One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 450 Holy Land National Treasure (1)

Having said that, Katie paused her gaze and looked back and forth between the two.

Because of their arrival, the completion progress of the system missions jumped directly from 80,000 to 120,000, even 20,000 more than the mission completion conditions, which is equivalent to bringing 20,000 combatants per person.

You must know that the Whitebeard Pirates had only forty-seven ships in the first battle. If each ship was equipped with 500 people, the total would be a little over 23,000.

That is to say, the number of troops possessed by Dover or Tezolo alone is already equal to that of the Whitebeard Pirates of the Four Emperors.

I really didn't expect such a situation, but after thinking about it, it is not difficult for Tezolo's boat to have an island the size of an island to accommodate 20,000 people.

As for Dover, it is no exaggeration to say that this guy has people all over the world. After all, he is the king of the underground world, and he may not even remember how many eyes and ears he has.

After a pause, Katie continued: "No one in the Shadow Building is competent in these two aspects, so I still have to leave it to you. I mean, you should understand, right?"

"Thank you, my lord, we will definitely live up to everyone's expectations!" Until this moment, the two people's hanging hearts were really let go.

Following Katie can be said to be the biggest gamble in their life. If they win, they will change their destiny and realize their dreams; however, once they lose their lives, they may perish in a short time.

The Dover duo don't know what their future holds, but at least for now Katie gives them peace of mind.

"Tezolo, later I will let someone introduce you to the latest financial situation of the Shadow Building, and transfer all the money to you. From today onwards, you will be in charge of all business activities in the Shadow Building, including the relationship with the Revolutionary Army and BIGMOM sea. Bandit trade."

"Dover, you are in charge of intelligence. In the past few days, pay attention to the movements of the navy and the world government, and report to me every day."


"It's adults!" The voices of the two were very firm, and even said that their eyes on Katie changed.

Although the current trading activities of the Shadow Building can be described as pitifully small, their status is extremely important, because the progress of trading activities is directly linked to the speed at which the Pluto warships are built.

It can be said that Tezolo, who is in charge of this task, is already a core member of the Shadow House.

Being so trusted, even Tezolo couldn't help feeling like he would die for his confidant.

As for Dover, who is responsible for intelligence missions, at first glance, it is nothing special, but when you think about it carefully, the importance is not weaker than trade activities.

Any organization or force in the world must set up a special intelligence department, because only by grasping the intelligence in advance can we preemptively take the initiative.

"One thing I want to ask you, Dover, to stop doing things like pornography, gambling, drugs, and slaves in the future. Arms can continue, but you can't maliciously start a war for the sale of arms, understand?"

Hearing this, Dover was taken aback for a moment, then nodded after a moment of hesitation and replied, "It's all up to you."

Compared to handing over military power, these demands are nothing at all, and since he decided to join the Shadow House, he must naturally abide by the rules, which Dover had been fully prepared for before coming here.

Nodding his head, Dover was able to agree smoothly and save himself a little saliva.

From the very beginning, I never thought about being a pirate, so naturally I couldn't get involved in improper business operations.

However, Katie didn't take her eyes off Dover, because he still had a problem that interested her quite a bit.

"Dover, if possible, can you tell me, what is the secret you have about the Holy Land 'National Treasure'?"

For a moment, Dover's face became a little ugly, and he never thought that Katie also knew his secret.

This gave him the illusion that everyone knew about it. Could it be that everyone knew about it?


Dover let out a long breath, his eyes behind the sunglasses were full of vicissitudes.

"National treasures are nothing but a cover used by the world government to cover people's ears."

At this moment, Dover decided to tell the secret that had been hidden in his heart for twenty or thirty years.

"Somewhere in the depths of the holy land of Mariejoa, there is an unknown historical text, and I only have a third of the content on it."

Hearing this, even Katie was shocked.

As one of the most mysterious things in the Pirate World, any piece of historical text records a certain shocking secret, so it is regarded as a taboo by the world government and no one is allowed to study it!

But under such circumstances, the world government forbids others from touching it, and at the same time erects a piece in the holy place that symbolizes supreme power. Such a behavior should not be too weird.

Without waiting for Katie to continue asking, Dover continued: "Although it is only a third of the content, it also allows me to restore the privileges of Tianlong people. As for the price, it is to keep a secret."

"But starting today, the world government is afraid that it will deprive these privileges, so it's okay to say it."

"I don't know what other historical texts are like, but the piece on the holy land is a record of a person's self-report. This person's name is St. Asoft Stinoch, who established One of the twenty kings of the World Government."

"How is it possible?!" Hearing this, Tezolo couldn't help but exclaimed.

Although no one has announced the content recorded in the main text of the history, but referring to the attitude of the world government, it can be seen that the things recorded above must be detrimental to them.

Under such circumstances, how could a king's self-report be recorded!

"Tezolo, don't interrupt him, anything is possible in this crazy world." Katie said seriously.

Katie had a hunch that Dover's next words might be able to verify her long-standing conjecture.

"Compared to the content of the record, this name is actually nothing, because the first sentence at the beginning of the article is 'sorry'."

There was a thunder on the ground, the simplest three words, but it made Tezuolo's Waijiao Linen speechless.

"Sorry, we failed."

"Although we tried our best, the enemy was too powerful. Sea God, God of War, Barbarian King, etc. were all defeated, and the entire Future Kingdom was slaughtered. Even the guardian clan had only a few adults left."

"However, because of their existence, the world still has a chance to be saved."

"The agreement was reached yesterday, the war is over and people can finally live in peace away from the flames of war."

"It's just that the threat is not over. Instead, it has penetrated into our home like a poisonous snake lurking in the grass, and it may attack at any time."

"I'm sorry, there are traitors among us, but because of the existence of the agreement, I can't say it. I can only tell future generations in this form. The truth has always been there."

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