One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 533: Field of Laws

"Pass my level first!" After speaking, the servant took the lead in attacking.

The god-level physical body exploded to 12 points, and the destructive aura lingering around the body distorted the space for a while. The terrifying aura turned into a beam of light that pierced into the sky and spread far away. The sea outside the holy land instantly set off hundreds of meters of waves.

When the aura climbed to the extreme, the servant said loudly: "Destroy the domain, open!"

Almost at the same time, a mass of thick and majestic gray mist also erupted from the servant, which was slightly inferior to Im's in color and range.

After some hesitation, Katie did not choose to dodge, but stood still and waited.

According to knowledge and perception, the gray mist in front of him is clearly the external manifestation of the law of destruction, which is similar to the domain power displayed by the dragon before.

However, the strange thing is that his own space law awakened with the dragon, but he couldn't expand the space field.

Perhaps the answer lies in the gray world hidden in front of us.

Even if not, being the first to realize the characteristics of the Destruction Domain will be beneficial to the battle with Im later, so it is not a loss in any way.

In the blink of an eye, Katie and the servants disappeared, leaving only a huge gray fog.

"Thousands of Changes, Katie, you look down on people too much!"

"I'm not as good as you outside, but here I am the master!"

While speaking, a fist broke through the mist and appeared in front of Katie.

Accompanied by its appearance, the originally calm mist instantly rioted, gathering around the fist and pressing down on Katie!

At a critical moment, Katie mobilized the blood of the Zulong to strengthen the entire right arm.

In an instant, Katie's aura became fierce and majestic, as if she could tear apart the sky with just a wave of her right arm covered with golden dragon scales.

And this is just the beginning.

The next moment, five colors of gold, blue, red, brown, and blue appeared on Katie's right fist, even in the gray and black world, this ray of light was still dazzling.

"Five Elements Dragon King Claw!"

Fists and claws collided between lightning and flint, and the violent violence comparable to a super typhoon of level 17 turned into a torrent sweeping across the world.

The gray world, which was already rioting and uneasy, immediately boiled because of the injection of this power!

The two people who collided in the middle of the field retreated to rest for a while.

With a flash of blue light, the damaged dragon scale on the fist instantly recovered.

However, Katie's frown did not relax.

Compared with the enemy, my physical fitness is not superior. The reason why I faced head-on before was because I had no time to dodge.

For some reason, when he first set foot in this world, the law of space, which was at his fingertips, suddenly became unfamiliar, as if it was difficult to mobilize through a layer of tulle.

With this in mind, Katie exerted her perception to the extreme, in addition to seeing and hearing, she also used the body perception endowed by the blood of the ancestral dragon.

For a moment, Katie had a panoramic view of the changes in everything around her.

Compared with the normal world, the current gray world is no different, but when Katie dives down to observe deeper changes.

Some interesting changes ensued.

The world of laws cannot be seen by the naked eye, and the gray representing the law of destruction gathers to drive out all other laws.

Although it is the least to completely drive away, the corresponding law has been reduced by as much as half.

Seeing this, Katie nodded secretly and understood the reason.

At this moment, the servant's unbelievable voice came from his ear: "Who the hell are you? Where are you from?"

Shock and doubt were written all over the exposed eyes.

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