One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 418: Respective Thoughts

The overly exaggerated changes made the Warring States in battle appear a little sluggish.

In fact, because of the decades of fighting, I have never seen such a move, and I can't even tell which is the real body for a while.

Before Zhan Guo found out where his real body was, the danger signal in his mind was that he was aware of the enemy's tracks.

"Fudo Myoki!"

Warring States, who had no time to fight back, clasped their hands together, crossed their legs, and sat cross-legged in the air without any support, looking like a Buddha statue from a distance.

"Cut me!"

A voice came suddenly, and Columbus appeared above Sengoku.

The ferocious and realistic cyan dragon stared covetously at the huge and shiny golden head of the Warring States Period, and then rushed down without hesitation!

boom! ! !

The figure sitting cross-legged in the Warring States Period was instantly swallowed by the green dragon, and not a single cloud could be seen in the vast sky.

Facing this scene, the right minister of the Dragon Palace Kingdom went limp and lay down on the ground.

"The end, the end, to, how is it?"

Although he likes sunny weather, the scene in front of him is obviously man-made. It's just that the aftermath has achieved this, so what should the real attack look like?

Minister You didn't know or even thought about it, but he understood one thing.

If such an attack falls on Murloc Island, the island will probably not be able to withstand it.

Silence and uneasiness enveloped the entire murloc island. The unaware murlocs also realized something at this moment, subconsciously put their hands on their chests and prayed for the heroes who were fighting in the sky.

Stretching out his hand to touch the back of his head, the clear pain and sticky feeling made Zhan Guo realize that his defense had been breached.

Although the injury was not serious, I couldn't help being surprised.

If the attacker was Katie, I might really want to stay here today.

Taking a deep look at the robot not far away, whose energy fluctuations were much weaker, Zhan Guo admitted that he underestimated him.

"I lost today." After saying a word, Zhan Guo turned around and wanted to leave.

The five minutes had almost passed, and if he didn't go back, Snooki might be in danger.

Looking at the back of the Warring States that was about to disappear, Columbus suddenly said: "There is no winner or loser in today's battle, you and I will have a good fight tomorrow!"

Hearing this, Zhan Guo's body froze obviously during the flight, but he soon returned to normal and waved his hands without looking back.

After completing the mission, Columbus did not return to Murloc Island, but flew directly to the higher sky.

After this battle, the energy in the body has almost dried up, and the first task now is to replenish energy.

Otherwise, it is really no different from a pile of scrap iron.

"Bastard, what good deed have you done!"

Doflamingo, who arrived at the palace, didn't even have time to say hello to Tezolo, who also came back, but immediately dialed Blackbeard's phone bug.

Dover, who was extremely angry, opened his mouth and cursed directly. Anyway, he and his alliance had already existed in name only the moment the cloaked man appeared.

Although Blackbeard has never expressed his position to himself, he has been in the underground world for many years anyway, and he can think what Blackbeard is thinking with his toes.

It was impossible for him to agree to the cloaked man's proposal anyway.

Helping Wu Laoxing, who is a Tianlongren, deal with Katie, he will not do this!

"My dear ally, I was forced this time. Anilu under Katie found my residence, and I had to take it down. You won't blame me for this, right? "

After listening to Blackbeard's words, the expressions of Dover and Tezolo instantly became ugly.

If this was the case, it meant that Katie had sneaked in when she was arranging everything.

As for his purpose, it may be to seek revenge from Blackbeard.

At this time, Tezolo couldn't help but interjected: "What are you going to do, you must know that your members are also controlled by Katie."

If he was still skeptical before, then after hearing about Blackbeard, Tezolo was very sure that the person who took Bashas away was definitely Katie's subordinate.

The next moment, Blackbeard's arrogant and indifferent voice came from the phone bug.

"Thief hahahaha, I will avenge him!"

Hearing this sentence, both of Dover were a little startled. They didn't expect his answer to be like this, and they didn't expect him to answer so quickly and so decisively!

This kind of thing, even if they are cruel and evil in the eyes of outsiders, they can't do it, or they won't make up their minds so quickly.

Dover couldn't help asking: "Are you going to start a full-scale war with Katie?"

"No, not me."

Blackbeard's denial stunned the two of them again. At this point in the matter, they couldn't think of any other way for Blackbeard to resolve the immediate crisis.

However, Blackbeard had no intention of hiding, and soon gave the answer.

"It's us."

"In this situation, do you think you can still be alone?

"I have promised to form an alliance with the cloaked man. The two of them are enough to contain almost half of the shadow building's combat power. As long as we unite for the remaining half, we have every chance of winning!"

"Well, join us!" Blackbeard said.

Facing Blackbeard's proposal, the two of Dover were silent for a while, and then looked at each other.

After a while, Dover showed a wicked smile on his face, and then said to the phone bug: "Yes, Tezuolo and I are waiting for you in the palace."

"Thief hahahaha, I knew you would agree!"

After getting a satisfactory answer, Blackbeard's bad mood somewhat improved.

"Wait for me, I'll be there right away!" After answering, Blackbeard hung up the phone, and couldn't help speeding up his pace to the palace.

At this moment, Blackbeard has no doubts about Dover.

As his all-time ally, Blackbeard believed that Katie would never let him go easily.

In this way, he became his only reliance. Under such circumstances, Dover naturally wouldn't and couldn't lie to himself.

Similarly, the man in the cloak thought so too.

In the current situation, strength determines everything. They boast that only they can stop Katie on this island, so other people will naturally rely on themselves.

Little did they know that Dover and Tezolo, who were looking up at the sky in the palace, were showing conspiratorial smiles.

"Fufurfurfur, come on, come on! Anyway, the time is almost up."

"Although I can't control the situation, I can make it even more chaotic. This time, the new world will be opened by me!"

"Who is the final winner? Is it the World Government, Blackbeard, or Katie the Thousand Changes?"

Infected by Dover's emotions, Tezolo on the side couldn't help feeling proud.

The stage he set up this time is the most satisfying in his life. He believes that when all the participants show up, it will shock the whole world!

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