One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 491: Ryder's Law

There is an old saying in the world that goes: Two fists are no match for four hands.

However, what's going on in the current situation, Redfield alone overthrew thousands of enemies in the blink of an eye, and everyone couldn't even see how the opponent made his moves.

As everyone knows, it is true that two fists are difficult to defeat four hands, but there is one missing premise, at least the two sides in the battle should be of the same level, otherwise the result will subvert the cognition as it is now.


Seeing that Morgans forgot to declare the result, Katie couldn't help coughing lightly, very satisfied with Ryder's performance.

"What happened at that moment, why all the attacks were ineffective and they still attacked the master." Esdeth asked in doubt, his brows were full of confusion.

Seeing this, Katie didn't answer Esdeth's question immediately, but stretched out her hand to stroke her eyebrows before answering.

"Because of the specialness of Ryder's law, the laws he controls are different from the elemental laws that you and I master, and also different from Garp's laws that break through the limits of the human body. They are tactical laws based on combat skills."

"To put it simply, this guy is a master of combat. If you put aside all abilities and simply compete in skills, no one in the whole world can win against him."

"At the moment just now, relying on his deep understanding of techniques, he instantly found the flaws in every attack, and then used his strength to return all the attacks back to the original path."

"This, how many battles will it take to understand this!" Hearing Katie's explanation, Esdes was shocked.

Seeing through the weaknesses of thousands of attacks at a glance, just thinking about it feels terrifying.

"Who said it wasn't?"

Katie also expressed emotion that although she spoke clearly and logically, she would never be able to do it if she asked herself to do it.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being as famous as Roger, even though he is getting older, his ability has not diminished.

On the other side, after hearing Katie's voice, Morgans quickly returned with a shocking consciousness.

"Also, is there anything else you want to challenge?"

At this moment, the voice of Morgans, who dared to defy CP0's order, trembled somewhat.

As the most successful newspaper president in the world, it is not that he has not witnessed battles with his own eyes, but he has never seen such a shocking scene.

Thousands of people took the initiative to attack at the same time, but were easily resolved and killed by one person. Such a dramatic result may only appear in novels.

Faced with Morgans' question, the eyes of everyone below changed instantly, as if they were looking at a fool.

It's fine for one person like this, even Morgans can't help but feel a little dark when tens of thousands of people are staring at him like this, but this is a necessary procedure and he can't ignore it.

After waiting for ten minutes and seeing that no one came forward, Morgans said loudly: "Ledfield successfully defended the ring, and officially became the captain of the shadow building team!!!"




Cheers followed, and there were many people who challenged him, but there were even more people who did not challenge him.

Thinking of the possibility of being assigned to such a ruthless person, everyone was very excited, and following him at least their lives would be safe.

After the atmosphere became quieter, Morgans continued, "Please invite the second alternate captain, Douglas Barrett!"


As the sound fell, a loud bang followed.

Contrary to Ryder's calm appearance, Barrett's whole body was like a cannonball hitting the battlefield in the sky, and the ground within a radius of ten meters was even split open.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go together!"

Hearing this, leaving aside what happened to others, Morgans on the side turned black first.

The rules stipulated a one-on-one duel, but in the end, both of them asked the challenger to go up together. Morgans even began to doubt that he, the host, really needed to exist?

Of course, he could only think about this sentence in his heart, and didn't dare to really say it.

Not to mention that this is their right, the strength of these two alone can't afford to offend them.

Although Katie promises her status as the vice-captain, there are still strong and weak captains, not to mention the already short vice-captain.

Morgans now strictly follows a rule, as long as they are happy.

This time, the crowd didn't get carried away anymore, they stayed where they were and looked at me and I looked at you, trying to encourage others but they didn't mean to challenge at all.

"Why, are they all a bunch of useless men?" Seeing that the ten minutes were about to end, Barrett couldn't help provocatively.

In his opinion, he had to show his skills anyway, otherwise people would think he was inferior to that old guy Redfield.

Hearing that Morgans began to retreat, but he began to greet Barrett's family in his heart. Isn't it good to be promoted smoothly? Why do you have to line up? Is your life so boring and lacking in stimulation?

If it's really impossible, you can single out Mrs. Katie, I promise to let you know why the flowers are so popular.

"Damn it, go! Let this old boy know how good we are!"

The men couldn't stand being provoked like this, they were most annoyed when others said they were worthless.

You can't get used to this kind of person, just do it.

"Hey, that's right!"

Barrett smiled ferociously, kicked his body vigorously with his legs and ejected, and raised his basin-sized fist to greet the oncoming crowd.

boom! boom! boom!

Deafening roars sounded one after another, and every time dozens of people flew high and completely lost their combat effectiveness.

The majestic Barrett is like a tiger that has killed a flock of sheep. There is no one enemy at all, even if there are tens of thousands of enemies, I will wipe out the world by myself.

After an unknown amount of time, the entire battlefield in the sky finally calmed down, but the tragic scene made people shudder.

Countless people lay down on their backs, but the originally flat ground was now uneven, and there were more than a dozen holes completely piercing the sky battlefield, and the entire battlefield would collapse if there were a few more hits.

Seeing this, without waiting for Katie's reminder, Morgans hurried forward and announced: "Barrett successfully defended the ring and was promoted to the real captain of the team."

"Where are the medical personnel, please come forward and treat them."

Although Barrett has kept his hands, his fists and feet are not good after all, and some people still suffered some injuries.

Looking at Barrett, who was full of fighting spirit and obviously not addicted to fighting, Katie shook her head helplessly.

Although he and Ryder both like to fight, their attitudes towards fighting are very different. For him, the meaning of fighting is destruction, and the strikes are often heavy.

Ryder, on the other hand, thinks about fighting and enjoys fighting. He naturally has a stronger control over his strength, and he can also control his emotions well without making red eyes.

One is as calm and calm as a leopard, and its movement is astonishing if it does not move; the other is as fierce and brutal as a tiger, often bloodthirsty and warlike.

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