One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 510: Katie's Plan

A few hours passed in the blink of an eye, and under the darkness of night, a ship with the logo of the Revolutionary Army quietly entered the port, and then, led by a special person, stepped into the central high-rise of the shadow building headquarters.

Five minutes later, the senior leaders of the Revolutionary Army headed by Long formally met with Katie and others.

Looking at the dragon that walked in, Katie couldn't help frowning, because this guy felt much stronger than a month ago, and the qi and blood fluctuations that escaped were the most obvious, clearly reaching the god level!

"It really is Karp's own son!" Katie said with emotion in her heart.

The last time we met, his physical fitness was still a long way from the god level, and he had successfully broken through in less than a month.

Obviously, Long alone used at least two tubes of strengthening potions, and only his own son could get this kind of treatment.

In addition, Katie was a little surprised by the commander of the Quartet Army and Sabo who followed the dragon. After all, these people are the only high-end combat power of the Revolutionary Army.

All of them were dispatched at once, obviously Long was ready to do something big.

Of course, when Katie was observing the members of the Revolutionary Army, the other party was also looking at the people present in the Shadow House.

Even Long was secretly surprised. Although these people were no strangers, it was still unbelievable after seeing it with his own eyes.

Before that, I never thought that people like Ryder, Barrett, Doflamingo, Morgans, Magellan, etc. could sit together in peace.

As for the others, it was even more unbearable, their hearts were pounding and they were very nervous.

Although the other party restrained his aura, just like the so-called shadow of a famous tree, just sitting there brought endless pressure to others.

But anyway, I followed the dragon for many years, and although I was nervous, I restrained myself very well and did not lose my composure.

"Take a few seats." Katie said as the host.

Hearing that the Revolutionary Army and others nodded, they all sat down on the other side of the long table.

After all the other parties were seated, Katie continued: "If my guess is correct, Mr. Long should be here for the World Conference in a week's time."

Time was running out, and Katie didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the point.

"That's right, it's precisely for this purpose." Long nodded and admitted, and it's not surprising why Katie knew, after all, Flamingo and Morgans' intelligence capabilities in the Shadow Tower were no weaker than those of the Revolutionary Army.

"I don't know what Mr. Katie thinks about this matter?" Long followed the topic first and asked Katie seriously.

One bad thing about this incident is an all-out war sweeping the entire world. Neither I nor my father want to see this scene.

"The point of view is simple. The more the world government wants to do, the more we cannot make it happen. I will not just watch them continue this meeting." Katie's voice was very calm, but behind the calm was hidden With endless murderous intent.

Bello Betty, the commander of the Eastern Army who was sitting beside him, had goosebumps all over his hair, and when he thought of Katie's actions a month ago, he shouted 'crazy' in his heart.

"Then how to stop it?" Long continued to ask, noncommittal to Katie's statement.

"Compared to this, I'd like to know what attitude the Revolutionary Army has on this matter?" Katie didn't answer the question but looked at Long seriously. If the other party didn't intend to meddle in this matter, she didn't need to explain. .

"Our revolutionary army doesn't pay much attention to the World Conference, but we don't want the World Government to continue interfering in the internal affairs of those kingdoms that refuse to attend the World Conference."

After hearing this, Katie nodded slightly. This attitude is in line with the revolutionary army's long-standing style of doing things. It does not directly mix but adheres to its own principles.

"Of course, I personally don't want to see the World Conference go smoothly." At the end, Long added such an intriguing sentence, which made Katie unable to bear to look at him more.

After thinking for a moment, Katie stretched out two fingers and said, "There are two directions to prevent the World Conference, that is, two methods."

"One: Send troops to intercept the envoys of various kingdoms on the way, so that they cannot reach the Holy Land at the appointed time."

"As for the second thing, it's much simpler. On the day of the World Conference, I will go to the Holy Land again to see how they treat me, an uninvited guest!"

Hearing this, except for Long's calm face, the other members of the Revolutionary Army were all shocked and frightened.

Of course they knew what Katie's words meant, they clearly wanted to attack the Holy Land!

At this moment, even though they were enemies, Sabo and the others suddenly felt that the world government was in a miserable state, and in less than forty days, they were beaten into the headquarters twice! And it's the same person!

Of course, more than sympathy, it was shocking, shocking Katie's courage and strength, because he was the only one in the whole world who could do this.

Before Betty and the others could react, Katie said again: "Dover, share the information you compiled with friends in the Revolutionary Army."


Dover got up, and then sent the materials prepared in advance to Long and others.

Seeing it, several people picked it up and looked through it, very curious about the things inside.

But after reading three or five pages, the curiosity in my heart gradually dissipated, and the information in my hand only recorded the situation of those kingdoms.

These ordinary people may not be able to get in touch with them, but it seems irrelevant to them, who are high-ranking members of the Revolutionary Army who deal with the kingdom's forces, and even said that they found a few misinformation at a glance.

If it wasn't for the need to give Katie and others face in the shadow studio, I would have put it down as early as after reading the first page.

However, after seeing Doflamingo's analysis of the matter and his personal speculation later, several people couldn't help but frowned and put away their contemptuous hearts.

Especially when they saw that controlling all the kings took the opportunity to control the entire world, Sabo and others felt chills on their backs and were very worried.

"This, this is unlikely, right?"

Betty, who was sitting in the fourth seat, couldn't help questioning, she couldn't believe that the world government would do this for a meeting.

"Fufurfurfur, thanks to your hostility to the world government for so many years, don't you understand their character? Or is it that they have always been saints in your heart?" Doflamingo said with a bit of sneer on his face , I didn't expect the majestic revolutionary army commander to be so simple. I really don't know how these people have survived until now.

It should be said that this world is still too kind and such a brainless person can live until now, if I let myself meet you earlier, I would sell you every minute.


Angry Betty opened her mouth to reply, but was stopped by Long's eyes.

Looking at the information in his hand and looking at Doflamingo, Long had to admit that this person is indeed a talent, because he also had such concerns.

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