One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 271 Captain John's Treasure

"Why, don't you plan to hide it?"

Katie chuckled softly as she looked Bucky up and down. After two years of meeting, this guy finally showed his true colors.

From the first time I met him, I copied the tearing effect from him through the system. At that moment, I knew that this guy was definitely not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

He even said that he was here for him this time.

In terms of background status, as a member of the Roger Pirates, Bucky is no less than anyone else.

In terms of knowledge, he who once set foot on the final place of the great voyage has accurate information that has been blank for a hundred years, and his understanding of the world is deeper than anyone present.

In terms of strength, how could it be possible that the talent and awareness of the person Luo Jie likes is not good!

Twenty or thirty years ago, Roger's enemies were all legendary pirates, Golden Lion, Whitebeard, Bondiwald, and so on.

Fighting against the pirate group commanded by these people, if it is a pig, it is impossible to survive, but anyone who can survive is a strong one!

"The ability has been copied by you, why should I be idle?"

While admitting Katie's statement, it also revealed Katie's secret.

There is no doubt that from the beginning, or from the beginning of the top war, a special tacit understanding has been formed between the two, and it is this tacit understanding that allows each other's secrets to be guarded.

"Then why did you come to me?" Bucky said as a matter of course, he believed that Katie appeared here just to find him, and helping the Uz Empire was just incidental.

Staring into Bucky's eyes, Katie said slowly, "I want to know the history of Blank for a hundred years."

In a word, the world is quiet.

Bucky's entire face stiffened instantly, and the aura on his body fluctuated even more like a volcano ready to erupt, and the danger signals kept ringing.

The reason why history is blank is naturally because someone deliberately made it for it. Looking at it now, this deliberately hidden person is the world government.

Because whenever someone gets involved in that period of history, the world government will find ways to silence those people forever, O'Hara is an example.

For the people on the ship of One Piece Roger, this secret means their existence, fetters and even everything.

The stiff expression was only for a moment, and then it returned to normal. If you didn't pay special attention, you wouldn't even notice that Bucky's face had changed.

"Shouldn't it be interesting for you to find that place by yourself?"

"You know, there is the most wealth in the world gathered there, which not only means money, but also a symbol of status and reputation. With your strength, young man, I believe you can get there and know everything without me!"

However, in the face of Bucky's passionate speech, Katie's face showed no fluctuations.

wealth? status? reputation?

Hehe, it's not as real as strength.

"Captain Bucky, I never said I wanted to be a pirate, and you are really not suitable for this kind of propaganda work. Even if you really want to do it, at least you have to take off the clown costume on your face."

But Bucky's face turned dark suddenly, full of embarrassment. "Uh, sure enough, let Shanks do this kind of thing."

After a pause, he went on to say: "For the sake of saving Ace, let's change the question. I can't tell you the secret of the final place, because the timing is too late, and I don't know whether you are the enemy or not." friend."

Taking a deep look at Bucky, although he didn't get the answer he wanted, a lot of information has been revealed in Bucky's refusal.

Like Rayleigh, they all had the idea of ​​​​saving Ace during the top war.

Then based on the performance of these two people, it can be guessed that other people in the original Roger Pirates should have the same idea.

There are two reasons why no action has been taken.

Either he was being watched, or he was burdened with other tasks and was inconvenient to move.

All in all, these old-timers didn't really retire, maybe they had other tasks.

"In that case, then I would like to know what exactly is Captain John's treasure that you have been looking for?"

It seemed that Katie's question hit Bucky's heart again, and the way he looked at Katie changed.

As everyone knows, at this moment, Bucky's heart is full of waves. It is not a secret that he is looking for treasures everywhere, and many people know it.

However, few people know that they have only one purpose all this time-to find Captain John's treasure.

Even if someone heard the name John from their own mouth, they would not remember it in their hearts.

Because this name has become so common on the street.

However, Katie remembered it, and it was still in the situation that she hadn't told him.

This is worth pondering.

"That's just an ordinary treasure, nothing special."

However, after meeting Katie's calm eyes, Bucky realized that this random reason was not convincing.

As Bucky was racking his brains for a better excuse, Katie spoke up.

"Captain John, if my guess is correct, this John should be the right-hand man of Lockes, the captain of the Lockes Pirates more than fifty years ago."

Even though she was asking, Katie looked confident and clearly believed in what she just said.

On the other hand, Bucky, when he heard the words Rocks Pirates, was completely stunned as if he had been struck by lightning.

"Lockes, Alexander D. Rocks, the overlord who ruled the sea before Roger, almost everyone in the world knows nothing about him, even if they know a little bit, they only know that among the four emperors today, except for the red hair, the other three and the sea admiral Golden Lion They were all his crew."

"However, in addition to this, there are three other top powerhouses beside Lockes, Wang Zhi, Silver Ax, and John."

Having said that, Katie stopped and stared at Bucky for a long time.

Finally Bucky spoke again.

"I don't know where you got this from when I was young. That's right, the Captain John I'm looking for is John from the Rocks Pirates."

"But it's a pity that I haven't found it so far?"

He shrugged his shoulders to show his helplessness, after all, after looking for something for twenty years but still not having a clue, anyone would be helpless.

When she heard that she couldn't find it, Katie also frowned, such words were meaningless.

"Well, how about I tell you an order left by Lockes at the last moment?"

As if to convince Katie, Bucky went on to explain: "You must know that Rocks failed because he was fighting with our captain besides Garp. Although Garp is strong, it is not enough to defeat Rocks alone. "

Frowning lightly, he couldn't deny that his heart was moving.

I know too little about Lockes, but some facts prove that there is still him behind some things.

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