One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 532: The Law of the Dragon

"Thunder shakes mountains and rivers!"

With a low shout, the fist wrapped in purple thunder blasted out brazenly.

The naked eye could see that the heads of the four old stars facing the punch were covered with cold sweat, but they could only raise their fists to resist the attack when it came close.

After a loud bang, the leader flew upside down for hundreds of meters, and a bunch of purple arcs appeared from time to time around his body.

"You die for me!"

At the end of the duel, a figure suddenly appeared behind the dragon, and it was another one of the four old stars with a murderous face on his grim face.

The pitch-black armed color completely covers the right fist, which means that the power of the law of destruction is even more entwined.

The strange thing is that from the beginning to the end, the dragon didn't mean to take precautions, as if he didn't notice the murderous intent from behind at all.

Seeing this scene, the attacker was overjoyed, and exhausted all his strength and vowed to make a transparent hole in the dragon's chest!

The next moment, just as the attack was about to hit, the whole world stopped suddenly!

"This, what's going on here?!"

The unprecedented pressure around him made the attacker tremble, and his attack completely collapsed in an instant, not to mention his body was immobile, as if a mountain range and a world were pressed on his shoulders.

"Welcome to my world of rules!"

A deep voice came from in front of him, and at the same time the aura on the dragon changed in vain.

"I control the world!"

A layer of golden light erupted suddenly, and the sky with a radius of one kilometer around the dragon receded in darkness. The dragon standing in the center was as dazzling and sacred as the sun.

"Finally we can clean up the moths in this world."

When the sigh was over, the dragon's right hand was slowly raised and stopped at shoulder height.

Then, slam back!


Under the full attack of the god-level physique, the riotous air exploded directly, and the attacker's head also exploded.

Bright red blood and pale brains exploded in all directions, and the huge battlefield fell silent.

Even Im, who was fighting the masked man, couldn't help looking at the dragon partly.

Feeling the remaining law fluctuations in the air, he slowly said: "I have to say, even if you look at the universe, you people are amazingly talented and talented."

"Flesh body, space, control, and...soul." At the end, his eyes fell on the tall, thin masked man, his eyes were full of curiosity and amazement.

Compared with Katie's Law of Space, the Law of Soul may not be enough in terms of attack damage, but the degree of weirdness is not far behind. If one's own physical fitness has not reached the super god level, there is really no good way to take the opponent.

"So, please go to die!"

With a roar, Im exerted the law of destruction to the extreme, and something like gray mist quickly enveloped the sky with a radius of 10,000 meters.


The majestic man only had time to remind, and then he was engulfed and surrounded by gray mist, and the tall and thin man beside him was also unable to escape.

For a moment, the figures of the three disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Seeing this, Katie suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Esdeth, Dragon, end the battle quickly!"

While reminding the dragon, he hastened to speed up the strength of his hands, without further delay.

Although Long didn't introduce who the masked man was, there was probably no one else in the whole world who could do this, except for those two.

If the facts are as expected, I'm afraid the two of them won't last long.

If I can't help quickly, the two of them will be in danger.

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