One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 129: Top battle fifteen

At this time, the top three players in the front seat, Huang Hao is still a leisurely look, as if the war broke out below has nothing to do with him. The red dog is still a dead face, and he can't see his thoughts at all. Only the blue-eyed face looked at the battlefield, while paying close attention to the white beard's every move.

At this time, the navy's lieutenant generals were also dispatched, because these ordinary naval soldiers could not stop, the white-bearded pirates group had long-standing, the opponents of the extraordinary captains.

The powerful lieutenant blocked the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates and the navy and the pirates stalemate.

"Booming!" A huge sound came over.

The sound of the sound is that the Warring States and the Captains are all in the past. At first glance, everyone almost pulled out their eyes.

I saw a giant, no! It is still bigger than a giant, and the super giant does not know where it came from. With the advantage of a huge body, he rushed all the way to the square.

Whether it is the navy or the pirates, they have consciously given way to him. There is no way, the body of this goods is too great! It is the powerful naval lieutenant who can't stop his progress.

"Chong! Oz! Save Ace!"

The diamonds in the crowds - Joz, after seeing Oz rushed over the square, suddenly excited, shouting loudly: "Brothers rush! Keep up with Oates!"

The members of the White Beard Pirates Group saw Oz's unstoppable advancement and immediately followed Oates. At the same time, morale rose and he rushed forward in the past.

Soon under the leadership of Oates, members of the Whitebeard Pirates Group soon came to the edge of the square wall, not far from the platform.

Oates shouted: "Ace brothers are waiting, I will come to save you right away."

Seeing that Oz had rushed over to himself, Ace touched the tears. If he knew that he wanted to reach him, it was not so simple. There are still seven Wuhai, but there is still no movement. The three majors will be shocked, and Oates will never come. And there is great danger, shouting loudly: "Oz is careful!"

It’s a pity that it’s too late. There is a guy who has already taken a look at the shadow and body of Oates. This person is Moonlight Molia, one of the Seven Wuhais. After this guy was defeated by Tianlei, it took a long time to hurt. Get well. If it wasn’t for Krokdal, the Thunder would be killed. The Warring States’ fear of getting rid of the two Qiwu Seas would affect the prestige of Qiwuhai and leave him a life.

As soon as he saw Oates, Moonlight Molia was excited. He was full of eagerness for Otto’s shadow body. When he was killed by Tian Lei and Luffy two juniors, his desire for power was extremely high. .

But at this time, a guy who has a good time, is also a guy who has suffered a stomach in Tianlei, and has a raging anger and nowhere to send. He is one of the seven Wuhai seas, and he finally found a venting phase.

Therefore, he immediately made a straight line of shaving, and he saw that he made eight thin, nearly transparent lines from the toes. Dolfranming brother kicked the past with a sharp silk thread. Oz is so big here that the fool can hit.

Oz's one leg directly cut Dofranming's foot, and Morrie, who was full of eagerness for Oates, immediately yelled at the Fleminger: "Dofranmingo This Oates is mine. If you dare to do it to him, don't blame me for being polite to you."

It is a pity that Dolfranming did not put him in the eye. He gave Moonlight Molia a contemptuous look, and he was too lazy to take care of him, but he did not start to Oz.

After seeing Oz's injury, Ace and all the members of the White Beard Pirates group could not help but shouted: "Oz!"

Still standing in the white beard without moving, after seeing Oz down, it is not to be sorrowful, magic is also one of them. At this time, a naval lieutenant who was not far from the white beard thought that he had seized a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and slammed on the ground and burst into the white beard. The long sword in his hand stabbed the white beard.


The white beard looked a little empty and sighed. At this time, he suddenly raised his fist. At this time, the attack of the Lieutenant General has arrived. The white beard's eyes turned sharp, and the raised fist slammed.

Let the lieutenant who seized a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity immediately realized that it was wrong, and the pupils slammed and slammed, and they stopped the attack and wanted to pull back. It’s a pity that it’s too late, when he pulls back and Whitebeard’s fist has already attacked him.

"Too fast!" This is the only thought in this heart. He only felt a flower in front of him, and the white beard's fist had been hit on his face.

"Ah!" Lieutenant was violently flew out, and now he feels that his head is not his own.

He sent away this unskilled lieutenant, and the white beard hit a punch on the ground. With his fist as the center, the ground immediately broke several cracks. Immediately after the entire Marin van Gogh, it swayed again and again. But this time it was not a shock caused by the tsunami, but a big earthquake!

Fighting with the white beard, I don’t know how many times the Warring States period, my face became very dignified and shouted: "Everyone is careful, the white beard is going to attack."

Standing in the Warring States on the high platform, watching the white beard, feeling the boundless and terrifying horror that emanated from him. His face was awkward, and he clenched his fists. When he decided to fight against the world's strongest man, he had already made a worst feeling. But this time, no matter what, as long as the man is killed, even if the entire Marin van Gogh is ruined, he will not hesitate.

The deafening sound, the non-stop sounding in Marin van Gogh, the shocking power of the shocking fruit, unscrupulously began to raging in Marin van Gogh. An exaggerated crack, centered on the white beard's fist, spread out to the surrounding frenzy, two of which broke through the entire Marin van Gogh, and the high-rise building of the Navy headquarters fell into pieces.

At this time, a man in the sky above Marin van Gogh, is constantly stepping on it, and the eyes of this person have become strange. At the same time, this person could not help but sigh: "This shocks the fruit, it is really strong to metamorphosis!"

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