One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 419 Dover seeks a meeting

"Tell me, what are your specific plans?"

Looking at the black-bearded Dover who was walking slowly, he said indifferently, as for what kind of eyes are hidden behind the sun's eyes, no one except Dover knows.

"There is no plan, just go to war." Blackbeard said with his hands outstretched.

"The power we have now can completely confront the Shadow Tower head-on, there is no need to arrange anything."

Hearing that Dover frowned slightly, Blackbeard's words were correct, and the power he now possessed could indeed fight Katie recklessly.

but! The time has not yet come. If the war starts now, there will be many uncertain factors, and the biggest loss will be myself.

If we wait for all the personnel to arrive before starting the war, it will be fine to sink Dressrosa by then!

With this in mind, Dover began to think of ways to delay time.

"I have no objection to fighting head-on, but I'm afraid I can't keep the territory under my feet."

After listening to Dover's words, Blackbeard frowned slightly. He didn't expect him to care about other people's lives.

"Thief haha, aren't you joking? Are you caring about these ordinary people?" Blackbeard said with a surprised face, his eyes full of contempt and disdain.

At this moment, the air was somewhat heavy, and Blackbeard was very suspicious of Dover's abnormal performance, because before that he had personally destroyed several towns, why was he so hesitant today?

But Dover didn't panic, and said lightly: "Blackbeard, you are such a noble person, you forget things. Once this place is sunk by you, my SMILE factory will disappear, and the demon army will not be able to continue to expand. Already."

Hearing this answer, Blackbeard's expression relaxed, and he didn't want to give up on man-made devil fruits.

After counting the time, Dover said, "Give me five minutes, and my people will be able to pack up and take away the important things in five more minutes. What do you think?"

After hesitating for a moment, Blackbeard nodded and agreed, "Okay."

However, Blackbeard's voice barely fell, followed by Katie's voice in the sky.

"In the last three minutes, if I don't see Blackbeard, there is no need for this island to continue to exist!"

Kitty's ultimatum quickly spread throughout the island.

People panicked for a while, and at this time the residents naturally figured out the situation.

The purple sky above the head is not purple air at all, but a fiery flame of more than 9,000 degrees!

In just a short while, the temperature in Dressrosa had already soared above 40 degrees, and serious fires even broke out in some dry areas!

"No! This has nothing to do with us!"

"Where is Blackbeard, get out quickly!"

No one can be calm in the face of death, while praying to Katie, while yelling at Blackbeard who made him suffer.

Different from the outside, the palace conference room was silent for a while, and the time agreed by our side became meaningless because of Katie's words.

They have reasons to believe that since Katie dared to speak, he would definitely do it. Marin Fando dared to blow up, so why didn't he dare to do anything here.

"Thief ha ha ha ha!"

Hearing Katie's words, Blackbeard laughed maniacally, then turned his eyes to Dover.

"It's not that I don't give face, how to decide is up to you."

For a while, Dover was in trouble, with veins as thick as chopsticks all over his forehead, why didn't he give himself five minutes!

But the underground emperor is the underground emperor after all. After a brief moment of anger, Dover regained his composure.

Squeak. Squeak;

Pushing away the chair under his buttocks, Dover slowly got up, walked slowly to the window and stared at the figure above the sky.

A moment later, Dover unexpectedly soared into the sky, and the target was Katie!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the seats panicked and got up one by one, but they didn't dare to go to the window for fear of being discovered by Katie, so they could only stare at Dover's back with wide eyes.

"This bastard, what is he going to do!" Blackbeard turned around and questioned Tezolo, his eyes full of murderous intent.

Perceiving the danger, Tezolo subconsciously used his ability to transform all non-living matter around his body into hard gold.

After doing all this, I felt a little relieved, and then said: "I don't know what he is going to do, otherwise, why didn't I follow him?"

A reasonable explanation failed to dispel Blackbeard's suspicion, but it also restrained his emotions and did not act.

Just a Dover with an unclear attitude has already tilted the balance of victory and defeat. If there is another conflict with Tezolo, there is no need for a decisive battle with Katie.

Because the ending is already doomed, if there are two more enemies in a situation where you don't have an advantage, let's just run away with a woolen wool!

But he didn't do anything, and gave Xiliu and the others a look.

The few people who received the order stepped forward slowly and surrounded Tezolo in the center, their eyes full of vigilance.

Glancing at Shiliu and the others, Tezolo didn't say anything, because he would do the same thing if he were placed in the same position.

Seeing that there was nothing he could do, he simply sat back on the chair and waited silently.

When he was still 500 meters away from Katie, Dover in flight gave up his plan to move on.

Looking at the murloc Tyrone and the white ape Weipa standing in front of him, Dover felt a throbbing in his heart. These two are not something he can afford.

"If I remember correctly, our captain didn't seem to ask you to come, did he?" Tai Long spoke first, his deep voice full of hostility.

When Enilo was arrested, everyone was in a bad mood. If this person was not the captain's target, he would have done it long ago!

Weipa on the side was even more tense, as long as Katie gave the order to attack, he would attack immediately.

It doesn't matter if you are the king or the emperor, one punch will kill everything!

"I'm not hostile. I just want to talk to Lord Katie. Wouldn't it be better if we can resolve it peacefully?" Dover raised his hands as he spoke.

Seeing this, Tai Long frowned slightly, and the hostility in his eyes became more and more obvious. This guy's ability to say this meant that he knew the whereabouts of Enel, and even said that he had some kind of relationship with Blackbeard.

Just when Tyrone was hesitating, Katie's voice came.

"Let him in."

Hearing that although Tai Long and the two were unhappy, they had to make way.

Just when Dover walked up to Wei Pa's side, a voice suddenly came.

"Sun thief, I advise you not to play tricks, or I will kill you."

Turning his head to look at Weipa who was talking, Dover grinned and said nothing, then turned and flew straight to Katie.

A moment later, Dover stopped in the air twenty meters away from Katie.

It's not for keeping a safe distance, but because the body can no longer take a step forward.

The aura emanating from the other party's body was too strong, it had already formed a magnetic field, and the strength he possessed was not enough to move on.

And this is the result of Katie's deliberate control, otherwise she would not have come here at all, but would have stopped at 300 meters away.

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