One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 134: Top War 20

At the same time, the generals who have already attacked the white beard have become distorted and rotated. Then he only felt that the space around his body was twisted and twisted, and then his body rotated uncontrollably with the twisted space.

Unable to wait for the green cockroaches to react, the big hand of the white beard makes the lightning fall from the distorted space. Among the incredible eyes of Qing Yu, he grabbed his head. Then the white beard shouted: "You are going to die!" Then I pressed the barley to the ground.

When a white-bearded hand touched his head, the green scorpion felt no second. When the white beard's hand grabbed his head, he felt the white beard's hand uploading a divine power, and the squeaky squeaky headache was splitting.

Then he felt that he had been pressed by the white beard, and his head was smashed in the shackles. "After!" After a loud bang, the scorpion only felt the pain of his first head. This pain became a dizziness. The sense of it swept his brain. Immediately after the "squeaky" sound, the green spurt spurted a blood.

"Armed color domineering!" Obviously, the white beard, the strongest person standing at the peak of the world, naturally knows to compete with the natural ability, must use the common sense of armed color domineering.

At this time, the green of the entity was hit, and the heart was secretly sinking. It is obvious that the domineering of the white beard is not generally strong. The domineering and divine power of the white beard made him unable to break free. And the attack of the white beard did not stop. When the head of the barley was in contact with the ground scorpion, the white beard once again exerted its strength and used the ability to shake the fruit. A dazzling pale white halo flashed out instantly and then the head of the barley Wrapped.

"Not good!" Qing Yu appeared in the eyes of this time the color of fear, his heart is very clear, as long as the shock of the white beard shock hit, even if it is not dead, it is absolutely serious injury.

At this time of the millennium, the red dog that had not been shot began to launch an attack. I saw a large amount of magma in his hand, and then screamed: "The dog!" Then the magma in his hand became the shape of the dog's head and attacked the white beard.

The white beard took the green arm and was hit by a red dog. In order to prevent the attack of the red dog, the domineering was concentrated on the arm of the red dog attack. The white beard took the hand of the barley, and the strength became a lot smaller, and the domineering also shifted from the hand to the arm.

At the first glance, Qingyi had a chance to make a fuss, and immediately elementized the body and escaped from the control of the white beard.

At the same time, Huang Wei’s attack came again, and it turned into a group of light appearing in the air above the head of the white beard, and the latter light energy quickly gathered on his right leg, and then the white beard was smashed. past.

After all, the white beard is old, and the pain is still not the peak state, facing the three major forces of the navy's highest combat power. One-on-one, he has the strength to completely suppress, and he has the ability to prevail in one pair, but he has been powerless.

Although Huang Qi’s attack has already been discovered, Huang’s speed of light kicks, and the speed is too fast. He only has time to lean a little and avoid the key points. But still let Huang Hao's speed of light kick, shot through the chest.

White beard spit out a blood, but he didn't care, because he didn't plan to live back to the new world today, so today he wants to let go. I saw the white beard, he was still calm, and he did not change his face. He slammed the knives in his hand into the ground, and then his hands quickly opened, and the ability to shake the fruit broke out to the strongest. Then both hands tore the space above his head, then slammed down.

With the white beard's hands yanked, the power of the shocking fruit was once again unreserved, and its most horrible side was clearly revealed.

The sound of the thunder suddenly began, and then the earth began to tremble fiercely. It was already a ruined Marin Vado, and in this fierce tremor, the remaining buildings began to collapse. The people in Marin Vatican are trembled and stunned, and at the same time they must avoid the collapsed buildings that are terrible.

At the same time, on the ground, a huge crack spread from the position of the white beard to all directions. The vibration of the shocking fruit of the full force broke out from the hands of the white beard, and it was unscrupulous. On the fragile island of Marin Vado, it kept hitting.

The shock wave of horror shocked the Marin, which had been almost the same as the ruins. At this moment, a sense of uneasiness, fear and despair spread to every corner of Marin Vado.

This day was the disaster day of Marin Vatican. The navies in this Marin vandos were shocked by the ability to shake the fruit in front of them. They all looked at the white beard with fear. At this moment, the white beard has become a **** of death, a monster brought to the world.

Finally, in this great waterway, the naval headquarters that has experienced countless winds and rains has been destroyed by the shocking fruit of the white beard.

At the execution desk, the high platform that stood in the Warring States period has long ceased to exist, and the walls on the square have all fallen down. The naval soldiers below the squatting squatting.

When Tian Lei saw it, it was time for his own shot. Otherwise, this Marin van Gogh would be sunk by this crazy white beard. A space move of Tianlei came to the front of the white beard and came to the front of the white beard. Tian Lei discovered that the old man was actually tall.

At the moment when the thunder appeared, White Beard discovered the thunder and looked at it in the sky, and his eyes were sharp. Seeing the thunder and heart of the earthquake, the thunder and darkness really stood at the top of the world, and the eyes were so sharp.

However, Tianlei is not a weak person. How can it stop attacking because of this sharp eye! On the thunder's fist, a dazzling white aperture was illuminated, and then he hit the white beard.

White beard looked at the dazzling aperture of Tianlei's hand, his face finally changed, because this white aperture he is familiar with, this is the symbol of his white beard! But how did it appear in the hands of a naval kid?

I was shocked by everyone who saw this scene. They were all shocked. Is this the fruit of the earthquake? Isn't that another white beard? The navy and the people who saw this scene cheered! The shocking fruit in their hearts is the white beard, the world's strongest. Then the thunder, which also has the fruit of the earthquake, is naturally the world’s strongest person in the future, and this time the first strong will be in the navy. Isn’t it worth their happiness?

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