One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 511 Katie's Explanation (1)

The reason why I added a personal point of view just now is because of such worries, not flattery.

As a former vice admiral, he is too aware of the virtues of a world government.

Although it looks beautiful on the outside, the things they do behind the scenes are more hateful than the enemies who burned, killed and looted. It can be said that no one knows how dirty the world government is behind its glamorous appearance.

Just like the escalator in the Holy Land, although it looks high-end and elegant, it is actually pulled by countless groups of slaves hidden below the ground with their bodies. Such an act is outrageous!

"As the saying goes, the heart of defense is indispensable. As an enemy, we don't need to think too well of the world government. As an ally, I have a proposal that I hope you can seriously consider."

Looking directly at Sabo and the others, Katie said in a deep voice, "A week later will be a good day, and it's time for the world government to withdraw from the stage and become history."

Knock, click!

This time, including Long, the hearts of all members of the Revolutionary Army paused collectively.

They expected that Katie was likely to attack the Holy Land again, but they didn't think that he would launch a general attack. They thought that he would go up and destroy it by himself as before, and then turned around and left.

I couldn't help looking at the thirteen team captains sitting opposite, but found that the other party was calm and unsurprised, not only that, but also eager to try, as if wishing to rush up now.

Sabo and others couldn't help asking in their hearts what happened to the world? Why are there so many lunatics every year?

Since when did the Holy Land become a place where you can go wherever you want, is it just so shameless?


Taking a long breath, Long forced himself to calm down, glanced at Katie and Ryder who were under Esdeth's attack, and re-recognized the power of the Shadow Tower.

After a moment of silence, Long said seriously: "I want to know your specific plan. If it is really feasible, my revolutionary army will naturally support it!"

Boom; a bomb exploded in the minds of Sabo and the others. They did not expect the leader to agree so decisively.

Before coming here, our own plan didn't include these at all, and we didn't even plan to have a head-on conflict with the world government, but now it's not just a frontal conflict, one bad thing is a full-scale decisive battle!

Sabo, who was sitting next to the dragon, couldn't help but tugged at his clothes, and kept giving him hints that he should think long-term.

However, Long ignored it and made Sabo anxious. He really couldn't understand why the calm leader was so decisive this time.

"My arrangement is also very simple, nothing more than one goal and two arrangements."

"First of all, define the goal. Although the jurisdiction of the world government is huge, its power is highly concentrated. Once we occupy the holy land of Mariejoia, it will have no leader. After that, even if we do nothing, the world government will automatically disintegrate."

"As for the two arrangements, it is the deployment of troops. One is the combatants of our own side who attack the Holy Land; the other is the relevant personnel who interfere with the enemy from outside."

"The last battle gave me a rough idea of ​​the general combat power in the Holy Land. Esdes, I, and the thirteen team captains headed by Ryder will join the battle collectively. That person can also participate."

"As for the relevant external personnel, I plan to contact the Four Emperors Alliance, where the Whitebeard Pirates are located, and ask them to attack the Navy Headquarters Andrilah to tie up the Navy's support."

"In this case, I can't think of a possibility of failure."

After a pause, Katie stared into the dragon's eyes and said, "I know that your D clan has been planning something, waiting for the time to come."

"But the timing is divided into two types, one is from the sky, and the other is man-made; you have been waiting for eight hundred years, and people living in this world have also been deceived for eight hundred years."

"The world needs time to accept the truth. If it goes on like this until the last moment before the truth is made public, do you think they can stand it?"

Such words made everyone present, no matter the shadow studio or the revolutionary army group, confused. Only Long's face showed shock and deep thought. First, he didn't expect Katie to know so much, and second, he was frightened by Katie's words.

Because what Katie said is very likely to happen, the world may not be able to withstand the huge impact of the truth, if they can't bear it, they may collapse at the touch of a finger!

At that time, not only the efforts of people like myself will be in vain, but even the world will fall into the abyss.

As for the other people, they don't understand at all, what plan? What truth? What can't stand it?

"Mr. Long?" Sabo couldn't help asking, with the word "doubt" written in his eyes, as did Karas, Betty and others, who really wanted to know what Katie meant.

"I'll explain this to you later." The messy dragon didn't intend to explain this, and because he agreed that he couldn't say it now, otherwise everything would be over.

The moment the words fell, Katie's voice came suddenly.

"Why do you have to wait until later, can't you explain it now? Don't you think that everyone who is in the middle of the battle should know in advance?"

Long Yi was taken aback by Katie's words, and opened his mouth to veto, but couldn't find a suitable reason.

"Sorry, I really can't say it because of the agreement." In the end, Long left such a sentence.

After speaking, the dragon suddenly became weak, as if his soul had been pulled out.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it, I'll just say no. The agreement is that you and those who signed have nothing to do with me."

Wen Yanlong opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he chose to keep silent.

Indeed, Katie didn't sign a contract. It's perfectly fine to say it. More importantly, he doesn't want Sabo and others to live under lies all the time.

Seeing Long's acquiescence, Katie picked up the teacup beside her and took a sip to moisten her throat, because it was a bit long to talk about.

Under the expectation of Ryder, Sabo and others, Katie said: "Before explaining, let me make a statement. What follows is just my personal guess based on some information I have seen. If there is something wrong, please let me know." Mr. Long stopped."

Wen Yanlong nodded to indicate that he understood.

Seeing this, Katie officially began to explain.

"The truth of the matter begins with a country that disappeared a long time ago nine hundred years ago. The name of this country is the Future Country, and it possesses science and technology that surpassed several eras of the world at the same time."

"The reason why the current Vegapunk claims to be five hundred years ahead of the world is because of the relics left by the future country."

The first two sentences shocked everyone present, especially Lindbergh, the commander of the Southern Army of the Revolutionary Army.

As a technical supporter of the Revolutionary Army, he is no stranger to both Vegapunk and the Future Country, and he is deeply puzzled by the destruction of the Future Country. The next half trace.

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