One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 522 World Conference (1)

Seeing that King Sano compromised and the leader gave the CP0 agent a look, the agent just let go after seeing this.

Rubbing his shoulder that was about to break off, King Sano clenched his teeth, but he didn't complain anymore.

The leader looked around and nodded in satisfaction when he saw the horror on everyone's faces, and then solemnly said: "I announce the official start of the World Conference!"

Hearing this, the hearts of all the kings trembled and subconsciously sat up straight.

Although much has happened during this time, even the lofty status of the World Government has been threatened.

But in their eyes, the world government and the Tianlong people are still irresistible, otherwise they will not come here obediently.

"There is only one issue discussed at this meeting, and that is - how to solve the Shadow House and Katie!" The leader snapped, his eyes full of determination.

In less than two and a half years, Katie has grown from an unknown pawn to the current owner of the shadow building, and Katie has proved his talent and threat to everyone with practical actions.

If he was given another two and a half years, who would rule the world?

Nowadays, no one underestimates this young man in his twenties anymore, because he has grown to the point where everyone looks up to him!

Silence struck, facing the questions raised by the four old stars, the kings looked at me and looked at you, then shrugged helplessly and did not intend to express their opinions.

The previous coalition forces of 800,000 kingdoms failed to stop the people who defected to the shadow building, so that the current shadow building not only has 13 team captains and 650,000 combatants, but also has two ancient weapons, Pluto and Neptune. party.

Although Shadow House has never announced Bai Xing's identity, the world is not a fool. The deep-sea sea kings cooperate with Shadow House so frequently, they naturally think of Sea King, an existence that is as famous as Pluto.

As soon as they thought of being kings here, they became more and more in awe of the shadow building.

After all, the three ancient weapons have disappeared for eight hundred years. Under such circumstances, being able to have two of them at the same time is like a miracle!

Moreover, the Shadow House has never interfered in the internal affairs of other kingdoms since it was built, and the recent Dressrosa incident only targeted Blackbeard, Kaido, and Doflamingo.

With the powerful force and peaceful diplomatic attitude of the Shadow Building, they had no intention of confronting it at all, so naturally they would not say anything.

However, this kind of attitude made the four old stars feel uncomfortable. In the past, when they were gaining benefits, they were more able to talk about each other, but they were dumb at the critical moment. Do you really think that you are easy to bully?

His sharp eyes swept over every face, but finally fell on King Sano, with a meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth.

Almost at the same time, King Sano's body trembled with an ominous premonition in his heart, even though the sun was scorching hot outside, the cold wind was howling and chilling on his back.

"King Sano, what do you think?"

The ups and downs of the tone made the powerful king secretly smile bitterly, regretting his reckless behavior just now, and now he was completely targeted by the four old stars and became a chicken to scare others.

"My lord, atonement, I really can't think of a way to deal with such an important matter, and I ask a few adults to make up my mind, and I will fully support it when the time comes!"

After finishing speaking, King Sano felt relieved, and felt very good about his answer, thinking that the other party couldn't hold on to his words even if he got to this point, right?

Subconsciously looked up at the Four Old Stars, their gazes intersected in mid-air, and King Sano was surprised to find that each other's eyes were full of smiles.

It was a real laugh, not sarcasm or ridicule, but very satisfied with my answer from the bottom of my heart.

Such a strange picture made the king confused, and began to wonder if he forgot to take his medicine before going out, or if the other party forgot to take his medicine.

The next moment, the cold gaze from the side made his heart tremble, and he subconsciously looked at King Yuga who was a few seats away.

What puzzled him was that King Yuga, who had always been friendly to him, had frosty eyes at this moment, looking at him like, like looking at an idiot!

This made King Sano even more confused. Could it be that he said something wrong?

However, before he could come up with an answer, the Four Old Stars spoke first.

"King Sano said it well. Being able to have such an awareness shows that the previous conflict was a complete misunderstanding. I think the other kings here also mean this and will fully support our decision, right?"

Although he was asking a question, his cold tone did not allow others to refute.

In an instant, King Sano realized the problem.

'Full support' is an insignificant polite phrase, and it doesn't matter in normal times.

However, right now, under the premise of preparing to launch an operation against the Shadow Building, this sentence has become his own 'handle'.

The four old stars can make some excessive demands on the basis of abiding by the principles, squeeze their own national power step by step, and even go beyond the principles to force themselves to pay something.

The key is that I can't refute it, because I said it myself.

At this time, most of the kings were also aware of the seriousness of the problem, their lips squirmed and wanted to say something, but when the words reached their lips, they forcibly held back.

Although it took no more than ten minutes to set foot in this conference room, they all understood one thing.

From the very beginning, the World Conference was just a guise for the Four Old Stars to expropriate resources, to forcibly gather people like themselves together, and then find a way to force themselves to make a promise.

Thinking of this, everyone's faces were uncertain, although they didn't express their opinions on what the four old stars said, but they were full of reluctance in their hearts.

Because they don't think that the world government really has a way to destroy the Shadow House. Once the action fails, their country will not only lose a lot of resources, but will also be remembered by the Shadow House.

This kind of behavior is like losing my wife and losing my army. Anyone who is not a fool will not agree to such a loss-making business, no, even a fool will not agree to it!

However, the crux of the problem is that he is now in the holy land and not on his own territory. Once he rejects the four elders in front of him, he knows what will happen to him.

What happened to King Sano before the meeting had already chilled their hearts, so naturally they dared not stand up and object openly at this time.

Seeing that all the kings had nothing to say, the leader immediately said: "Come here, distribute the prepared documents to the kings for review!"

Hearing this, the faces of all the kings present turned black.

The words "prepared documents" fully proved the previous conjecture that the world government or the four old stars in front of them had already sharpened their knives and were ready to slaughter, and the targets were people like themselves.

All of a sudden, the one hundred and seventy-five kings felt uneasy and regretted coming here, only feeling that they had fallen into a big trap, and if the bad thing was to die, they would disappear.

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