One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 471 Construction Progress (1)

Seeing this, Katie didn't talk nonsense, and immediately flew towards the underground laboratory.

In the past half a month, I haven't been here much because of various things. I am also very curious about the construction of the Tianwang Zhengtu and the Pluto battleship. I don't know where it is.

After a while, the two came to the entrance of the underground laboratory. Looking at the significantly larger opening and listening to the sounds of various mechanical operations, they felt a little anticipation in their hearts.

However, Garp was puzzled, and couldn't help asking: "Aren't we watching the King of Heaven? Why did you bring me to see the King of Pluto?"

Everyone knows that Katie holds the blueprint of the Pluto battleship in her hands, and combined with Katie's business activities with BIGMOM and the Revolutionary Army, anyone who is not stupid knows that Katie is building Pluto.

So when he heard the roaring sound of the machine below, Garp subconsciously thought it was the Pluto manufacturing factory.

"Who told you that the king of heaven is intact?"

After leaving a word, Katie jumped down. Garp was stunned and then hurriedly followed, but his brows could not help but frown, it is not good news that the king is damaged.

After three breaths of time, Katie appeared above the laboratory, watching the bustling factory operation under her feet, even though she was prepared in her heart, she was still shocked.

As far as the eye can see, the originally empty underground laboratory has been covered with all kinds of mechanical equipment, and a large number of formed parts and equipment have been piled up near the arsenal in the center.

"This this"

Karp, who came after him, was completely confused. When had he seen such a large-scale ultra-modern factory?

Even the pacifist manufacturing base that the Navy Headquarters spent a lot of money to build, compared with the one in front of us, it can be said to be a sky and a ground, and there is no comparison!

At this time, Columbus, who was controlling the Genji armor, flew from afar.

Garp, who glanced at the mechanical eyes, couldn't help but said: "Captain, is this your new recruit recently? His strength is not bad, but is he a bit older?"

Even though he said so on the lips, he was secretly startled in his heart, even though he didn't mean to say it.

You know, my mechanical eye is equipped with dozens of detection functions, and a scan can basically judge a person's strength.

Out of curiosity, I scanned Garp just now, and the result I got almost scared me into a short circuit!

The physical fitness of the old man in front of him has at least reached the middle level of awakened ones. Even eight hundred years ago, this level was absolutely outstanding, even the Seagod in his heyday was no more than that.

"Bastard, don't think that you can talk nonsense because you are a robot. Believe it or not, this old man will dismantle you!" Garp pretended to be angry, stretched out his hands and rolled up his sleeves as a gesture.

However, Katie's next sentence made him stop angrily.

"If you take it apart, you don't even want to see the king of heaven." At the same time, Katie noticed that the Genji in front of her eyes was significantly different from before.

The color of the body surface changed from the previous white to deep black, and the overall shape was slightly thicker. Katie guessed that the original carbon steel stone she had kept for herself was used.


Halfway through rolling up his sleeves, Garp had to stop.

"Ahem, it's understandable for young people to be angry, and I don't have the same knowledge as it."

Hearing this, Katie couldn't help but give him a blank stare. Columbus has existed for more than 800 years. If you look at age alone, you can be the eighteenth generation of Karp, not the nineteenth generation.

In the end, this guy called his ancestor a young man because he was a little older.

Good guy, I'll give you ninety-nine points for this operation, and I'm afraid you'll be proud if you lose one point.

Columbus on the side thought the same as Katie, but he didn't say anything. It was still afraid of Garp's strength.

Putting aside the joke, Garp said seriously: "Katie, you should also explain to me what's going on here, right?"

There are too many discrepancies between the current facts and various conjectures before Kaplai. What I can see is that I can’t see the shadow of Uranus at all. There are only large-scale equipment and factories. Is it possible that Uranus and Pluto have only designs left picture?

"Columbus, put that video out."

"Okay, Captain." Columbus nodded after hesitating for a moment.

Although the brazen old man in front of him was dressed a bit like the man who turned into a Buddha before, but since Katie said so, then it's not a big problem.

Immediately, Columbus searched thousands of databases for the video that was first shown to Katie when he was on the moon. Although Katie did not specify, this is the only video Katie has seen from him in the past two years.

The next moment, Columbus' eyes lit up, and a virtual figure appeared in the air, which was the real Columbus.

"I'm Columbus, welcome you or your arrival!"

After a while, the video ended, and Katie went on to explain.

"As you can see, the King of Heaven, that is, the Zhengtu, encountered an unidentified enemy during its expedition. After a battle, only the arsenal with technology and design drawings remained."

"The robot in front of you is equipped with the artificial intelligence that managed Zhengtu back then. It is also because of its existence that the king of heaven has the possibility of reappearing in the world."


Garp had been silent for a long time before accepting this fact. Although he couldn't help being a little disappointed, he had nothing to do with it. After all, it happened 800 years ago and he couldn't do anything about it.

Then he asked: "How long do you estimate the construction of the Heavenly King will be completed?"

Seeing this, Katie looked at Columbus with the same curiosity. She had never asked such a question before.

After some thought, Columbus said, "According to the current supply situation, it will take about half a year."

"Half a year?" Karp calculated silently in his heart.

"If you increase the supply of materials, can you digest it?"

Karp is not sure whether the current situation will last for half a year. After all, Katie's disturbance has made Im ashamed, and no one can say whether he will start a war in advance because of this.

"Of course!" When it comes to increasing the supply of materials, Columbus is excited.

"All the basic equipment has been built. This underground laboratory can even digest tens of millions of tons of materials a day, and don't forget that there is Pluto."

"Pluto? Is it here too?" Karp suddenly became interested.

It was said that Columbus pointed to the ground.

Seeing what Columbus meant, Katie couldn't help rubbing her forehead. "Are you trying to hollow out the empty island? I said why are there more mountains outside!"

I discovered the problem when I first came here. I don’t want to mention Bingshan and the others here. Based on my own experience, I found out that there are holes in the laboratory.

Now it seems that this guy has created a second basement.

"Hey, the captain is indeed the captain, you can see my plan at a glance, it's amazing!"

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