One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 451 Holy Land National Treasure (2)

Seeing that Dover hadn't spoken for a long time, Tezolo couldn't help asking, "Where is it?"

"No, that's all I know." Dover replied truthfully.


Facing Dover's answer, Tezolo wanted to curse.

Is Kavin's technology so strong, even a word of information is fine!

Looking at Dover's face, Tezolo felt for the first time that this face was so fucking unworthy of a beating, and even said that if Katie was not present, he might have already couldn't help but make a move.

"Where did you find that history text?" Katie asked.

Although it is very frustrating not to get an answer, it is also something to do, at least it is better than not knowing anything.

"Pangu City in the depths of the Holy Land."

When he was speaking, Dover's face was full of dignity, because even Tianlong people could not enter that place at any time, only certain special periods were allowed to enter.

"Pan Gu City"

Repeating the name in a low voice, Katie frowned slightly.

Because as far as I know, the real ruler of the world government is the boss of Wulaoxing—Im, who lives in Pangu City.

This person can be said to be the most mysterious person in the pirate world, even more mysterious than Lockes.

Not to mention what it looks like, no one even knows its gender, only that it has a pair of eyes that are very similar to reincarnation eyes.

After thinking briefly for a moment, Katie said: "Your people can be stationed in the southwestern port area, but I have one condition, that you must restrain your subordinates."

"The Murloc Island is the headquarters of my Shadow Tower, and the Murloc Clan is the second batch of people who submit to me. I don't want to see conflicts happen, understand?"

Katie's serious tone made the two of Dover feel a little nervous, and they hurriedly replied: "Don't worry, my lord! We must restrain our subordinates!"

It's just that I'm somewhat puzzled. There are people who surrendered to Katie before the murlocs. Who are these people?

However, although the two were puzzled, they didn't ask stupidly. They knew very well that since Katie chose to hide it, it meant that they didn't know it before, and asking for it was asking for trouble.

"Okay, you all go back, I want to be alone." After speaking, he waved his hand to signal the two to leave.


With a farewell, the two turned and retreated.

Looking at the dark world in front of her, a possibly feasible plan loomed deep in Katie's mind.

Although the risk is great, once it succeeds, it will be of great help to oneself. At least it is possible to see clearly what the real enemy is like.

With a thought, Katie's figure disappeared from the spot.

After returning to her exclusive training room, Katie said in her heart: "Pukong, let's start too."

The first day after the Dressrosa incident passed so quietly. Except for the Noch Sea area where the Fishman Island is located and the sea area near Dressrosa, which was not very calm, other places were still the same as usual. What a difference.

However, on the second day after the battle ended, as the sun rose, a small number of newsbirds flew to several relatively lively sea areas with reports destined to shock the world.

"Hmm~, let me see what insignificant things are written in today's news."

A man was holding coffee in one hand, flipping through the newspaper indifferently in the other, guessing what might be in his mind.

For example, the vice admiral arrested a certain criminal pirate, or a country's bullshit

With the continuous opening of the newspaper, a word "Kai" appeared on the paper.

The uncommon vocabulary made the man immediately interested, but he was not in a hurry to open the newspaper and started guessing secretly.


Kaido? Katie?

The two names were immediately remembered by the man, and then there was no more.

Shaking his head and throwing these two names out of his mind, he didn't think that today's newspaper would be related to these two people.

Otherwise, the world would be so peaceful?

Don't be funny, if it was related to these two people, the world would have exploded long ago, okay?

"Hey, it's another day dominated by these headlines, what a fucking day."

The man's swearing stopped suddenly, because he opened the newspaper and saw the full headline.

Katie VS Kaido, the epic battle in Dressrosa!

Staring at the title with both eyes, the whole person kept the same movement for more than ten seconds!

"Baga! Waterfalk! #%#¥%#@%"

The hot coffee woke up the man, and before he had time to clean up the mess in front of him, he sat on the coffee-soaked chair and looked through it carefully.

New World Whitebeard Pirates, Moby Dick.

There were more than one hundred people gathered on the whole ship, but the atmosphere was terrifyingly quiet, no one said a word.

"Jie ha ha ha ha, I said that when I left last time, why did Katie ask specifically what our attitude would be if there was a conflict with Kaido or BIGMOM? It turned out to be settled a long time ago!"

Looking at Katie on the newspaper in his hand, Golden Lion said.

The twinkling eyes were full of admiration and emotion.

Beast Kaido, in any case, can be regarded as half of his younger generation, because of the relationship between White Beard and Katie, he can almost be regarded as his younger generation's younger generation.

After one and a half generations, Katie defeated Kaido head-on.

When he woke up and heard such news suddenly, even Golden Lion couldn't accept it for a while, and suddenly felt abandoned by the world.

Are you really old?

He, who had never thought about it like this before, couldn't help but feel this way when he first heard the news.

Katie is so young for her age!

You must know that the captain Lockes, who I have always admired, was only at the level of a backup general when Katie was this age.

On the other hand, Katie has already defeated the Four Emperors.

This cruel reality left the Golden Lion speechless.

"I have to say, White Beard, your eyes are vicious." Looking at White Beard, Golden Lion sighed sincerely.

Counting across the sea, the relationship between Whitebeard and Katie is irreplaceable by anyone, which also means that no matter how strong Katie becomes in the future, the whole group of Whitebeard can be said to be safe and secure.

And the stronger Katie is, the safer the white group will be.

However, there was not much joy on the white beard's face, instead, there was a bit of sadness.

"Anyway, you are an old man. You don't know what the world government will do next. This time, Katie will face an unprecedented crisis."

"If you care about it, you will be confused. When have you ever seen Katie suffer, huh?"

"This kid is very spirited. If he really can't bear it anymore, he will definitely call you for help. Since he hasn't called you yet, it means that he has the ability to solve all this."

"If you want me to tell you, don't worry about it here, what should you do?"

"Come on, let's go!"

As he spoke, he raised the flagon at hand.

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