One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 145: Draw a dragon

"Damn! Damn! Your navy hastened to grab him." The snot man screamed at the naval officers and men around him.

"Are you enough? They can't listen to you, at least not now, because now I am the biggest one here, they will only listen to me, and you are a **** shit." Lei looked at the snot man with ridiculous and mocking eyes.

"You guys are going to die for me." "Hey," a snotty man took out his gun and shot at Tianlei.

Tianlei only feels that the speed of the bullet is very slow and slow. It can completely see the trajectory of the bullet, and even can see the material of the bullet. Like this, there is no domineering, and it is not a bullet of the sea stone. Tianlei is too lazy to hide.

I saw that in all the people, the incredible eyes, the bullets that the snot man hit directly hit the head of Tianlei.

After seeing himself hit, the snot man immediately laughed: "The Navy general is just that, isn't it killing me?" But he was stunned for a moment.

Because he saw that Tianlei stood there like nothing, and the other navies, but the two are clear. After the bullet hit the Tianlei directly, he immediately passed through the head of the thunder, and the place where the thunder was hit, just flashed a little light, and then returned to normal. It’s really a hair that is not hurt.

"Hey, guy with a runny nose, will you only play with your toy gun? Even if you play, you have to be a little strong!" Tianlei smiled and looked at the nose man.

"Bastard guy, what are you looking at there, don't give it to me." The snot man shouted at the guards around him and the guards who came later.

"Yes! Brothers!" Hearing the command of the snot man, the guards shouted with passion, but they wanted to sneak in their hearts: "You dead pig, let us go up, fight with the navy general, really The **** is the head pig." But if he wants to return, he still recognizes his life and leads a group of guards who are as hard as his face, and rushed toward Tianlei.

Tianlei looked at the guardian of the Tianlong who rushed to himself, and felt even more that the nose man was an idiot. Gently spit out "shaving." Instantly disappeared in front of the rushing guard.

The Tianlong people's guards, watching the enemy in front of them suddenly disappeared, suddenly panic. Then I heard an "Iron Fist!" and then I felt a huge force, and I came over to others, and the people who were hit also fainted.

Some of them reacted relatively quickly. After hearing the sound of the thunder, they immediately made a slap in the face and rolled to the side. The danger of avoiding the thunder of Tianlei.

When Tian Lei saw that there were a few who had escaped, they immediately became a "shave" and came to one of them. They used a "light speed kick" against him. Suddenly the guard was down. There are a few left and I dare not move. Thunder looked at them, and then slowly walked to the nose of the man.

The snot male looked nervously at the thunder, and his mouth was vague and said: "No~ No~ I want! Please don't kill me! I can give you everything you want, as long as you don't kill me." The **** actually smashed down to the thunder.

After hearing this, Tian Lei smiled even more brilliantly. He said to him faintly, "I can't kill it."

When the nose snoring man listened to the thunder, his face changed, his eyes turned quickly, and then he laughed wildly: "Ha ha ha! I said it! I am a dragon, how can someone dare to kill it!"

Tianlei smiled brightly at the snot, then said: "I can't bear the consequences of killing you, but now the navy and the world government are in a special period. I want to bear the consequences of your meal. From the beginning."

The madness on the nose of the man’s face is gone, but Tianlei will not take care of him! After talking, in the eyes of the snotty male, a slap in the face.

"Ah!" The snot man made a scream of tears. The face that was fanned by the thunder was also swollen, and the half of the face of the nose was also a pig's head.

In addition to the screams of the snot man, there is only a strange silence. The people on the scene, whether it is the Navy, the Tianlong Guard or the Green Bull, are all Zhang Tian’s mouths, and they are shocked and unbelievable.

At this time, Tianlei smiled and said: "Hey! The nose is not very symmetrical to your face! I will give you a whole!"

"Don't!" At this time, a female dragon was coming from the outside with a guard.

The source was originally shopping, suddenly met a flustered Tianlong guard, from his mouth to know what happened, although she is also very disdainful of the behavior of the man, but the nose is her brother ~www So she ran with her own guard captain, but when she arrived, she found that the navy general had already sneaked a slap in the face, and now he raised his hand again, obviously moving. At this time, she knew that it was not good. What is the strength of the Navy general? This slap in the face will definitely not be good. If it is another one, it is estimated that the snot male is absolutely not adult, so he shouted to the Navy and said: "No. ""

When Tian Lei heard the sound, he didn't look at it. He just said a faint sentence: "I am a naval general, but it is not your dog. I want to know what to do." A slap was once again fanned. "Hey," the nose of the man's neck was interrupted, but not yet dead, but absolutely not good.

Once again, Tian Lei had finished blowing his nose and slap a man. When he threw the snot, he suddenly felt a murderousness and spread to himself. The surrounding navy only felt a cold, and at this moment Tian Lei turned his head and smiled at the navy. The navy felt a warm feeling immediately. The cold feeling just disappeared.

Ming Xing, the servant of the Guardian, saw that Tianlei was so easy, and he resolved his murderousness. He also felt that the other party was a strong opponent, and he rarely encountered such a strong opponent, so he broke out again. War. The knife that was directly pulled out rushed toward Tianlei.

Thunder suddenly felt a strong warfare against him, and then turned around and saw a man, about 40 years old, rushed toward him. At the same time, he still has a knife in his hand.

"Vacuum 斩". Ming Xing rushed to the front of Tianlei, directly took out his own tricks, only saw countless swords and shadows, attacked by the thunder, and the people next to them saw this scene, and they felt the strength of this person is very Powerful, not the average person can compare.

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