One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 146: Ming Xing dry guard

In the eyes of the thunder, this is not the case. His high-level savvy and domineering can clearly see the swords of Ming Xing’s servant and chief. Then naturally it’s easy, and I’m avoiding every sword of Ming Xing’s guardian

But what was seen in the eyes of the people next to him was not like this. They saw that Ming Xing’s dry guards and long guards swung long swords, but Tian Lei did not move, but only for a moment. And Thunder is still standing there, not moving, and there is nothing at all. Of course, it’s not that Tianlei really didn’t move, but Tianlei was hiding at a speed that they couldn’t see. It’s just that the Green Bull can see it clearly.

"I was completely escaping?" Ming Xing's dry guardian thought of this, the cold sweat on his body could not help but come out. He never lost his hand, at least until now, never lost his hand. It was now easily escaped by the young man in front of him. I thought to myself: "I really don't mean that the Navy is not the best, and it is the most powerful force of the Navy."

"Hey? I didn't say anything, I suddenly called you what do you want to do?" Tian Lei was a lazy look, speaking to the Mingxing dry guard.

"Kill you, you hit the Dragon, then I will kill you, because I am the guardian of the Tianlong people." Ming Xing, the chief of the guard, said to Tian Lei, while his eyes were excited.

"Yes! You dare to fight the Tianlong people and provoke the world's aristocrats. Even if you are a general of the navy, the world government will not protect you." The source member said in the words of Mingxing's dry guardian.

"You want to kill me? Sorry, you can't do this. As for the world government you said, you can't protect me, and you don't have the final say." Tianlei is facing the source and Mingxing. Long said. However, my heart is a secret laugh, Lao Tzu is to eat what the world government can't do.

Now that the Navy has just experienced a battle with White Beard, the strength is greatly damaged, and even the three majors are not full. Now, if there is any big move to the newly appointed general, the prestige of the navy and the world government will be once again affected. A major blow. Now this is what the navy and the world government need most now, so they can't bear it. This is also the Tianlei who is so fearless and fearless. He is eating the navy and the world government, and he will not be like him.

As for the future, they want to do things, Tianlei said hehe! At that time, I am afraid that I have long since not belonged to the world government, and I am even more afraid.

"Ming Xing dry guardian, you still don't go, give me this guy, I want him to be a slave." The source said to the Ming Xing dry guard.

Ming Xing's dry guardian heard the order of Ruth, and the horse started his own fastest speed and rushed to Tianlei. In an instant, I rushed to the front of the thunder, and once again slammed into the thunder.

Tianlei saw Mingxing’s dry guards rushing to his front, and waving his hand was a knife. Innocent is not feeling of tension at all. The right foot is stepped back and the body is tilted to the right. It is easy to avoid the knife of Ming Xing’s servant, and then the right hand quickly grabs the wrist of Ming Xing’s guardian. At the same time, he said: "It's really weak!"

"Is it weak? Although you said that I am weak, I am still eager to fight with a strong person like you." Ming Xing's dry guards are still persistent.

"Even if you die, it doesn't matter?" The Tianxie returned to a lazy look and said to Ming Xing's dry guard.

"Yes. Even if you die, you don't care." Ming Xing's dry guards looked at Tian Lei firmly.

"So as you wish I will fight with you all the time." Tian Lei replied.

Ming Xing's dry guardian saw a knife in the middle, and was planning to smash the knife to the thunder, and suddenly found that his wrist with the knife was caught. Surprised to see the thunder.

"Ming Xing, the servant, please don't play with the knife in front of me? You can play the knife in front of me, but there are not a few people, and you are not in these few." Tian Lei looks like a human being. Ming Xing dry guardian said.

"I am in charge of you! I will fight and say it first." Ming Xing's dry guardian saw that Tian Lei did not attack himself, and immediately pulled back his hand.

"Oh? Is it? You try it, and I am far worse than you!" Tianlei smiled and said to Mingxing’s dry guard.

"Haha! That's great. The stronger you are, the more I beat you, the more famous I got, hahaha!" Ming Xing's dry guardian suddenly said excitedly.

"Oh! It’s too stupid." Tian Lei saw that he didn’t listen to it, and he snorted. After he sighed, he didn’t say anything more.

"Wan Yunsong" Ming Xing dry guards used a full force, and even issued a sniper. A blue sniper slammed into the thunder.

At this time, Tianlei was looking at the sniper of Ming Xing’s servant’s long-serving squad with appreciation. It’s impossible to use the power of Ming Xing’s servant’s strength to slap the power of this Made out, it can be seen that Ming Xing's dry guardian is a very talented swordsman.

Unfortunately, he did not have to deal with the real master, which led to his age is so big, still such strength. If he can understand his shortcomings, then he will definitely have a place in Dajianhao in time.

"Oh! This kind of attack is a little bit interesting!" Tianlei looked at the sniper that he had come to, and rushed forward. When the sniper was about to hit the thunder, Tianlei jumped forward and turned a flip. In an instant, I arrived at the top of Mingxing’s dry guard. "Two thousand watts round the kick!" Tian Lei mouth faintly floated a word.

The Mingxing dry guardian saw that Tianlei had escaped his own sniper, and then it was such a powerful kicking technique that he was directly there, until he was recruited.

At this time, Tianlei stood behind the Mingxing dry guardian, with one leg independent, and one leg was kicked in the left rib of the Mingxing dry guard. The ribs of Ming Xing’s Guardian’s Guardian’s ribs were kicked off by Tian Lei’s move.

"I finally know where my deficiencies are, hahaha!" Ming Xing's dry guardian did not move, standing in the original.

"Oh, you haven’t seen more on Kendo! The various types of strong people who haven’t seen it are much more. A person who hasn’t fought with all kinds of strong people can’t be a real strong. Tian Lei smiled and replied.

"Why attack my ribs, just your blow, if the attack is my head, I think I am already dead." Ming Xing, the guardian of the guard, said with doubt.

"Well! Because I don't want to kill you, I really want to see, what kind of surprise can you bring to me next time? Can this reason be?" Thunder took back his leg and replied.

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