One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 440: Dover's Conditions

Under Luo's extremely nervous gaze, Katie turned and looked at Luffy.

Although it was just a simple turning around, Luo was scared to death, and kept asking what to do? What should I do?

However, even though Luo asked thousands and thousands of times, he still couldn't get an answer.

"Maybe they were indeed your enemies before, but they are no longer." Katie shook her head as she spoke, then turned around and said nothing more.

Luffy, who was not satisfied with this answer, opened his mouth to veto it, but Usopp and Luo on the side were obviously faster.

Two big hands tightly covered Lu Fei's mouth, trying to keep him from saying anything!

Ignoring Luffy's movements, he looked at Dover again.

"My patience is limited, I will give you a minute."

"If I don't give the answer I want after one minute, I will be responsible for giving you a ride."

The cold voice was like the sigh of death, bringing infinite oppression to Dover and the others, making them almost breathless.

The strongest Dover and Tezolo are okay, they can barely resist Katie's coercion, but the others don't have this ability.

Although Katie never looked at her from the beginning to the end, the incomparably terrifying oppression hit her face like a wave of ten thousand meters, and she was not even as good as an ant in front of him.

Uncontrollable fear gushed out from the bottom of my heart, because the Grim Reaper holding a sickle was standing in front of him, and even said that he would swing down the soul-eating sickle to end him in a minute.

Tick, tick, tick;

It was the sound of cold sweat dripping, and the sound of time slipping away.

The originally weightless air, to the members of the Don Quixote family at this moment, is like a huge mountain that keeps getting heavier, bringing infinite pressure to everyone.

With a plop, someone finally couldn't bear it and fell to their knees.

And this successfully turned on a certain switch, and everyone standing behind Doflamingo knelt down one after another like dumplings.

When the time came to 50 seconds, the only three remaining top cadres of the Don Quixote family also knelt down, their trembling bodies and Dou Da's cold sweat perfectly demonstrated the extreme expression of fear.

This scene completely silenced the onlookers, Qingjiao and others, because they never thought that the mighty Don Quixote family would have today.

You must know that they are the kings of the underground world, controlling the fate of more than a dozen surrounding kingdoms.

In this sea area, the name of Don Quixote is even more useful than the World Government!

But it was such a strong group of people, because Katie knelt down collectively with one word.

After the silence, people were more worried. They didn't know how Katie treated her.

Especially King Elizabello II of the Kingdom of Prodence, because his kingdom is a member of the World Government Alliance.

Nowadays, everyone can see that Katie is at odds with the World Government. After all, Katie has touched their bottom line twice in a row.

Beheading the Tianlongren to take over the Pluto battleship, any one thing is enough to make the world government red-eyed. If Katie's strength is not strong enough, the war would have broken out long ago.

However, for Katie, the situation is completely opposite. If he wants to kill someone at this moment, no one can stop him! Don't worry about anything!

Seeing that the other party didn't intend to make a statement, Katie silently took out the Pokong.

The silver-white knife body is particularly dazzling and bright under the sunlight, but to Dover and others, it means infinite terror.

Silently counting the passage of time in her heart, when fifty-nine seconds passed, Katie's right hand slowly climbed up to the handle of the knife, and her eyes were full of cold killing intent.

It is undeniable that it is a pity to kill these two people directly, but the relationship between Dover and Blackbeard made Katie very unhappy.

If it weren't for his shelter, it would be impossible for the Blackbeard Pirates to remain unexposed for such a long time.

Once exposed, the Whitebeard Pirates will be greeted with crazy revenge, and it is impossible for him to be threatened!

At this moment, Katie was really moved!

Stared at by those eyes, Dover's heart instantly rose to his throat, and the threat of death that he hadn't felt for a long time made Dover's hesitant heart firm.

"As long as the lord promises me one condition, I will follow the lord!"

At the end of the minute, Dover gave his answer.


The cold voice didn't change at all, and the right hand holding the knife never let go.

"If your lord can officially declare war on the world government within a year, Dover will definitely follow you to the death!"

In front of everyone, Dover finally revealed the secret that had been sealed in his heart for decades.

He hated the Tianlong people, hated this decadent world ruled by the Tianlong people!

However, this decadent world is powerful and terrifying, even though he has destroyed several towns with his own hands, and even controlled several kingdoms to cause riots.

But compared to the huge forces under the rule of the Tianlong people, these are nothing at all.

Sadly, I am already in my forties.

Even if there are still sixty years left for him, it is impossible to really threaten the Tianlong people.

Unlike myself, the young Katie has enough strength and potential, and is currently the most likely existence of the Tianlong people in the world to destroy the world government.

If you can really destroy those people, it doesn't matter if you bow your head and become a vassal!

Hearing that Katie laughed, the dragon under the mask also laughed.

Because according to their calculations, even if Katie doesn't take the initiative to find trouble for a while, the other party will find a way to target the shadow building.

At that time, the declaration of war will become an inevitable result. It can be said that Dover's conditions are equivalent to not being mentioned.

However, compared to Katie's calmness, the other people on the side were blown up.

They never thought that Doflamingo, who is the king of Shichibukai, would have such a purpose.

However, everyone did not stay too much on Dover, but turned to Katie. Everyone knew that Katie's answer was the key.

If Katie shakes her head, that's fine; but if he nods, things will explode.

Although the two have stood on opposite sides for a long time, but before the face is completely torn apart, there is still room for turning around and buffering everything.

Once the face is really torn, it means the arrival of turbulent times.

Although Katie's current power is far inferior to that of the World Government, the high-end power that Katie possesses is awe-inspiring.

What's more, he is still in the stage of rapid development. If he can't do it now, it doesn't mean he won't do it in the future.

Once the two sides go to war, the impact will cover the entire world. Just thinking about it is terrifying.

Under the gaze of countless people, Katie's lips parted slightly.

"If that's all it is, you can pack up your things and follow me now."

Hearing this, the whole world was silent.

The meaning of this sentence could not be more obvious, Katie really intends to tear face with the world government, and it will be within a year!

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