One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 417 Warring States VS Columbus (2)

"Buddha Shock!"

With a roar, Zhan Guo took the lead in attacking, and pushed forward with his right hand to create a powerful shock wave. The terrifying force even made the surrounding air turbulent.

Although he hasn't made contact yet, Columbus has already sensed the horror of the attack through the detection device in Genji's body.

With his right hand swinging back towards the handle of the knife, he drew out the knife and slashed out a sharp sword before the shock wave came.

The next moment, the air boiled and rioted.

Centering on the battlefield, a burst of air took shape in an instant, and then galloped in all directions as a wild horse.

Jinbei, who was guarding Shirahoshi under the sea, looked up at the sky above the sea as if feeling something. He knew that Columbus and Sengoku had met.

Hold on bro!

Jinbe only had time to sigh in his heart, and even said that he couldn't even look back, because the only way to help him was to get to the Snowy Naval Base as soon as possible, and everything else was just a waste of time!

It wasn't until this moment that Jinbe realized that he was so weak, because he was not even qualified to fight side by side with others because of his weak strength! Can only live under the cover of others!

This kind of shock made Jinbe make up his mind to leave Murloc Island and embark on a journey after the Dressrosa incident.

Blindly staying on Murloc Island won't help him much, because the enemies coming against Katie are beyond his ability to face.

He didn't even have a chance to make a move, so how could he improve.

Even at the moment, whether he comes or not is not a big problem. With deep sea sea kings as bodyguards, let alone a naval base, even ten Bai Xing will not be injured at all.

The reason why I came here was just for peace of mind.

After all, this is Shirahoshi's first time leaving Murloc Island, and the purpose is still to start a war. I'm really worried that Shirahoshi will mess up the plan if he doesn't do anything.

Looking at the sky above his head, Neptune's eyes were full of worry.

Jinbei and Shirahoshi have been away for more than four minutes, and the battle above the head has also been going on for more than four minutes.

The continuous roar sounded like a bolt from the blue, and Neptune panicked. He knew who the attacking enemy was and how strong it was. Tai Long, who had a bounty of 1.5 billion, only lasted ten minutes in his hands.

However, Neptune doesn't know anything about the robot that suddenly appeared, let alone whether it can resolve the immediate crisis.

Even so, the robot is the last hope of Murloc Island, if it can't hold it, then no one can hold it.

"I have to say that being able to have such combat power as a robot is really beyond my expectations." At this moment, Warring States looked at Columbus with approval.

Because its strength has already reached the strength of an alternate general, such a robot is the first in the world!

Facing the recognition of the Warring States Period, Columbus smiled: "Hehe, you're just showing off in front of me. If you have the ability to say this in front of Lord Katie, if he doesn't beat you so hard that your own mother can't recognize me lose!"

Although it is a super artificial intelligence, Columbus did not learn the way that human beings cherish each other.

Well, when I was fighting just now, I didn't show mercy to my subordinates. Now my body is almost scattered, but I was told that it was beyond my expectations. How about playing?

And if it wasn't for the tight time, how could I have been beaten so badly by you before I had time to use the carbon steel rough stone on this body?

Hitting a mallet, turning around and throwing a date, do you really think that I, Columbus, have no temper?

Facing Columbus's mockery, Zhan Guo was not angry but pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Hehe, young people should restrain their anger."

"Sorry I'm not human, and even your grandpa's grandpa is not qualified to say this!"

After speaking, he waved his hand and slashed out a sword energy. Although he failed to threaten the Warring States, he successfully interrupted his preaching.

"In that case, I hope you can accept my last move!"

In an instant, the aura on Zhan Guo's body soared wildly, and 99% of the danger signals in the body lit up instantly to remind Columbus of the serious situation.

"Drip, the power of the law has been detected, be careful!"

"Drip, the power of the law has been detected, be careful!"

The last voice made Columbus startled, law, this guy in front of him has actually mastered the power of law?

But after thinking about it, it is not so impossible. After all, according to Bingshan and others, the former admiral in front of him is already the strongest group of people in the world at present, and it is normal to be able to master the power of law.

"Buddha's palm crosses the world!"

At this moment, the voice of the Warring States Period was extremely loud, as if a 100,000-jin copper and aluminum bell was being rung.

Solemn and holy.

At the same moment, Warring States attacked quickly, and the seemingly bulky body erupted with a terrifying speed that surpassed the sound and came to the top of Columbus in an instant, casting a shadow that completely enveloped Columbus!

The right hand with endless power slowly protruded out, and the target was pointing at Columbus's head.

Facing the deadly attack of the Warring States Period, Columbus stood there dumbfounded and motionless.

Seeing this scene, Warring States became cautious instead.

If the person standing in front of him was a human being, the Warring States might think that the other party chose to give up because of fear.

However, the key point is that this guy is clearly an emotionless robot, and it will not be able to give birth to fear, so it will not be caught without a fight, and its style is to resist to the end.

There must be a demon in everything that happens, and the Warring States believe that this guy definitely has a trick!

However, the palm that was punched out did not retract, but part of it was released to see what tricks it could pull off.

Just when the Warring States attack was only fifty meters away from Columbus, Columbus moved.

The energy furnace hidden inside the body was overloaded with 120% power, and the terrifying energy fluctuations even caused the surrounding space to fluctuate somewhat.

At the same time as the energy erupted, Columbus quickly slashed out with the knife in both hands.


The cyan dragon head took shape in an instant, and the realistic image even made the Warring States period stunned.

If it wasn't for not being able to feel life fluctuations, I would have really thought it was a real dragon.

Even so, Zhan Guo still shook his head secretly in his heart, it's just that this level of attack is still a little bit close to hurting himself.

The offensive did not change and still shot towards the robot's head.

At the same time that the blue dragon was about to take shape, the palm of the Warring States had also come to a place three centimeters above Columbus's head.

If there is no accident, both of them will be hit directly by the opponent's attack.

As for who will win in the end, I don't know.

However, until the last moment, the outcome is still unknown.

When there is only the last centimeter left, the accident will happen in vain!

"Thousand Shadow Slash!"

In an instant, the screen changed suddenly.

Thousands of identical Genji models and thousands of cyan dragons instantly appeared on the battlefield.

The blade is directed at the Warring States Period!

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