One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 412: Enel's Discovery

"Well, this country is really strange." Looking at the genuine smiles on people's faces, Enilo couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Pirates are often synonymous with destruction and killing, but here it is not seen at all.

Everyone is very satisfied with the life under Doflamingo's current rule, even more than most kingdoms.

Could it be that this Doflamingo is actually a good guy?

Anilu couldn't help but have such a strange idea, otherwise how would he explain everything in front of him?

Just when Anilu was thinking hard about trying to understand all this, an unusual signal suddenly came from the range of the heart network.

The relaxed mood instantly became tense, and he walked quickly to the place that made him feel abnormal.

"My lord, you have a good eye. These cigars are all high-grade and high-quality goods. If you want me to give you a 10% discount!" the shopkeeper said boldly.

Because the total amount of cigars selected by the guests has exceeded 10 million Baileys!

Even after the discount, I can still make a profit of 2 million, which is a month's profit in normal times!

“These cigars are really good, but it would be even better with some extra ingredients!” said the customer.

Eyes gleamed with a captivating light, as if he had already tasted the intoxicating taste.

The shopkeeper couldn't help asking: "What is it?"

He believes that the customer in front of him is an absolute expert in cigars, and the way he selects cigars alone shows this.

I even started to imagine myself becoming a cigar tycoon in my mind.

The customer didn't treasure it either, so he immediately opened his mouth and gave the answer: "Of course it's blood!"

"Blood? What blood?"

Just as the shopkeeper was still thinking about the meaning of this sentence, a flash of light flashed.

Heads fell, blood spurted.

Picking up a cigar stained with scarlet blood, the customer slowly lights it for himself.


After taking a sip enjoying it, he glanced at the fallen shop owner and the customer said lightly: "Compared to 10% off, I prefer free. Moreover, the cigar mixed with blood tastes really good!"

After speaking, the customer collected all the cigars he had selected and turned to leave.

A moment later, Anilu stopped in front of the cigar shop, watching the man's back as he walked away, and the corners of his mouth slowly curled up.

He could clearly see the other person's face.

Shiliu of the Rain, the former Director of the Advancement City, is now the second captain of the Blackbeard Pirates.

"Yehahaha, the mouse's tail is finally exposed." Seeing this, Enilu followed quietly behind a hundred meters away.

He didn't contact Katie at the first time, because he was worried about scaring the enemy, and because Enilo thought that it would not be too late to contact the ship after he found the enemy's base camp.

"Since it's an alliance, I wonder if the two of you can tell Katie what level of strength she has reached. Is it possible that you can't kill him with your abilities?" Blackbeard asked as his eyes fell on the cloaked man.

As a person who has been with Whitebeard for more than 20 years, he is very clear about the strength of the cloaked man in front of him.

After the initial shock, Blackbeard's attention fell on Katie again.

If they are half-step awakeners and they all need to find helpers, then how strong Katie should be now!

Hearing that the lively banquet was instantly quiet, everyone's eyes fell on the cloaked man.

After the First World War in Beihai, their biggest enemy was no longer the White Beard of the Four Emperors, but this Katie who rose rapidly at the speed of a comet!

For this enemy, everyone has always given the highest attention.

However, the result of attention is restlessness again and again.

I thought that the Navy and the Four Emperors would not let go of the new force of the Shadow Tower.

But the subsequent facts made them give up this idea a little bit.

Whether it is the Navy or the Four Emperors, their attitudes towards the shadow building are surprisingly consistent, and they are collectively on the sidelines!

It was in this situation of onlookers that Katie got the Pluto battleship under construction!

When the news came, the Blackbeard Pirates were collectively silent.

The existence of the Pluto battleship has made the gap between the two sides even bigger, and it can even be said that they are no longer at the same level.

Once a collision occurs, one's own side may not be able to last for an hour.

This is also an important reason why Blackbeard agreed to the alliance so quickly, he was really scared!

"What level?" The cloaked boss murmured, glanced at Blackbeard and the others, and then said seriously: "Katie in her heyday can solve it by herself in about ten minutes, no, it should be within five minutes. Drop all of you."

Quiet, deadly still!

Some people opened their mouths to veto this answer, but they didn't know what to say when the words came to their lips.

But at this moment, the voice of the cloaked man came again.

"Of course I'm only talking about Katie three months ago. No one knows what he is like now."

Gudong, Gudong;

Facing this answer, Blackbeard and the others could not give any other reaction except to swallow their saliva persistently.

For someone else, the three-month period would probably stay the same, but for Katie it was a completely different landscape.

It is entirely possible that three months will take him to a whole new level.

"Could it be that you guys had a fight with Katie three months ago?" the sensitive Lafitte asked suspiciously.

The boss of the cloak man nodded and admitted: "That's right, before the Fishman Island was born, we fought Katie in the deep sea at 20,000 meters."

"Because of the appearance of Whitebeard, the battle did not tell the winner, and it is hard to say even if the battle ends in the end."

The pressure, the cloaked man's explanation made everyone present feel the pressure except Shiliu of the Rain and Bashas.

Before, they were 'confident' that if they really went to war with the Shadow Building, it would be no problem for them to persist for an hour.

However, it seems that if a war really starts, the battle will be resolved in three minutes.

Everyone doesn't know how to deal with the huge gap like a chasm. Being targeted by such a person, what should they do next? Everyone is thinking about this question.

Looking at the ugly black beard and others, the boss of the cloaked man was satisfied.

He has never let go of Blackbeard. Since this guy can betray Whitebeard and Doflamingo, he can also betray himself.

The best way to prevent betrayal is to make him feel fear and fear, and let him know that if he doesn't face Katie alone, he will be a lamb staying.

Threats of death are more useful than anything else, especially those who are greedy for life and afraid of death like Blackbeard.

After all, people all over the world could hear the guy who was on top of the war, "Dad".

Just when the cloaked man was about to say something more, the consciousness space suddenly sensed something.

He narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance.

"What's wrong?" Blackbeard couldn't help asking, feeling strange from the cloaked man.

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