One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 452: Double Emperor Alliance


Hearing the irresponsible words of the Golden Lion, White Beard shook his head and sighed, but he didn't think about it any more.

Katie has already grown up, and now he is no weaker than himself. Whether it is the navy or the world government, it is impossible to solve Katie in a short time. besieged.

Such an approach can indeed make it hard for Katie, but it won't cause substantial harm, and it won't last long.

One more day of their siege means one more day of consumption. All kinds of expenses add up to at least one or two hundred million a day, and they also have to bear the possibility of being attacked from the rear.

White Beard reckoned that it would be great if they could persist for a month.

a certain red earth continent;

"Shanks, what do you think of this matter?" Beckman said in a low voice, watching the red-haired back.

This incident happened too fast and too suddenly. It is not like a top war that can give others more than ten days to react, but when you know it, the matter is over and there is a result.

However, this result was too unexpected, too sudden.

Beckman has never underestimated Katie. When Katie first entered the new world, he believed that if the Shadow House really collided with a certain Four Emperor Pirates, the result would probably end in a draw.

Who would have thought that such an evaluation still underestimated Katie, he actually possessed the terrifying power to defeat Kaido.

Moreover, Beckman noticed Katie's various abilities during the battle, especially the skill of resolving space cracks. Although this cannot cause real damage in actual combat, it means that Katie has already set foot in space. ability.

Space, just thinking about it is scary.

"To be honest, I want to go to Murloc Island." Facing Beckman's question, Redhead gave such a strange answer.

Beckman subconsciously said: "Are you going to see Katie?"

"Yes and no."

Hearing this, Beckman's eyes flashed, realizing something.

"I understand, but in the current situation, I'm afraid it will be completed when we sail to the navy's encirclement."

"Who says it's not." He shrugged while speaking, with a look of helplessness on his face. "Wait, wait until everything is over before looking for a chance."

Wano Country, Ghost Island;

The dark clouds in the sky were far thicker than usual, and the frightening purple thunder exploded from time to time, making the already tense atmosphere even more depressing and even terrifying.

The day before yesterday, when the leader of the family was carried back by BIGMOM, all the cadres were nervous for a while, thinking that it was ambushed by the navy.

Some inquiries were fruitless, and the person who asked was almost slapped to death by BIGMOM!

After experiencing such a thing, although everyone was curious, they never dared to ask more questions.

However, a bad premonition suddenly appeared in my heart.

It wasn't until they read today's latest issue of the newspaper that everyone understood what had happened.

It turned out that the leader was not ambushed by the navy, but defeated by Katie.

So here comes the question, the other party is just a kid who has just stepped into the new world for less than two months, how did he do all this?

Is the enemy too strong? Still the leader himself.

Everyone can only think about this idea in their hearts and dare not say it out loud. Although the leader's defeat to Katie has become a fact, it is still easy to deal with him.

For a moment, the hearts of the Beasts Pirates fluttered.

Although Kaido has always been captured from time to time before, and has been defeated by Whitebeard several times.

But the title of the strongest man with white beard is not called for nothing, and everyone doesn't think it's a big deal if he loses to him.

On the other hand, Katie was known as 'Thousand Changes' until the bounty was increased to 3.5 billion; after 3.5 billion, the world gave him the title of 'the first person under the Four Emperors'.

No matter which of these two titles is compared with the strongest creature and the strongest man, they are all far behind.

So everyone couldn't accept this fact, and even couldn't help but slap themselves. Only when the pain came, did they confirm that it was not a dream.

Even so, he couldn't accept all of this. It's unbelievable that Master Kaido, whom he regarded as a god, would fail! Can't understand!

In the room, the Jack trio with the title of Three Plagues looked at the newspaper on the table with sad faces.

Staring at the photo of Katie in the newspaper, the three of them had different eyes.

The third-ranked Drought Jack was shaking uncontrollably, and Katie's eyes were always echoing in his mind, and his heart was filled with fear.

At this moment, he finally understood why he felt fear from Katie.

This guy can turn into a dragon like the leader!

Not to mention what he saw with his own eyes, just looking at the photo of the other party after he transformed into a dragon, unconcealable fear gushed out from the bottom of his heart.

What's more, it was reported that Katie's golden dragon was twice the size of her own leader, reaching a length of 20,000 meters!

The moment he saw the news, Jack was in a bad mood.

In the animal world, although size cannot completely determine strength, most of the time it can be directly determined. Based on this alone, the possibility of the leader losing to Katie is extremely high.

As for the other two, their brows have long been wrinkled into hash marks.

For a long time, no matter what kind of noise Katie made, the two of them dismissed it and always felt that they could do the same.

However, at this moment, facing the record of defeating their leader head-on, the two of them kept silent because they knew very well that they could not do it.

"Brother, what should we do?"

Jack looked at Jhin, and the moment the news came, he lost his mind and lost his mind. Although he knew that the pirate group must be in chaos, he couldn't think of any strategy to control the situation.

Under Jack's eager gaze, Jhin shook his head.

Even the leader hasn't slowed down yet, so what can he do?

Until now, Kaido still stayed in his room without taking a step.

However, what is strange is that BIGMOM has also stayed inside, and Jhin's abnormal behavior makes Jhin feel that something big is about to happen.

Jack, who didn't notice this, then turned his eyes to his second brother Quinn.

However, Quinn's refusal was even more straightforward. Before Jack opened his mouth, he said, "I don't know anything, so don't ask me."

Jack, who was blocked and had nothing to say, could only sit in the corner with a frustrated face and mold alone, hoping that the leader would come out quickly to stabilize the situation.

God seemed to be moved by Jack's loyalty, the closed door opened slowly with a creak, and Kaido and BIGMOM walked out one after another.

Looking at his own leader Kaido with a solemn face, Sankazu subconsciously slowed down his breathing, instinctively feeling that the two of them were about to announce some important news.

"Jin, go and inform me that from today on, our Hundred Beasts Pirates and BIGMOM Pirates will unite as an alliance!"

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