One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 473 Problems and Solutions

Half an hour later, Katie and the two left the empty island and returned to the sea.

Looking at the endless sea in front of him, Garp said: "I will find a way to help you get some materials. As for the Star Pool, let your people use it first and I will arrange people to come after the situation stabilizes."

Hearing this, Katie nodded and agreed. Although she didn't know about Karp's special way, she had no reason to refuse.

Then he added: "Actually, you can get Vegapunk to me. On my side, he can rest assured that he doesn't need to worry about any problems, and he can get help from Columbus. What do you think?"

"Let's talk about it, Vegapunk has too many eyes, it wouldn't be worth exposing our relationship because of it." Garp rejected Katie's proposal out of caution.

"Alright, you can figure it out." Katie didn't insist.

"Be careful, I'm leaving first."

After speaking, Garp turned and left and rushed into the vast night. He had been away for long enough, and it would be suspicious if he didn't go back.

Watching Garp leave, Katie changed her mood and returned to the banquet.

The Murloc Island was immersed in the jubilant banquet for the whole night, and the drowsiness that could not stop the attack gradually subsided until the next morning.

Katie returned to her room with Estes in her arms, and slept until dawn the next day.

The sun shines on Katie's face through the window and screen, waking up the sleeping Katie.

Looking at Estes, who looked like a little lazy cat in her arms, Katie smiled softly, and looked at her like that without getting up in a hurry.

I don't know how long it took, maybe Katie's gaze was too eager or maybe she really had enough sleep, Esdeth woke up leisurely.

"How was your sleep?" Katie couldn't help asking.

"Very tired!" Estes pointed out, looking at Katie with complaints.

"Oh?" He frowned, his eyes full of smiles.

"Where are you tired? I'll rub it for you."

As he spoke, his hands became dishonest and slid down Esdeth's back.

"No, I'm just kidding, I'm not tired at all, ah!"

When Estes woke up again, it was already afternoon.

"Baby, I've prepared the meal for you. I have something to go out first. Don't be too busy today. Rest at home."

Saying that she was dressed, Katie left a kiss on Esther's forehead.

"Well, I'll wait for you."

Feeling the temperature on his forehead, Estes nodded in agreement.

A while later, Katie met Doflamingo, Koshiro, and others who were in charge of management and counted who joined the Shadow Studio during this period.

"How is it? Is there any question?" Katie got straight to the point.

"My lord, this is the information we compiled. You can explain while looking at me." Dover handed over a document while speaking.

Just when Katie started to read, Dover introduced: "Because of your heroic act of marking the Holy Land, the number of people from all over the world who want to join our Shadow House has increased from the original 200,000 to 500,000, and the kingdom The coalition forces also stopped their siege operations.”

"If there is no accident, these 500,000 people will arrive one after another in the next month. When the time comes and add the existing 150,000 troops, we will have 650,000 fighters in the Shadow Building."

Regarding this number, even though Dover had known it for a long time, he was still quite shocked whenever he mentioned it.

However, Katie's eyes did not stop at the superficial figures, and said: "The strength of these people should vary greatly."

According to the data, 200,000 of the 500,000 people came from the Four Seas region.

Compared with the great route inspired by competition, the personal strength of people who live in the four seas all year round is undoubtedly much weaker.

"That's true." Dover nodded and admitted.

"Let's leave the question for now, you can continue." Katie reached out her hand to signal Dover.

"There is also the issue of the territory. I have talked with Mr. Koshiro. It would be inappropriate to put all these people together."

"Because the visitors are not only pirates and bandits, but also gang members from the underground world and farmers living in the allied countries. It can be said that there are mixed fish and dragons, and it is easy to have conflicts with each other."

"If they are managed separately, the existing Snowy and Punk Islands are not enough to hold so many people."

Speaking of which, Dover looked at Koshiro with an obvious hint in his eyes.

However, Koshiro showed hesitation.

"Just say what you have, there is no one else here."

Seeing Katie's words, Koshiro could only bite the bullet and said: "Captain, we discussed and felt that if this situation continues, Murloc Island is no longer suitable to continue to be the headquarters of Shadow Studio."

Hearing this, Katie frowned slightly, but Koshiro didn't expect Koshiro to mention this suddenly.


Katie is not in a hurry to express her opinion, but wants to hear the reasons of several people.

"There are three reasons. The first is the area. The area of ​​Murloc Island is not large, and with the five million Murlocs living here all year round, there is not much room for other people to live here."

"Second power problem: Today's Shadow Building is already one of the best in the world in terms of scale and influence, and should have its own exclusive territory, just like Andrea of ​​the Navy and Mary Joya of the World Government.

"The third management problem: there are not only our Shadow Building but also the Dragon Palace Kingdom on Murloc Island, and there will inevitably be various problems waiting to be resolved when all parties arrive, including resource allocation and other issues that may easily cause disputes. , it will be difficult to implement management if you stay here all the time.”

Faced with Koshiro's statement, Katie fell into deep thought, unable to deny that his consideration was indeed justified.

"So for these problems, do you have any good solutions?" Katie continued to ask, since the two analyzed the problems in such a detailed way, they should have some solutions in mind.

"The first two questions are easy to talk about. We think that these people should be managed separately, and Punk Island should be used as a gathering place for pirates and bandit underground world gangs."

"Then use Snowy as a gathering place for the kingdom's farmers, and arrange manpower to train personnel from both parties."

"As for the issue of the headquarters, although we all agree to relocate the headquarters, we are uncertain where to relocate, and there are quite big differences."

"Oh? Let's hear what you think." Katie suddenly became interested.

"My lord, let me talk first." Doflamingo on the side hurriedly said, for fear that Koshiro would preempt him.

"Just say what you say." Koshiro didn't care.

After sorting out his thoughts, Dover said: "I think we can definitely bring Dressrosa here. There is my foundation there. Give me a day and I promise to pack everything up and wait for the adults to settle in!"

Hearing this, Katie smiled and didn't comment, then gestured to Koshiro who was at the side.

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