One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 512 Katie's Explanation (2)

Although I have never seen it with my own eyes, there are products of the future kingdom in some ancient ruins.

Because of time, these things have long been damaged and badly damaged, but their existence means many things.

The materials and special structures that make up things are difficult to achieve even now.

With such technology, the comprehensive national strength of Future Kingdom is equivalent to dozens of kingdoms.

Lindbergh couldn't figure it out, how could such a country disappear as soon as it said it didn't exist, and it was as unknown as the blank hundred-year history.

Ears pricked up, and he listened intently to Katie's next explanation.

"Everyone, I wonder if you have thought about a question, what should we do next when the power we have or the technology of the entire society is saturated?"

Faced with Katie's sudden question, everyone present was puzzled. Didn't they explain the truth, why did they ask questions instead?

Of course, they complained in their hearts that they didn't have the courage to really say it. More importantly, they found that they had never thought about this problem.

For a long time, all my attention has always been attracted and scattered by various things, and I even said that I never thought about what I would do after my dream was realized, let alone the saturation of strength.

Now being asked, I just feel that my head is empty and my thoughts are empty, and I don't know how to answer.

"Nine hundred years ago, the same problem was faced by the future country. At that time, the science and technology they mastered was already saturated. In their eyes, the whole world has no secrets."

"In order to continue to grow, they made a determined decision, a decision that was destined to change the world."

Speaking of this, Katie paused for a moment and then said word by word: "That is - to explore the starry sky!"

Hearing that everyone's heartbeat slowed down a beat collectively, they didn't expect this answer.

Tick, tick, tick;

Time passed slowly like water, and Katie paused to explain to let everyone accept this fact before continuing. Of course, she did not forget to glance at the dragon not far away, wanting to know if what she said was wrong.

Seeming to feel Katie's gaze, Long nodded in response as he agreed with this statement.

At the same time, other people also accepted this fact. Although exploring the starry sky was too far away for me, it didn't mean I didn't think about it.

If there is such a day, I am strong enough.

They believe that they will also make such a decision and go to the starry sky to appreciate its beauty.

Seeing that everyone was recovering one after another, Katie continued: "After determining this goal, the future country will devote all its efforts to build a space battleship named Zhengtu, and later generations will give it a A brand new name—Uranus, the Heavenly King!"

After hearing the word "Tianwang", the people who were originally confused had a flash of light in front of their eyes, and a general image and concept appeared in their minds.

Unexpectedly, the most mysterious king of heaven among the three ancient weapons turned out to be like this.

"After the completion of Zhengtu, due to various reasons, after simple preparations, it set off to enter the sky."

"I don't know what happened afterwards. After all, I didn't participate in it, but one thing I can be sure of is that the space exploration ended in failure."

When she said the last sentence, Katie's expression was slightly low, because if this exploration is successful, the situation of Pirate World will be reversed in two levels, which is by no means the current situation.

Once successful, it means that Pirate World has officially entered the interstellar civilization, and the social appearance will undoubtedly improve several levels.

"Dare to ask my lord, how did you fail?" Seeing that Katie fell silent, Lindbergh couldn't help asking.

Although he knew it was impolite, he couldn't help it, because the future country and interstellar exploration were too attractive to a man of science and technology like him.

The same was true for the others, all of whom stretched their necks and looked at Katie anxiously, looking forward to what to say next.

"Naturally, we have encountered an irresistible enemy." Katie said.

Silence followed the answer.

Although when they heard about interstellar exploration, everyone had a premonition that they would encounter enemies. After all, no one could tell what kind of crisis was hidden in the starry sky, and it naturally included encountering enemies.

It's just that I suddenly heard that there are other creatures in the universe, and I couldn't react for a while.

"The battle between these unknown enemies and the Zhengtu broke out in space. No one knows what kind of battle it was."

"But two points are very clear. First, the future country that was driving Zhengtu was defeated, and second, those enemies followed the vines and came to the planet under our feet."

"A war that swept the entire world broke out, and the future kingdom was the first to be destroyed. After realizing the strength of the enemy, twenty kingdoms stood up and established a world government. In addition, there should be a group of powerful kingdoms in the world at that time. Freedom fighters."

"Despite this, the world is still defeated, but the enemy should not have won completely, or there is something that makes them afraid. In this case, the two sides signed some agreements to restrain each other."

"Then they chose to retreat temporarily, but they should leave some power to supervise and control the world."

"As for the blank hundred-year history, it should be related to that war, which means that the world we live in for eight hundred years was created by those people."

Speaking of this, Katie let out a long breath, and finally finished the whole thing by herself.

However, Ryder, Sabo and the others frowned tightly, their bodies stiff like sculptures.

They found that Long didn't interrupt from the beginning to the end, which meant that Katie's words were true!

Such a result makes them unable to adapt, which means that they have been living under the lies fabricated by others.

So what are my hard work, dedication, etc. over the years?

Looking at the confused faces, although there are thousands of words to say, they can't say a word when they come to their lips.

At this time, Katie's words came to Long's mind again, to let the world know the truth in advance.

At the beginning, I didn't take it seriously, and felt that Katie was alarmist.

However, after learning the truth, Ryder and others are still confused, let alone ordinary people.

It can be said that if they really waited until the final battle before making everything public, ninety-nine out of ten people would not be able to react.

At that time, the natural decline of the overall combat power will also affect the combat plan. Such a situation can be described as a big disadvantage!

The more I think about it, the more terrifying I feel, and the more optimistic I am about Katie's plan.

Although he hadn't had time to discuss with the old man, Long believed that if he was present, he would agree with Katie's approach.

This battle must be advanced, and everything cannot be put at the end, otherwise it will be too late if something goes wrong!

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