One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 441: The two surrender

"Fufurfur, hahahaha!"

Hearing Katie's answer, Dover was completely insane, and his bewildered laughter made goose bumps all over the body of those who heard it.

In their eyes, Dover at the moment is simply a lunatic! An unreasonable lunatic!

"Dover, follow your lord to the death!"

The proud Doflamingo bowed slowly, and finally knelt down on one knee before Katie.

Looking at Dover who surrendered, Katie's bad mood just improved a little, and this trip finally had substantial gains, and it was not in vain for her to spend so much effort.

Immediately, his eyes turned to the Golden Emperor Tezolo who was at the side.

Before Katie could speak, Tezolo also knelt on one knee.

"Willing to listen to the adults."

The whole world remained silent for a moment because of the actions of the two.

Looking at Katie surrounded by strong men in the crowd, people can vaguely see the rise of a young emperor, but anyone with a little foresight can imagine that the world of tomorrow will definitely be changed because of this man.

The still world was broken by Katie's movement, but he walked slowly towards the kneeling crowd and stretched out his hands to help Dover and Tezolo up.

"I'll give you a day to clean up. I hope to see you on Fishman Island tomorrow night."

After leaving such a sentence, Katie turned and left.

"The shadow building belongs, withdraw!"

With an order, the thirteen people, including Sabo and Long, instantly vacated.

A door to another space opened at the right time, and it closed automatically after Katie and the others got in.

Just like that, Katie, who suddenly appeared, suddenly disappeared.

The entire Dressrosa was quiet for a few minutes before anyone started to move.

Katie just left?

After staring at the sky where Katie disappeared for a long time, people just accepted the fact that Katie really left.


The bystanders let out a long sigh of relief, because they didn't dare to breathe when he was around.

Feeling the remaining fear in their hearts, people couldn't help but smiled wryly and shook their heads. Apart from lamenting the huge gap in strength, they were more lamenting about Katie's age.

In his twenties, he is already standing on top of the world. Thinking back at his age, he just escaped from the protection of his parents, and the gap like a galaxy makes people feel ashamed to face it.

"Yosie, let's keep fighting!"

Seeing Katie leave, Luffy is gearing up to fight.

"Furfurfur, straw hat kid, and Luo, are you sure you still want to conflict with the current me?" When speaking, he emphasized the words "now me".

Wen Yanluo's face turned black instantly, of course he understood what Dover meant, but he didn't expect him to be so shameless.

One second he was still resisting Katie's beckoning, and the next second he began to use Katie's umbrella. I have seen shameless ones, but I have never seen such shameless ones! There is simply no limit!

"Forget it, the Straw Hats are in charge, things have progressed to this point and we can no longer make a move, so be it."

Although deep down in his heart he didn't want to give up, but the word Katie was like two huge mountains weighing him down. If he had a conflict with such a person, Luo didn't know if he would survive tomorrow.

However, Luffy, who was still there, was staring at Doflamingo closely, and had no intention of leaving immediately.

Seeing this, Dover's heart suddenly jumped for no reason.

This silly roe deer won't really want to continue, right? If so, do you resist or not?

He knew that the masked man who had been standing next to Katie just now was named Monkey D. Long, and he was the father of the silly roe deer in front of him.

Although I haven't figured out the relationship between Katie and Long, the relationship between the two is not simple no matter how you look at it.

In this case, it is obviously not appropriate to have a conflict with Luffy.

After Katie, everyone's eyes could not help but fall on Luffy.

Although he is no better than Katie in terms of strength or power, at this moment he also controls the fate of many people.

Before making the choice, Sauron and the others didn't say anything, because this was the captain's moment alone.

After thinking for a while, Lu Fei finally said: "Brother Ming, if you dare to hurt King Liku and the others again, no matter who protects you, I will blow you away!"

The loud and firm voice was transmitted into the ears of everyone present with incomparable clarity.

For this answer, people froze for a moment.

Apparently, this brat who was not afraid of anything and who had once picked up the banner of the world government two years ago finally had the existence of fear.

However, people did not underestimate him because of this, at least he dared to make his own voice.

On the other hand, when facing Katie in front of her, she wanted to get into the cracks in the ground just to reduce her sense of existence.

"let's go!"

Then he turned around and left first, a pair of angry and determined eyes were hidden under the lowered brim of the hat.

This time, I was thrown away by Katie again! ! !

Compared to the lost Luffy, Doflamingo is happy.

Looking at the back that is gradually going away, I suddenly feel that joining Katie like this is not a bad thing.


The creepy laughter spread again, making people around feel chills.

With Katie as his big backer, Doflamingo might become even more arrogant.

Holy Land, Mary Gioia;

Under the shroud of hazy moonlight, this piece of land of red soil looks extremely peaceful, but behind the tranquility lies the oppression and tension that cannot be ignored.

At the port of the Holy Land, a ship without any markings slowly approached.

However, the guard on the side was heartbroken and subconsciously straightened his back.

A moment later, the ship docked, and two men in white suits stepped down.

The leader was wearing a mask, and the second was Lu Qi who was still in Dressrosa during the day.

The people waiting on the side hurried forward to entertain.

"This way, my lords, please."

Hearing the words, the leader nodded, but said nothing.

His eyes swept over the other two ships behind him, and then he lifted his heels up.

Those are two ships with the navy and the world government military department respectively.

In a certain house on the Holy Land, there were seven people with bad complexions sitting on a round conference table with twenty seats.

They are five members of the Navy headed by Admiral Sakaski, including Admiral Fujitora, Lieutenant Admiral Tsuru, Karp, and retired Sengoku.

Immediately next to him is Steel Bone Kong, the commander-in-chief of the world government's entire army, who has made an appearance in the top war! And his deputy Noski, a middle-aged man.

Although they are acquaintances of each other, they have no intention of chatting, instead they all frown and don't know what they are thinking.

Even Karp put down the senbei that he never left his hand, and his face was also not very good-looking.


At a certain moment, the door opened, and it was the CP0 duo who arrived.

Looking across the several bosses sitting in the room, Lu Qi shrank his neck subconsciously.

There is no way that the status of these people is too high, if it is not for special circumstances, I am not qualified to participate at all.

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