One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 523 World Conference (2)

Not long after, the specially sorted materials were accurately placed in front of the corresponding king by the CP agents.

Before the four old stars could speak, the kings subconsciously picked it up and looked through it.

At the first glance, the first page frowns slightly;

The second glance and the second page frown;

The third eye, the third page, the body trembling uncontrollably;

On the other hand, the four old stars who sat at the first place drank hot tea in a calm manner and did not pay attention to the performance of the kings at all.

After drinking a cup of hot tea, the leader slowly said, "Is there any question?"

It was said that one hundred and seventy-five kings dodged their eyes, but finally they all looked at King Sano in unison.

However, this time King Sano chose to sit on the sidelines and even closed his eyes and fell asleep, scolding these people all over his heart.

Just now when I was humiliated, I didn't see anyone to help me speak up, but now I want to stand up and take the risk. Do I really think I have no brains? Founder doesn't care who he loves!

Seeing this scene, the four old stars nodded secretly, admiring King Sano's confession.

After waiting for a while and seeing no one speak, the leader cleared his throat and was about to speak, when a voice suddenly came.

"My lord, I read the documents you gave me, and I also looked at the documents you gave to others."

"If you guessed correctly, you made plans based on the actual national strength of each country, right?"

It was King Yuga who was speaking. The reason why he dared to stand up at this time was because the comprehensive strength of the kingdom he ruled was among the top ten in the world.

Of course, this is not his greatest reliance. After all, even the Kingdom of Persia, which has the largest comprehensive national strength, is nothing in front of the world government. His greatest reliance is the Ten-Nation Alliance.

This is a special alliance between reality and fantasy. There are ten members in the alliance, and there is only one condition to join. The overall national strength must be ranked among the top ten in the world government allies, which naturally includes the Kingdom of Yuga and the Kingdom of Bosia.

The history of this alliance is also long, and the meaning of existence is to twist into a rope so that the world government will not dare to underestimate it.

No one is stupid to be able to sit in this position, they know very well that blind obedience will only perish faster.

In order to survive and develop better, and to reduce the suspicion of the world government, the ten-nation alliance strictly controls the number of members.

Therefore, although the four old stars knew it all the time, they didn't say anything, and chose to turn a blind eye. After all, it would be of no benefit to anyone if things went wrong.

However, at this moment, looking at the ten kings standing on the same front, the four old stars frowned and felt that it was tricky.

"That's right, what's the problem?" the leader said, his speaking attitude was obviously different from when he spoke to King Sano before.

Although the fighters were standing outside the door, he still hoped to resolve everything at the negotiating table unless he had to ask, otherwise even he couldn't imagine how things would turn out.

"May I ask how long this war is going to last?" King Yuga asked again, but his teeth were clenched under a serious expression, and a fire was burning in his heart!

Hearing this, the face of the leader froze, because he didn't know the answer to this question.

The World Conference this time was held at the request of Master Im, and the conference policy and general plan were also formulated by him.

So once a war breaks out, he doesn't know how long it will last, and even holds a pessimistic attitude towards this possible war.

Although if all goes well, the number of Kingdom coalition troops will exceed 3 million this time, and there will be countless weapons and supplies, but there is still a lack of high-end combat power!

What's more, the shadow building still controls Pluto and Neptune. In this case, the crowd strategy is difficult to work, and at most it will cause some trivial troubles.

In his opinion, the key to dealing with the number of participants in the shadow building is not the key, but the high-end combat power with strong strength is the key!

When facing Im, I wanted to say these thoughts more than once.

However, whenever I mustered up the courage to say something, I could always feel the biting killing intent.

In the face of death, no amount of courage can keep your mouth shut, so you have to follow the other party's wishes all the way.

In desperation, the leader had no choice but to turn his gaze to the other three around him, hoping that they could answer for him.


Facing the gaze of the boss, the three of them shook their heads in embarrassment, expressing their helplessness.

There was a snapping sound.

The next moment, papers were flying, but it was King Yuga who threw away the documents in his hand.

"I want to know what's going on in your mind?!"

"We need to pay money, people, and supplies; all expenses are calculated to be equivalent to zero income for each country in the next two years!"

"There are so many pre-war preparations alone. Once the war breaks out, it will continue to be smashed in. If it cannot be ended within a year, the kingdom with a relatively weak overall national strength is likely to collapse."

"The instability of the rear will naturally affect the front line, and then what choice should you make?!"

"You have no plan for such an important matter. I'm really curious whether you want to deal with the Shadow Tower or destroy the world!"

After King Yuga roared and said these words, he was not afraid of the four old stars in front of him, but he couldn't help it!

In their eyes, the lives of three million soldiers are as insignificant as a nest of ants. You must know that these people bear the burden of a family on their shoulders.

It's not that they can't die, they can't die like this meaninglessly!

"You, how dare you talk to me like that!!"

Faced with a series of questions from King Yuga, the leader only noticed his recklessness and disrespect, and those who didn't know the word anger written on his face thought he was the victim.

"Four adults calm down, King Yuga is indeed a little rash, but these questions are also what we want to ask, and please give an explanation, so that we can mobilize the army after we go back."

The sudden sound made everyone startled, and subconsciously looked at the source of the sound.


After seeing the speaker clearly, dozens of kings gasped, because the speaker was the king of the most powerful country in the world, the Kingdom of Persia!

Even if the four old stars were present, he still exuded a vague aura of an emperor, even though he was also a king, everyone still felt awe for no reason.

Seeing the words of the first king, even the four old stars couldn't help but restrain their temper and take it seriously, because this person still has a lot of weight in the hearts of many kings.

If he stood up and explicitly denied it, the other nine members of the Ten-Nation Alliance would naturally not be obedient. At that time, some of the watching kings would inevitably be disobedient, and the problem would not be resolved without force.

However, the key point is that he really can't give the answer to the question that King Yuga asked just now.

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