a clear blue sky.

And this is just the result of the two punching each other, but it completely changed the original landscape.

Looking at the two people standing opposite each other in the sky, even Koshiro couldn't help sighing: "This guy is hiding too deeply."

Obviously, the collision did not decide the winner.

Although the captain didn't go all out, who can be sure that Bucky is going all out?

How could he show his full strength after hiding for more than 20 years?

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