One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 486: Dragon and Phoenix appear auspicious

The red sun was rising high, and when the time came to seven o'clock in the morning, there was finally some movement from the Shadow Tower.

Bang bang bang, bang bang bang

Deafening sounds of artillery shelling came one after another, and hundreds of artillery emplacements along the coastline that stretched for more than 100 kilometers fired simultaneously. The sudden movement could be clearly felt through the screen, and many people were even frightened to the point of shouting, "F*ck!" .

Despite this, no one complained. The prologue has begun, will the real drama be far behind? Everyone stared at the screen with their eyes wide open, eager to get in!

hold head high;


The moment the artillery fire stopped, two strange but inexplicably slowed-down sounds were heard.

Although he didn't know what happened, the announcer subconsciously turned the video phone to the source of the sound, which was the red tall building in the center of the Shadow Tower headquarters, and saw two figures standing above the tall building.

Because of the distance, the world couldn't see clearly who it was, but two names came out of their hearts for no reason, Katie and Esdeath.

The next moment, the two people burst out with extremely dazzling light, one gold and one blue!

The indescribable aura spread quickly, and then enveloped the entire Nuoqi Sea area.

People failed to see or ignored some places, because some amazing changes occurred with the appearance of this strange light.

Below the sea surface, countless marine creatures are still, their heads lowered towards the direction of the Shadow Tower to show respect. Even Karasen and other deep-sea sea kings do not dare to be disrespectful at all.

In the sky, all flying birds collectively paused at the same moment, suspended in place or circling around. Some birds living at high altitudes even actively lowered their flight altitude and hovered at low altitudes.

At a certain moment, the light receded, and two behemoths appeared, one of which was the well-known golden dragon.

The flickering golden light was far more dazzling than the early morning sun, and the huge body of 500 meters made people feel more awe than fear.

On the other side, opposite the golden dragon was a giant blue bird of similar size, with no trace of color on its body.

It is different from any other bird in the world. The moment everyone sees it, they just feel that it is so noble, so beautiful, and so sacred.

The azure feathers are as if carved from the highest quality blue crystal. Each one and every strand is impeccable. The three feathers floating in the wind are even more elegant, like graceful wickers and the perfect posture of a dancer.

"The divine bird Phoenix!"

On the Moby-Dick, after the initial shock, Marco couldn't hold back his exclamation. His eyes widened and his trembling body had four words of disbelief clearly written on his face.

"Tell me what's going on!" A rough voice came from the side. The only one on the whole ship who dared to say this was the Golden Lion. After all, the gentle father would not have such a bad temper.

"The divine bird Phoenix, like the golden dragon, is a creature that only exists in mythology. If the dragon family controls the ocean, then the Phoenix family controls the sky. They are the kings of all birds!"

The moment Marco's voice fell, the picture on the TV screen also changed.

Hoho! ! !

Chirp! ! !

The sea and sky boiled at the same time.

Countless marine creatures rushed out of the sea, ranging from the 10,000-meter-long behemoth Karasen to the small white fish as long as one finger.

In the sky, hundreds of thousands of birds, led by dozens of goshawks with wingspans of hundreds of meters, gathered, circling and dancing in a huge circle at the headquarters of the Shadow Tower.

In the center of the circle is the stage belonging to the golden dragon and ice phoenix.

After hovering for a while, Katie and Esdeath re-incarnated into humans, and two extremely young faces appeared in front of the world.

At this moment, the world was silent.

In fact, it is because these two people are too young. The young people's appearance makes people wonder whether they have lived like a pig or a dog over the years. It is also why there is such a big gap between people.

Especially Katie, in less than two and a half years, she has achieved something that ordinary people cannot achieve in two lifetimes.

Katie, even now people still clearly remember the first time they heard these two words.

That was a young man's self-introduction. He spoke his name for the first time under the execution platform of Marine Fando, the former headquarters of the Navy, under the gaze of one hundred thousand navy officers and the Whitebeard Pirates.

At that time, people felt that this young man had an extraordinary future.

But no one expected that it would be like this, not only overturning the Four Emperors' pattern, but also turning the Holy Land upside down with its own power.

He holds an army of 650,000, four islands, the blueprint of the Pluto battleship, and the Nine-Headed Deep Sea Sea King. In addition, he has formed an alliance with the Revolutionary Army. With such strength, he can completely challenge the World Government head-on.

No one would believe this to be true if they hadn't witnessed Katie's growth with their own eyes.

Even Im, who was sitting on the Void Throne, couldn't help but sigh secretly. Although he was an enemy, he couldn't deny the talent of this young man. Even in the outside world, such achievements were rare.

"However, since you are an enemy, your end is already doomed. A genius is nothing when he truly grows up!"

"If you're to blame, blame yourself for not being reincarnated and being born into such a low-civilized, rubbish world."

"Welcome to the host and deputy host!!!" A sharp voice suddenly came.

Everyone was surprised to find that the person speaking turned out to be Morgans, the former president of World Economic News. Only then did people realize why he was not in the previous shots. It turned out that he was the host.

Most people understand this change, but not Sakaski.


In Admiral Andrila's office, angry roars were mixed with the harsh sound of items being smashed. The soldiers guarding the door couldn't help but trembled in fear.

Looking at Morgans' figure on the screen, Sakaski felt itchy with hatred.

Putting aside the dozen reports he had written in the past month, just broadcasting in real time Katie's attack on the Holy Land was enough to sentence him to death.

However, before he could issue an arrest order, he was the first to receive a news report about him joining the Shadow House. What was even more annoying was that the report was written by him.

Sakaski was so angry at that time that he wanted to open his mouth and bite someone! Fortunately, I held back at the last moment, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to explain clearly.

Looking at the high-spirited Morgans on the screen, this made Sakaski, who insisted on absolute justice, intolerable. In his opinion, any extra second this guy lives is a violation of justice!

And not only him, but the 650,000 people who joined the Shadow Tower are criminals and should be killed. If the navy was not strong enough, he would have ordered the attack long ago.

"Asshole Katie, wait for me!"

Sakaski said fiercely that he has decided to propose the formation of a world coalition at this world conference, vowing to completely defeat Katie and defeat the Shadow Tower.

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