One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 490 Ryder Shot

"Earth Dungeon Sky Battlefield!"

However, Katie stretched out her right hand, and with the flash of brown light, pieces of earth and stone appeared out of thin air and then gathered into piles and floated in midair.

After a while, a floating island with a diameter of one thousand meters was formed, and the sky battlefield was worthy of its name.

"I announce that the team captain selection contest will begin!"

Roar! Ho ho!

With the falling of the voice, the atmosphere of the scene exploded in an instant, and the eyes of hundreds of thousands of people fell on the thirteen people neatly arranged above the sky.

At this moment, they are the focus, stars, and powerful existences with all kinds of glory.

It is even said that their names will remain in the history books forever for future generations to admire and remember. It is no exaggeration to say that each of their experiences can write a long and wonderful novel.

However, at this moment, while they are admired by others, they are also closely watched by countless people.

The Shadow Building has a total of 650,000 fighters, but these people are divided into 13 teams, which means that each team has about 50,000 members.

Fifty thousand is already equivalent to less than half of the number of people in the top war.

It is even said that before the Four Emperors formed an alliance to expand their strength, except for the BIGMOM Pirates, the other three did not have such a scale.

Moreover, some kingdoms in the world have no more than 50,000 troops in total.

This also means that once you become the captain of a certain team in the Shadow Building, your status is equivalent to that of a king, or even surpassed a king, because no country in the world has an ultimate weapon like Pluto.

Even though they knew none of these people were weak, everyone still had hope.

What if, what if he wins? What if I win by chance?

Although this possibility may not even have a probability of 0.1%, there should always be a possibility of 0.01%, or 0.001%.

As long as there is still hope, everyone is unwilling to give up, because once successful, the future will be smooth!

Besides, many people still have a little confidence in their own strength. They may not be the opponents of the strongest players, but it shouldn't be a big problem to deal with the last few weaker players.


When everyone was excited, a black shadow descended from the sky and landed on the battlefield in the sky. When they looked around, they found that it was Morgans.

"Chirp hahahaha, let's not talk nonsense, let's invite the first alternate captain, Baloric Redfield, to come on stage!!!"

The loud voice was drawn out extremely long, and at the same time Redfield made his official debut.

The whole person just stood there and made countless people's hearts tense. They subconsciously touched the weapons beside them and tensed their muscles to make a defensive posture.

"Those who want to challenge can come on stage."

After the words fell, the air was suddenly quiet.

Everyone is jealous that the captain's position is true, but it's not that he has no brains. Of course, the persimmons must be picked softly.

This person in front of him is as famous as Roger Whitebeard. Although he looks a little older, as long as the opponent still has 10% of his strength, he is not able to deal with him.

"Is there really no one to stand up? You have to know that there are other things to do next. If no one stands up within ten minutes, this competition will default to Master Ryder's victory."

However, no matter how provocative or seductive Morgans was, no one appeared on stage.

Seeing that the ten minutes were about to end, Redfield, who was about to become the official captain, made an unexpected move.

But he first drew a circle with a diameter of two meters on the ground, and then said: "Everyone, as long as you force me out of this circle, he will win, and there is no need to waste time one by one, let's go together!"

The calm voice was like a spring breeze blowing on the face without any fireworks, but it aroused everyone's competitive spirit.

They have never been so aggrieved when they grow up so big. They admit that they are not Ryder's opponent, but they just forced him out of a circle with a diameter of two meters and there is no limit on the manpower. for men!

"Don't look down on people, you bastard. You're just a remnant of the previous era. I'll meet you, old man!"

With a roar, a man with a big ax in his hand jumped to the battlefield in the sky, and he raised a huge ax the size of a door over his head and aimed it at Ryder's head, chopping it off with all his strength.

Faced with such a fierce blow, Ryder stood there calmly without showing any panic on his face, and only made a move when the attack was only one meter away from him.

However, he saw his body sinking slightly and his hands sticking to the sides of the giant axe. His body swung backwards and then forwards. The giant ax and the owner of the giant ax that had been falling vertically flew sideways in a certain direction.

Ah, ah, ah~

In a series of ups and downs of screams, the challenger disappeared.

However, when one person fell, more people stood up again.

"Brothers, let's go together!"

The naked eye can see that the entire sky battlefield is crowded with black crowds, there are probably at least a thousand people and all of them have some strength, otherwise they would not be able to jump to the sky battlefield.

This is also the reason why Katie suspended the battlefield in mid-air, that is, she simply screened the challengers and avoided the aftermath of the attack from destroying her own construction.

Facing a large wave of zombies coming, bah, a large wave of challengers, Ryder's face finally changed.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and then he adjusted his suit slowly, and in the end, he took a tie from nowhere to tie up his hair, and almost took two puffs on a cigarette.

After doing all this, he took a fighting pose.

"Come on, I hope you can warm up your lower body a little!"

The war was about to break out, tens of thousands of people and thousands of attacks erupted at the same time. At this moment, Ryder was facing a three-hundred and sixty-degree three-dimensional and incomparable full-scale attack.

This made Morgans, who was about to leave the sky battlefield, shouted crazy.

As early as when Ryder challenged everyone, he realized the seriousness of the problem, and frantically winked at the side to imply that the other party stopped, but they were all ignored without exception, so there was this scene in front of him.

Seeing that Ryder's figure was about to be swallowed by countless attacks, Morgans subconsciously looked at Katie. If this person died or was seriously injured and lost because of this, it would undoubtedly be a blow to Shadow House.

However, what puzzled him was that Katie didn't show any worry on her face, but showed interest instead.

Morgans was confused, could it be that Katie didn't care about Ryder's life at all?

The next moment, the exploding world made Morgans realize why Katie was "interested".

The people who were originally attacking Ryder flew out one by one for some reason, but Ryder, who was supposed to be swallowed by the attack, stood there intact, his suit was not wrinkled at all, and the circle under his feet was clearly visible. .

Gudong, Gudong;

Everyone swallowed their saliva collectively, their minds went blank, and the scenery really shocked them.

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