One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 130: The battle of the top

That's right, this person is the sky thunder that the space has moved, and the eyes have returned to normal. Thunder stretched out his right hand, a white aperture, appeared on the thunder of the thunder. After copying the shock capacity of the white beard, Tianlei found your mother, and this shocking fruit actually has only one trick.

It is the ability to shock the fruit, attached to the fist and the hand support, attached to the hand support to pull the space, it will cause a tsunami, attached to the fist, slamming the ground is an earthquake. Can also be attached to the fist and weapons directly hit people, no other tricks. It can be said that it is a fresh trick, eating all over the sky!

However, this shocking fruit ability is also very special. This ability is all about how strong your own strength is. The stronger the strength, the stronger the ability. On the contrary, the smaller the strength, the worse the ability. Sure enough, this shocking fruit ability is the strongest in the hands of white beard, a person with abnormal power. Although it is very strong in his own hands, but with the white beard this metamorphosis ratio, a lot worse!

And when Tian Lei checks the ability of the earthquake to copy the fruit.

The white beard has begun to worry, and the entire Marin van Gogh has shaken up in this moment. The halo of the white beard's hand blooms with incomparable light, and the power of unparalleled vibration sweeps the entire Marin van Gogh.

The shocking fruit ability has reached its limit in the hands of the white beard, the power of the powerful, and it is at this moment that the shocking fruit ability has its most horrible destructive power, and the powerful vibration force is like the ocean. People can't resist.

"咔擦!咔擦!咔擦~~~~!" In the sound of shattering in the harsh space, the tallest building in the Western Navy, the conference building crashed into the ground in the violent vibration.

In the Warring States of Gaotai, his face was white, and Marin vane was afraid that he could not keep it. Although he had expected such a result, he had already prepared for this. But now that I see the reality, I still can't accept it.

People who are watching the war in the whole world are shocked! The white beard is strong, and it has been shocked to them again and again.

The sky thunder looked a little bit, and said in the mouth: "Is this the strength of the world's strongest man? Even if you have the same ability, it is still far worse than him! The most crucial thing is that this Still the old white beard, the white beard with a sick body, I really can't imagine how strong the white beard with the peak strength when he was young."

After destroying the Marin van Gogh, the white beard shook his hand and shouted: "kill the light navy and rescue our family Ace!"

The members of the White Beard Pirates Group saw their old man and white beards personally shot, and the morale of the ones rose so much that they had been killed in the past.

"White beard, you can really be awesome!" Huang Yuduan sat on it, looking down on it, watching the white beard's shocking fruit ability, almost turned into a ruined Marin van Gogh. Standing up from the seat, then a flash came over the white beard.

At the same time, I couldn’t help but shot, and stopped the frontless bird, Marko. At the same time, the Hawkeye also had their own opponents. The Hawkeye was on the fifth team captain's foil-Bista. Dolfranming was on the eighth team captain's shark fisherman, Barsolo. Mi Bear was on the 12th team captain Halta, Hancock was on the 10th team captain Curry Ayre, Moonlight Moglia was on the fifteenth team captain Fossa.

Suddenly appeared in front of the non-dead bird - Marko, with a stroke of ice sword to successfully intercept him straight. "Boom!" With a loud noise, the people who had just smashed together immediately split.

Phoenix - Marko: "Hey! Almost! There is a call from the old man. There will be no more Marin van Gogh today. Of course, this Ace brother will take it away!"

Qing Yan sneered: "I think you are thinking too much!" After talking about the fierce and rushing to the immortal bird - Marko rushed over, the two once again struggled together.

At this time, the white beard easily blocked the yellow scorpion's blow, and said faintly: "Huang Xiaozi, you want to stop me? You are too arrogant!"

White beard looked at the jaundice in front of his eyes, his eyes filled with contempt and disdain, and a white aperture was emitted from the moon knife in his hand, and then he waved to Huang Wei.

"Tian Cong Yun Jian" Huang Qi's hands immediately gathered a lot of light energy, a sword composed of light appeared in the hands of Huang Wei. Then he screamed and held the sniper of the white beard.

Huang Jian’s lightsaber and the white beard’s shackles are smashing together. In a moment, a strong shock wave is formed between the two, shaking the void and brushing the cloak behind them. At this time, the Warring States on the high platform loudly ordered: "Prepare for action!"

The orders of the Warring States arrived, and the greens and scorpions who were fighting with the dead birds, Marko, and White Beard, with the help of each other's strength, left the battle and fell to the side of the red dog.

At the same time, a series of metal sounds came from all over the square. Then, a high-walled iron wall emerged out of thin air, but the entire square was immediately attacked.

In front of the immortal bird - Marko immediately said: "Daddy, we are trapped in the square!" The other captains also changed their faces.

But the white beard, his face has not changed at all, as if this is in his eyesight, so it is. I saw that the white beard once again used the power of vibration and shouted: "The tenth earthquake." This time, the white beard broke out his strength and fruit ability. One wave after another bursts out of his body, and it is a wave of strength, and a wave is higher than a wave.

The square has not been able to withstand such a strong vibration, and the sound of "squeaking and rubbing!~~~" rang again. With the white beard as the center, the cracks formed one after another, and the cracks expanded rapidly. The navy's copper wall was under the crack and fell down one by one. At the same time, the entire Marin van Gogh, also violently shaken up, cracked open, and then began to fall down.

At this time, the face of the Warring States turned black to the extreme, that is, Karp, who has always been a haha, has also changed color. Immediately a storm, rushed to the white beard, but rushed to half, Karp stopped.

At this time, the 10th-level earthquake of White Beard has stopped, because the purpose of White Beard is to save Ace instead of destroying Marin Vado. After all, Marin van Gogh is destroyed, his family, and his pirates will suffer.

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