One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 472 Construction Progress (2)

"No, explain to me exactly what you think?"

"You put the Pluto battleship below, how do you plan to get it out when it's built?"

Different from the case of Tianwang, the Pluto battleship has been secretly built for two years, and its size is one size smaller than that of Tianwang, so it is destined to be built first than Tianwang, so we can't dismantle all these in front of us by then!

"Captain, didn't you say that, the way I think of is to hollow out."

After hearing Columbus's answer, Katie was taken aback for a moment, but she quickly thought of something, and said uncertainly: "You don't plan to open up the entire sky island, and then put the built Pluto down from under the island, do you?"

"Hey, that's right." Columbus nodded and admitted.

It is said that a group of black lines appeared on Katie's forehead, building these two things is really a bit of a waste island, what a good empty island has become!

"Okay, as long as you're happy." In this case, Katie has nothing to say. Anyway, there are not many residents in Sky Island, and the big deal is to move out collectively.

Then he said, "Take us to have a look."

"this way please!"

After a while, under the leadership of Columbus, the three came to the second basement floor.

After looking it over, Katie found that it was significantly larger than the previous floor, covering more than 2,000 square kilometers.

However, this does not mean that Pluto is bigger than Uranus, but because the underground laboratory is only responsible for the early construction of Uranus, and will be moved outside later, while Pluto's entire process must be completed here.

Before I had time to look at anything else, Bingshan and the others rushed over.


The Bingshan and others who rushed over were collectively stunned after seeing Karp's face, their eyes were obviously alert and nervous, if it wasn't for Katie who stood aside to accompany them, they would have turned around and run away.

"My lord, what's going on here?" Bingshan asked cautiously, for fear of hearing any bad news.

Seeing this, Katie explained: "Let's say officially, Karp is our ally from today on, so don't panic."

Hearing what Katie said, Bingshan and the others breathed a sigh of relief, as long as they are not enemies.

The construction of Pluto is at a critical time, if there is any accident at this time, I am afraid that the iceberg will want to die.

However, there is a new doubt in my heart.

Why did the rumored famous naval hero Lieutenant General Garp and Katie stay together? Is it a personal wish or the intention of the navy?

Bingshan personally guessed that it was mostly the former, so why did he do this?

You must know that Garp's reputation has spread throughout the world as early as thirty-eight years ago, and his contribution to the navy surpasses anyone in the world.

If he doesn't love the navy, why does he have to pay so much?

I want to ask but dare not, because this question must involve the secrets of the two of them.

Before Bingshan could continue to think, Katie's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Bingshan, what's the progress of Pluto's construction?"

"My lord, 80% of the construction has been completed, and it will be fully completed and launched in at most one and a half months."

"And with Lord Columbus's suggestion and technical support, we have modified the Pluto battleship to a certain extent, which can theoretically make the Pluto battleship fly!" Said Bingshan's face flashed very excited.

Because under the premise of having the ability to fly, the performance of the Pluto battleship will be greatly improved, whether it is ground strike or action speed, it will be at least half increased.

But the excitement didn't last long and was soon replaced by embarrassment, because there was one problem that would be useless if it couldn't be solved.

Seeing the difficulty of Bingshan, Katie said: "If you have anything to say, just say it, there are no other outsiders here."

Seeing the situation, Bingshan no longer concealed it and immediately said: "My lord, there is no problem with the construction, the problem is after the completion."

"According to our calculations, the Pluto battleship will be over 30,000 meters long and over 10,000 meters wide after it is fully completed. It is difficult to make it move with the existing energy sources alone."

"I really can't think of a solution to that."

Hearing this, Katie's eyes flashed a flash of clarity. This problem is really troublesome. In the previous life, the 300-meter-long aircraft carrier on Earth already needed nuclear power to support it. Pluto, which is a hundred times the size, is naturally not enough for ordinary energy, and even nuclear power may not be enough. use.

However, Katie already had the answer in her heart. She looked at Columbus who was aside and said pointedly: "I said, you must be colluding."

Because Columbus mentioned this problem before, he also agreed to come down to help get the explosive rock, but he was too busy to take care of it recently.

"How can it be? We don't have it!" Facing Katie's question, the two quickly denied it.

However, Katie is how she looks like.

But I don't care, only when they bring it up can I solve it as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late if I wait until it is completed.

Speaking of energy, though, Katie remembered one thing.

"Columbus, I remember seeing a topic called eternal energy in the captain's room before, can't it be realized?"

Hearing this sentence, everyone was taken aback for a moment, even Karp couldn't help but look sideways.

Eternal energy, if you master this thing, all difficulties will not be difficult.

"My lord was joking. It's not eternal energy in the true sense, it's just approaching eternity, and the materials needed are not available on Sea Spirit Planet at all."

"The reason why this issue arises is also because during the interstellar exploration, a substance with extremely large energy but small volume was discovered, and its existence made this issue possible."

"In the current situation, this technology is not possible."

Such an explanation made Garp and the others nodded in disappointment, but they didn't pay much attention to it. They didn't have too many extravagant hopes for eternal energy.

However, Katie's eyes lit up and she thought of a possibility, but she didn't say that she planned to discuss it with Columbus alone later.

"Bingshan, show us around." Katie said, curious about the Pluto battleship that was about to be completed.

"This way, my lord, please!"

Bingshan turned around and led the way.

About ten minutes later, everyone stopped in the central area and looked at the skeleton structure that was basically formed in front of them. Katie nodded frequently, showing a leadership style.

Even the barrel used to bombard Marin Fandor before has been installed.

Such a scene made Garp, who followed him, sigh in his heart: seeing a hundred things is worth seeing.

There have always been folk legends related to Pluto, but after seeing it, I realized that those legends are too simple.

There is a steel skeleton the size of an island, which is shocking just by looking at it. This is not a ship, it is clearly a sea fortress!

Of course, Katie is the most worthy of emotion. It is really amazing to be able to achieve this step by relying on one's own strength.

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