One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 534: The Servant’s Suspicion

At the moment of the collision, the servant was very aware of the slightest sign of collapse in his domain.

What puzzled him even more was the special power contained in Katie's attack.

Although there was only a moment of contact, he was sure that it was not the power of the law!

In the field of law, it can only be used if the awakened person's understanding of his own law has improved to a certain level.

Its greatest help to the caster lies in the transformation of the environment, which is equivalent to creating a battlefield that is most suitable for one's own battle.

In other words, I will control all the places shrouded in gray fog! But this does not mean that once the domain is expanded, the enemies in it have nothing to do.

After all, you can still run if you can't fight. Once you escape from the scope of the domain, this effect will disappear naturally; besides, the second way is to collide with the domain. The winner of the two-phase collision will survive forever and the loser will dissipate.

These two methods are undoubtedly the most common and common.

However, Katie's previous attack was not mixed with any law, but it caused real damage to the field she expanded.

If there is an explanation for such a phenomenon that goes against the norm, there is only one impossible possibility.

In the vast and boundless star sea world, besides human beings, there are many other ethnic groups, such as Janna, elves, Titans, orcs, Savitar, etc. There are countless ethnic groups and countless civilizations.

There is a group of people here, although the members are so rare that you may not see one even if you travel the entire star field, but the legends related to them are well known.

Because each of them is the overlord standing on the top of the universe. After a year of growth, the newborn cubs have directly transformed into god-level physical fitness!

Such creatures are collectively called the Star Sea Giant Beast in the Star Sea World!

As the name suggests, their size is extremely large, and any weight unit is not suitable for them, and it is only barely suitable to be measured by planets.

These creatures seem to be the darlings of the entire universe. They don't need to practice or meditate. They just need to grow normally to gain invincible strength.

The most incomprehensible thing is that they somehow have an unimaginable immune effect on the law.

Any law attack cannot cause due damage, naturally including the law field.

Judging from the result of the collision just now, Katie clearly possesses the ability similar to that of the Star Sea Behemoth! So the question is, how did he do it?

You know, during Katie's second prison term, I sent Vegapunk to do a blood test for him.

The results obtained showed that Katie was undoubtedly a real human being, and there was nothing special about it.

"Damn it, it's another unfamiliar white-eyed wolf!" the servant roared in his heart.

Apparently the real report was hidden by Vegapunk, or he didn't draw Katie's blood at all in the first place!

"Since that's the case, I can't let you go!"

"Die to me!"

The servant rushed towards Katie with a roar, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

He was really scared, afraid that Katie would continue to grow up.

Not to mention the double laws of space and flame, but also possesses the special power of ignoring the laws. Such a person is an absolutely dazzling existence even in the Xinghai universe.

He will even be trained as a successor by the strongest, and he will surely rule dozens of star fields in the future!

The servant had a hunch that if he couldn't keep the other party here today, he would die a very miserable death in the near future.

"Well done!"

Facing the attack, Katie naturally raised her fist to greet her.

He doesn't care how the servant thinks, but he wants to see how magical this law field is.

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