One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 156: Bright muscle

Thunder went on to: "But later, I heard a poem made by a civilian. His poems made me understand what is true justice."

Just like Zefa, who had found a direction from Tianlei, immediately stunned and looked up and asked Tianlei: "What poem? I understand what justice is."

In the saying, Tian Lei said secretly to the author of the previous life, but I am so eager to let your poems spread in this world, don't care. After reading: "August autumn high wind anger, roll my house on the three-legged Mao. Mao Feidujiang sprinkled the suburbs of the river, the taller hanging 罥 long forest tip, the next drifting Shentang 坳.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

There are tens of thousands of buildings in the world, and the world is full of people, and the wind and rain are not as good as the mountains! Alas! When I suddenly saw this house in front of me, I was alone in freezing and freezing! ”

Zefa and Binz looked at Tian Lei with a sullen look. Ai Yin was also dull and asked: "What do you mean?"

This time, the round of thunder was forced, and then reacted, right! Here is the world of One Piece, how can they understand the world before.

Immediately explained: "The meaning is: in August, the autumn is deep, the wind is angry, the wind has swept away several layers of thatched grass on my roof. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

How can I get ten million spacious and tall houses, and generally shelter the poor readers in the world, let them laugh and laugh, the house is not moving in the wind and rain, is it as stable as a mountain? Ugh! When did you see such a towering house in front of you, even if my huts were blown by the autumn wind, I would be willing to die by freezing myself! ”

"An ordinary person can die for the poor in the world, and willingly go to the death of the frozen. Then we are so strong in the world, have the strength and ability to not do it? We not only want the world's poor Scholars, and all the people in the world, can live and work in peace and contentment. This is what we should do."

"Now my justice is to be the country for the people, the world is the country, the people of the world are the people. All that is before me is evil, for the justice of my heart, the pirates, the four emperors, the seven Wuhai Whether the aristocracy of the country, the navy, the world government or the five old stars, I will smash them and kill them!"

Zefa and Binz and Ai Yin were all stupid looking at the thunder. After a while, they returned to God. Zefa pondered for a while and smiled and said to Tianlei: "The old man accepts your justice and is the country for the people. It is indeed the most justice, but your idea is very similar to the dragon's revolutionary army! How do you know that you can do it?"

Thunder: "Time, now the naval strength is greatly damaged, the four emperors are busy fighting for the white beard. As long as we take the G5 strategic location, as long as there is enough strength, we will be able to stand firm."

Zefa looked at Tianlei with a contemptuous look and said faintly: "As you? Although your strength is really good, especially at your age, there is such a strength. It can be described as a gift of talent. No one in the navy can Than. When it is now, you are still far from the dragon!"

"The dragon's unsuccessful, I can see at a glance that he is not strong enough, of course, not to say that he is personal, but the whole. The whole revolutionary army also has good strength for him and the demon king, and there is still a chief of staff now! It’s just three people.”

"I know that I will not be prepared? Do you think I am like a fool?"

Zefa couldn't help but be curious: "Oh?"

To get rid of Zefa is naturally to let him see the hope, it is time to brighten the muscles: "I have already prepared, introduce my partners,

Noki Gao: The natural ice flame ability, the overlord color, the armed color, the smell of the color, the three-color domineering owner, the combat power is definitely not under the top lieutenant of the navy.

Trafalgar Lo: The ability to operate the fruit, armed color, smelling color, two-color domineering owner, just defeated the former Lieutenant General of the G5, Vigo, the top lieutenant.

Drake: Dinosaur fruit · Tyrannosaurus shape ability, armed color, smell of color, two-color domineering owner, the combat power is also the top lieutenant.

Kebi: The natural ability of the dark fruit, as well as the shock capacity of the white beard, the color of the overlord, the armed color, the smell of the color, the three-color domineering owner, the top lieutenant.

Bartol Romeo: the barrier fruit ability, the world's strongest shield, as long as he is defensive, even the navy general, he is helpless in a short time, the top lieutenant.

Chennai: The ability of kilograms of fruit, armed color, smelling color, two-color domineering owner, Lieutenant General Lieutenant.

Gal Dino: Superman wax wax fruit ability ~ ~ armed color, see the color, two-color domineering owner, the elite of the elite.

Yuxiduo: Cat and cat fruit, Bobcat form ability, armed color, smelling color, two-color domineering owner, general lieutenant general.

Face 瘫 原 原 原: Jian Hao class strong, armed color, see the color, two color domineering owner, the general force of the general lieutenant.

Yalita: The ability to slip, the owner of the armed color domineering, the general lieutenant.

De Zaya: Jian Hao class strong, armed color domineering owner, the general force of the general.

Mr.5: Those who have the ability to explode fruit, see the general color of the domineering owner.

Baby-5: The weapon's fruit ability, the general force of the general.

Miss Golden Week: The person with the ability to feel the fruit, the general lieutenant.

The right to join the new will be the Virgo is also the top lieutenant.

There is also a general manager who has 100% of the income, if you plus me, three generals, six top lieutenants, and nine lieutenants. In addition, I can also pull a group of people from the navy, the ability of the natural smog fruit, Smog, the fruit of the scorpion, Dina, T. Benn, the rust-rust fruit ability, Xiu En, Major General Kata The Air Force Navy, headed by Airwave, Kadalu and Yukimura, and nearly 20,000 navies.

Mr. Zefa, your opinion, feels that in such a special period, can such strength be based on the sea?

If Mr. Zefa, you can move, the youngsters who must have left the Navy are also likely to join, and that is really a tiger. Then calculate it and let the four emperors and the navy mess up and make some achievements. Believe that the revolutionary army with the same goals as us, there is a great possibility to join us! By the time, hehe!

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