One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 128: Top battle 14

"Booming ~~~~!"

The intensive artillery sounded through the entire Marin van Gogh, followed by dense shells, whistling away to the pirate ship that the white-bearded pirates squatted. Only because of the arrangement, the angle of the artillery is aimed at the sea outside Marin van Gogh.

Therefore, these shells are no longer accurate, aiming at the pirate ship under the white beard pirates, but those dense shells are still intertwined with a net in front of the pirate ship. Forty-three pirate ships accelerated and rushed directly into the inner harbor of Marin Vado.

Looking at the big waves that swallowed up the entire Marin van Gogh, and the pirate ship of the white-bearded pirate group that rushed in, the three majors could not sit still. The first thing I shot was the green scorpion. I saw him coming to the inner harbor. He sipped a low voice: "Ice Age." I saw the tsunami that started the white beard with the green scorpion as the center, and also frozen it. The sea in the port, as well as the pirate ship in the inner harbor.

However, this also gives the pirates a chance. They don’t have to drive a pirate ship now, because the inner harbor has already become land, jumping directly from the pirate ship and continuing to Ace’s side. Wildly coming.

At the same time, the hundreds of thousands of navies waiting in the square, marching forward neatly, the momentum is huge, the soul is insane!

On the platform, looking at the dense pirates, and the companions who lived together, Ace looked tight. Although I knew before, the old ladies had already poured out their nests this time to save themselves. But when I saw this scene with my own eyes, I couldn’t help but feel the anomaly and shed tears.

At this time, people all over the world have been stunned by the ability of the white beard to cause a tsunami. Then there was the shot of the generals, and the ice ages frozen everything, and they were shocked again. At the same time, they saw that the White Beard Pirates broke through the Navy’s first line of defense and could not help but sigh: "It’s not the world’s first pirate group, the White Beard Pirates. It’s so simple that it broke the Navy’s A line of defense."

"But this first line of defense is nothing. This second line of defense navy is equipped with a 160,000 navy, and the pirates against 80,000 are already at a glance."

After coming to the second line of defense, White Beard inserted the slashing knife in his hand into the ground. Just listen to the "hey!", the whole body's momentum broke out, a strong air wave with a white beard as a flourishing. The coat on his body fluttered with the air, and the king's, the king's temperament came out. Let the 160,000 navy standing directly on the square facing him directly trembled, and could not help but swallow the mouth. At this moment, the white beard is in their eyes, just like a prehistoric monster.

White beard shouted: "Little! Baby!" At the same time, the king of the body once again swelled, then shouted: "kill the Navy, save our Ace!"

Eighty thousand pirates also yelled at the same time: "Hey!"

Looking at the fast-paced pirates, the young cockroaches couldn’t help but shot again. I saw him jumping up and then, after giving up the ability to freeze, his hands slammed and a huge ice wall suddenly appeared. , blocked the road of the white beard pirate group.

White beard saw the green scorpion shot, a faint smile: "You can't stop me from being a young boy." I saw the white beard standing on the Moby Dick, and I was so light, then I punched back and forth. Raised, slammed down.

"Scratch! Rub!"

The crisp sound rang over his fist, and then the infinite breek burst out of his body, and the space above his ground that his fist swung was broken.

Immediately after the entire Marin van Gogh began to tremble violently, the surrounding sea surface also rolled up like boiling water, and the blue ice wall shattered. Blocking the way, once again in front of the white beard pirate group.

The people of the world once again felt the shock of the white beard. The Warring States on the stage, as well as the Kapp who just finished eating the donuts, could not help but shrink.

The 160,000 naval soldiers on the square did not change their faces. Some of them were timid, and they could not help but retreat a few steps. The mouth was even more exclaimed: "This is a monster, this is a monster!"

At this time, the fourteen captains of White Beard also began to attack. While taking people to quickly rush to the square, they shouted loudly: "Brothers, kill all the navy that blocked them, and rescue our brother Ace! ”

But the navy couldn't, let them rush to the square as simple as this, when the angle of the naval guns had been adjusted, and the door artillery once again locked them.

Then a series of shocking shellings rang through the sky above Marin van rumbling! In the violent explosion, a circle of horror shock waves from the explosion was sprayed out, and then the members of the white beard pirate group rushed to the sky.

The Warring States waved "kill!" The 160,000 navy above the square raised their guns in their hands. The muzzles were all aimed at the members of the Whitebeard Pirates who had been covered by gunfire.

"Ah, ah~~~" The sound of screams, constantly in the mouth of the members of the White Beard Pirates.

The bullets that smashed the pistol in their hands, the Navy immediately said: "Chong down, kill them."

At this time, three large-scale naval lieutenants, while jumping off the square, killed the captains of the White Beard Pirates.

The fire on the square continued, but the members of the white beard still did not stop moving forward, and continued to bravely go to Ace. At this time, above the square, the navy soldiers jumped down like a rainstorm and met the white-bearded pirate group on the front.

All the reporters in this world were crazy, and the camera in their hands kept flashing.

This battle of the world has finally officially erupted. The captains, who had been rushing to the forefront, the Marko, and other team leaders, while evading the naval gunfire attack, rushed into the frontal naval camp at the fastest speed. Several of them also met three giants. Lieutenant General.

In the face of more than a dozen captains’ attacks, the navy soldiers fell down one by one, and the pirates behind the captain followed up. There were guns, swords, and knives. The navy soldiers were short-lived together.

The Navy and the White Beard Pirates Group, the non-stop people fell down in the screams, the picture at the moment is perfectly interpreted, and the narrow road meets the brave to win this sentence.

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