One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 413: Anil Road in Distress


Smoking the top-quality cigars that he got for free, Shilieu of the Rain's depressed mood just eased a little.

Today’s life is really very different from what I imagined at the time, and it’s also the ability to replicate. Why can Katie become famous in the world and command a party, but the Blackbeard Pirates she belongs to can only hide in dark corners like street rats? Moldy alone.

This aggrieved feeling made him go crazy!


Under the extremely aggrieved situation, Shiliu brazenly drew his sword and slashed to the side, and the sword energy of more than ten meters instantly formed and slashed on the big tree beside him.

With a loud bang, the big tree that required several people to surround it collapsed.

Fortunately, there was no one around. Although there was a lot of movement, it did not cause a commotion.

The sudden madness of the mooring really scared Enilu who was following behind.

Well, it's so hard to buy, what kind of wind is there when you have nothing to do!

While thinking in my heart, I reached out and patted my chest to comfort myself.

As a novice in the tracking world, Enilo was really surprised by that moment just now.

The next moment, a sudden change occurred!

"My little brother is so elegant, he actually followed me all the way here."

The moment the sound came, Enilu turned into lightning and retreated to escape.

However, after retreating only 50 meters, Ai Nilu suddenly stopped, and his face was even more gloomy.

Not only because their whereabouts were exposed, but more importantly, the way to retreat in front of them was completely blocked by black gas!

There are people staring at him from behind, to the left and right, and even above his head.

What Enelu didn't expect the most was that the cloaked man who had appeared on Fishman Island before appeared again!

Moreover, according to their positions with the Blackbeard Pirates, it can be seen that the relationship between the two is absolutely extraordinary!

Thinking of this, Enilu's heart sank slightly, it was not a good thing for him or Shadow House.

"Thief hahahaha, why is the majestic Thor Enilo as sneaky as a thief?" Looking at the besieged Enilo, Blackbeard said arrogantly, but only he knew the tension hidden in his eyes.

Cai Cai's lightning ability just exposed his true identity. The key to the problem is who is in the shadow building!

Is it only Enilu who came alone, or several, or all of them.

Although the exact information has not yet been obtained, Blackbeard believes that it is almost impossible for Enel to be alone!

Although Katie is bold, she is not reckless. The decisive battle between Wind Island and the Navy is the best example.

Although he was defeated by the siege of several generals, he escaped from the city again a few days later, and abducted Magellan along the way, and then beheaded the Tianlongren.

Thinking of this, Blackbeard clenched his fists quietly.

I have already stayed away from that lunatic as much as possible, but the other party has no intention of letting me go, it's really hateful!

But at this time, Blackbeard has forgotten what he did before, maybe this is forgetfulness.

"Lei Ying!"

At a critical moment, Enilo didn't dare to have any reservations, and directly used the strongest skills!

In order to meet the enemy and create noise, Enilo knows very well that it is impossible to escape here with his own strength alone. Only by letting others notice can he have a chance of survival!

"Crush me!"

Just when Anilo was about to start accumulating energy to form a ten-meter-diameter lightning giant ball, a figure quickly appeared and punched the newly formed attack.

The powerful strength of the enemy destroyed the attack he condensed in an instant.

Looking at the cloaked man who shot, Enilu's heart almost sank to the bottom, and he had to admit that he was far from being the cloaked man's opponent.

"Dark Realm!"

The black beard on the other side was also not idle, and with a low shout, endless black air gushed out from him, enveloping the entire battlefield in an instant.

"Thunder Dance!"

Anilu tried his best to push the fruit ability to the extreme, and the violent thunder with a destructive aura attacked all around indiscriminately.

Although it temporarily blocked the enemy's attack, it failed to cause damage to the enemy, let alone break through the domain skills displayed by Blackbeard.

At a certain moment, Katie, who was walking forward, suddenly froze.

The careful Estes noticed Katie's abnormality at the first time, and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

"There's something wrong, come with me!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't explain, and just galloped in a certain direction, not caring whether his identity would be revealed.

Hearing this, Estes hurriedly followed, she knew that Katie must have discovered something.

A moment later, Katie appeared in the middle of a battlefield.

Feeling the breath and fluctuations remaining in the air, his face instantly became gloomy.

"How did Enel meet the man in the cloak?" Esdeth asked in surprise, his face full of dignity.

The electric shock marks around the battlefield were obviously left by Enilo, and the familiar power of law in the air made people think of the cloaked man three months ago.

"Not only the cloaked man, but also Blackbeard."

At this moment, Katie's voice was slightly hoarse, and there was a throbbing murderous intent hidden under her calm eyes.

"Notify everyone that the action plan has changed."

"Let the dragon take action immediately to control Bashas, ​​a member of the Blackbeard Pirates, and order Koshiro to give up monitoring Greenbit and search for the whereabouts of Blackbeard and the cloaked man in a different space!"

At the same time as the voice fell, Katie leaped to an altitude of several thousand meters.

Looking at Dressrosa at her feet, Katie opened her mouth and spit out four words.

"Heavenly fire descends!"

The next moment, endless purple flames gushed out from Katie's body, covering the sky with a radius of one kilometer in an instant.

The purple flames are like giant beasts devouring the sky, devouring all the light that originally belonged to the sun, quickly occupying the airspace of Dressrosa.

"What is that?"

Soon the vision in the sky attracted people's attention.

Countless residents looked up at the sky, full of curiosity about the sudden appearance of the purple sky, but no one noticed the danger coming.

In their view, there was nothing the Don Quixote family could not handle.

"Could it be the purple air from the sky?"

Some people are suspicious and authentic, because he can't think of other possibilities besides this.

However, for a few knowledgeable people, the moment they saw that purple color, they felt bad!

They know all too well what that means.

Looking at the purple sky above his head, Bashas hung up on the spot in the final.

Katie is here, what should I do? Do you want to continue with the finals in front of you?

Facing that man, Bashas didn't have any confidence. He would rather go to the naval base alone than face that man!

At the same time, the trio in the auditorium who received the notification slowly got up.

"Do it!"

With one order, the three of them moved at the same time.

Sweeping rapidly from three directions, Sabo, who replaced Luffy in the arena, launched an attack in an instant, completely surrounding Bashas!

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