One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 135: Top battle twenty one

"Hey!" Tian Lei’s fist hit the white beard’s chest and hit a huge blood hole directly above the white beard’s chest.

"Yeah!" The white beard was stunned by the thunder of this thunder, and his feet could not help but leave the ground. Although he was only separated from the ground, the white beard did fly backwards more than half a meter before standing still. The body.

Above the battlefield is a quiet, it is even more incredible to see the eyes of Tianlei. The people in the world who saw this scene were equally astonished. Although today's war is a ups and downs, the captains of the white beard and the lieutenant generals of the navy have shocked them.

The naval generals, who are the highest in the navy, are even more awe-inspiring, and the younger brother of Huang Hao’s younger brother, Huang Huangqi, is not only powerful but even more unpredictable. There are also seven Wuhai is the same, each one is extraordinary.

However, no matter how powerful they are, how powerful they are, they are in their hearts more than the white beard, the world's strongest. Because in the life of the white beard, no one can let him back, even if it is half a step, because he is a person who would rather die than retreat.

Whether it is the Marshal Warring States, the naval hero Karp, the same four emperors red hair - Shanks, Beast - Kay, BIGMOM - Charlotte Ling Ling. There is also a golden lion who competes with him, even the One Piece Roger, the death of Raleigh. The same is true, he can only leave scars on his head, but never let him back, even if it is half. Because the white beard's fighting style is the power of the gods and the ability, all the people are crushing all the enemies, that is, the people of the same level can't face the hard time with him for a long time, and can only fight with them.

But now the white beard he retired and was repulsed by a young navy lieutenant, although they all know that this is because the white beard is old, and he has been hit hard by the red dog and the oriole, and has been seriously injured. It is. And this light navy lieutenant's attack, said that it is a sudden attack, it is a sneak attack, but in any case, retreat is a retreat!

Bai Hu had been battling for a lifetime, and he suffered a lot of sneak attacks. In the end, he suffered a bit of injury, but he never retired. Moreover, this shot of Tianlei not only caused him to suffer a minor injury, but also allowed him to retreat involuntarily.

Seeing the face of this warring country, I couldn’t help but reveal a smile. It seems that this war is still rewarding. At least the strongest genius in the navy has officially become the strongest in the world and the future navy. The strongest, the strongest in the world, is also the hope of the navy!

After standing firmly, the white beard looked down and looked at the blood hole that his chest was hit by the thunder. After a glimpse, he couldn’t help but scream, and then he laughed: "Ha ha ha ha! Kid, you are really good, that is Roger and the Golden Lion didn't let me back a half. I really didn't expect you to do this. Come here! Let me see how much strength you have!" After the white beard, no matter whether the chest is bleeding or not, The blood hole was smashed, and the slashing knife in the hand was smashed to the thunder.

Looking at the moon knives that the white beard came over, I suddenly had an idea in my mind. Since I have several fruit abilities, can it be combined? The two hands of Tianlei instantly gathered the light energy, and a cloud of heaven appeared in the hands of Tianlei.

After Thunder tried to attach the shock capacity to the Tianzhijian sword, there was a dazzling pale white aperture on the sky cloud sword. Seeing this represents the light white aperture of the shocking fruit ability, Tian Lei’s heart is overjoyed, and it is really ok!

This is a move that Tianlei thinks when he sees the white beard attaching the shocking fruit ability to the moon knives. Since this shock ability can be attached to the foreign object, why can't it be attached to the Tianyun Cong Sword composed of light energy? Above? Thunder is looking forward to this move, after all, it is a combination of two powerful abilities.

I have to say that this move of Tianlei once again illuminates the eyes of everyone. Who has seen the world, and the two fruit abilities appear on the same person? And it can be combined.

The white beard's eyes are also the embarrassing boss. The hand holding the moon knife can't help but tighten, and the power to the thunder is not added.

"Boom ~~~~" The white beard's 偃月刀 and the thunder of the sky cloud 狠狠 狠狠 斩 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和The power is not as simple as one plus one.

“咔 咔 咔 咔 ! 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃 偃! The two people’s cloaks are blowing straight. At the same time, this shock wave hits everything in the 100 meters of the two people into powder. And something beyond 100 meters is blown to a farther ground under the feet of the two people can not withstand the impact of the two forces, cracked with two people as the center, four The huge cracks run through Marin van Gogh, and the fragile Marin van Gogh, who had already been white-bearded, broke down. In addition to the huge cracks that had been made by the white beard, Marin van Gogh broke into six pieces. The sea water immediately emerged from the huge cracks.

The navies in the distance are very lucky now. Fortunately, they have already blown before, or they will be hit by this shock wave. It is definitely a gray life! I couldn’t help but secretly wipe a cold sweat.

It is the Lieutenant who has not changed their face. They know that in such an impact, they are absolutely not good.

The Tianlei and the white beard are still deadlocked, and the white beard laughs again: "The last battle of life, it is really good to have such an opponent like you!" After the completion of Bai Hu's hands, the force was once again forced.

Sure enough, there was no white lunch in the world, and Tian Lei used both abilities and white beard to make a hard hit. At first, he felt refreshed. Because the power of using at the same time is too strong, let him have the first strongman in the world with white beard and the ability to face the move.

But the next second he was sadly reminded, and he found that his physical strength was as fast as running water. And the white beard's one-handed hard hit almost used one-third of his physical strength, not to mention the physical exhaustion of the two people when the stalemate is not slow, Tian Lei is already hard support.

Now the white beard is working hard again, how the thunder can withstand it, and it is swept away by the white-bearded beggar, but fortunately, Tianlei’s death is in the hands of the Tianyun Cong sword, which does not make the white beard’s moon knife If you are on your own, it will be really troublesome.

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