One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 487 New Mission

Katie reached out and waved lightly above the sky.

The next moment, the cheers stopped abruptly. Although everyone's eyes were still fanatical, they restrained their emotions.

Feeling the change in Esdeath's breath beside her, Katie couldn't help nodding secretly, the 60 million exchange points were not worth the money.

Before the Dressrosa incident, he still had 95 million exchange points and 340 skill points.

Before the battle, it cost 90 million exchange points to exchange three drops of ancestral dragon origin blood. Later, because the number of combatants under him exceeded 100,000 to complete the system task, they got another 50 million exchange points and 300 skill points.

Afterwards, in order to master the law of fire, another 640 skill points and 36 million skill points were spent. In the end, there were only 19 million exchange points left, and the skill points were completely reduced to zero.

However, he also completed the system task of declaring war on the world government. After a week of deliberation, the late task reward finally arrived.

The huge reward of 100 million exchange points plus 1,000 skill points surprised Katie, because the reward for completing the S-level main mission last time was only 100 million exchange points plus 500 skill points.

Little did they know that a bigger surprise was yet to come. Another week later, the notification sounded for the completion of the task again.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the main task and developing his power."

"Mission evaluation: The host successfully captured the six islands of Murloc Island, Punk Hazard, Punk Island, Snowy, Sky Island, and the Capital of Seven Waters. At the same time, the number of fighters under him reached 650,000. The subsequent declaration of war was even more sensational. The whole world, the final task completion level is S+!"

"Mission reward: 200 million exchange points, 2,000 skill points!"

The sudden huge surprise was like a boulder falling from the sky and almost knocked Katie unconscious. As a result, the total assets she owned totaled 319 million exchange points and 3,000 skill points.

In other words, as long as you are willing, you can push your physical fitness to god-level lv7 in an instant, but this kind of idea is just a thought and has not been implemented.

Because I can't guarantee whether I can block Im head-on after my physical fitness has been raised to god-level lv7.

It would be worth it if he could, but if he couldn't, it would be a waste of money. After all, he has nothing to do with himself now, so it's better to save these resources for emergencies.

A few days later, when the new mission came, Katie decisively spent 60 million exchange points to exchange for two drops of ice phoenix origin blood for Esthers, forcing her physical fitness to the god level.

In this way, there are 259 million exchange points left.

Originally, she planned to exchange for three drops, but she was stopped by Po Kong and she told herself that two drops would be enough, and then stared at Sode Baixue to hint something to herself.

It is said that although Katie doesn't know much about it, she chooses to believe in Pokong. After all, Zanpakuto is never just a sword. In addition, Esdesh and Sode Shirayuki's high degree of compatibility may really help her. .

So with Katie's company, Esdeth's body evolved rapidly from the inside out, but the process was really unspeakable, and if it was possible, Katie would like to replace her body.

Fortunately, all the efforts were not in vain, and when everything was over, Esdesh officially became an awakened one!

The progress of a task on the system page has also changed from 1/4 to 2/4.

This is exactly the new main task, named the strongest force construction!

Different from the previous ones, this mission has changed a lot both in terms of requirements and the way of completion.

The system directly gives four conditions, and every time one condition is completed, the corresponding reward can be obtained, in no particular order and can be done at the same time. When all four conditions are met, the main task will be completed.

The four conditions are: to have four awakened powerhouses, to have ten half-step awakened people, to have twenty general-level powerhouses, and to have two million combatants.

Every time you complete one item, you can get a reward of 100 million exchange points and 1,000 skill points. If you add the rewards for completing the main task, there will be at least 500 million exchange points and 5,000 skill points.

However, Katie was not overwhelmed by these rewards. You must know that it took a full 60 million exchange points to raise Esdesi from a half-step awakened person to an awakened person. It would be a loss for other people to do the same. die!

At this time, Katie was more and more thankful that she had snatched the star pool not long ago, and then combined with the blood factor potion mentioned by Garp, it would gradually improve everyone's strength.

The only downside is that this cycle is probably quite long.

After confirming the role of the star pool, the shadow building discussed it internally and unanimously decided to let Koshiro use it first.

Because he is the closest to the power of the law among all the people, and the last battle with Hawkeye was vaguely about to break through, only the last layer of window paper was missing.

A few days later, the completion progress of the column with ten half-step awakeners became 3/10, and it was self-evident who the other two were.

Fifteen days later, the red liquid in the star pool was finally full, and Koshiro jumped in second after Tailong.

Because of the company of the golden trident, his understanding of the law of water is quite profound.

However, it is a pity that Tailong failed to break through successfully. Although he has made great progress and reached the state before Koshiro, but sometimes such a little can decide everything.

For this result, Katie fell into deep thought, and it seemed that things were far from being as simple as she imagined.

Every time the star pool is used, there is an interval of fifteen days. In addition, it also requires the user to have a very deep understanding of the power of the law.

But if you think about it, you can't just sit in and control the power of the law. After all, the role of the star pool is only to assist breakthroughs.

Shaking his head to withdraw his attention, looking at the expecting crowd Katie said: "Hello everyone, I am Katie, and I just welcome everyone on behalf of Shadow Studio."

As soon as the words fell, the cheers sounded again, so that Katie had to wave again.

"As the announcer said just now, the team captain selection contest is about to begin, but"

The voice was drawn out, and Katie continued after she had whetted her appetite: "Before the trials start, I would like to take a little time for everyone to introduce the little treasure of Shadow Tower."

The first reaction of the world is not to guess what the so-called baby refers to, but to subconsciously look at Esthers beside Katie.

The whole world knows about the relationship between the two, is it really good for Katie to say this? Aren't you afraid that your family will take care of you after you go back?

However, Estes had a faint smile on his face, showing no signs of anger.

For a moment, all the male compatriots gave their thumbs up secretly. It should be said that Katie's family status is well established.

After the wild thoughts were over, everyone's attention returned to the topic, guessing what the so-called 'little baby' refers to.

"Not much nonsense, let's invite our little baby to come on stage!"

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