One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 157: Black female pirates attack

"One general, six top lieutenants, nine lieutenants, and you are the general. There are also natural and tyrannical owners here. I really don't know how you let them follow them willingly. your."

Suddenly he said: "There are also the naval generals you picked up. It is also very good. This strength has been compared with the four emperors! I really don't know, if you are in the eyes of the navy and the world government." However, with your strength and the special period, there is still the possibility of success."

Tian Lei listened to Zefa and showed his tone. He immediately followed his tone and asked: "Mr. Nazefa, are you willing to accompany the kid crazy?"

"Oh? The old man wants to ask, what kind of official do you give the old man?" Zefa asked with a smile.

Tianlei smiled. When Zefa asked this question, he knew that he agreed. He immediately said: "I want to run a military in G5. Mr. Zefa is the chief instructor. I am in the same position as the general. I don't know what Mr.?"

Zefa thought for a moment and decided that he was the most suitable for such a position. He taught his disciples for a lifetime and was very interested in teaching his disciples. Besides, I have to go beyond myself, that is, the strength of the two disciples, Binz and Ai Yin.

Binz and Ai Yin heard that Zefa said that they could not help but look at Zefa and called: "Teacher! Really want to leave the Navy?"

Tian Leidao: "Not leaving the navy, but building a real, just navy."

Zefa looked at his two disciples and asked: "You forgot, those companions who died in the hands of the pirates? Now you have to become an alliance with him? I can't do it. If you don't want to follow the teacher, You can leave, the teacher will never stop you."

Listening to Zefa, Binz and Ai Yin’s face changed, and Ain’s charming eyes flashed with tears. “The teacher, how can this be, where the teacher goes, I naturally go where.”

Binz also quickly said: "Ai Yin said that there is nothing wrong, because the teacher, we have today, how can I leave the teacher!"

Looking at Ai Yin wearing a navy suit, it is such a heroic, and now it is a pear with rain, really do not have a charm, look at the sky is a little straight. Sometimes love is just as unreasonable as it came, just as Tian Lei saw Hancock.

It seems that this Ain, I have to win, or my own heart, it is estimated that it will not be able to settle down. Said to Hancock, before he has not counted his powerful strength in it! She can still have the power of a country behind her! Although she can't rely on a woman with her men, but now she and her have become husband and wife, and she can't get away with her own hands. It seems that she should talk to her in advance.

Tian Lei once again glanced at the charming Ai Yin and said: "Mr. Zefa, then what are you waiting for my notice here? I still have a big deal to do. After I finish it, I can pull more from the navy. People come. And then I will send you a big gift." I thought that Ai Yin will be in G5 in the future, so there are opportunities, but now it is important to do the right thing.

However, Tian Lei thinks a little simple. In this world of strength, how can it be just a mouthful to talk about it. I saw Zefa said slowly and unhurriedly: "Before this, did you play with the old man, let me see, the naval strongest genius, the youngest general, how much strength in the end, is the real price! Or ~ ~~~~Oh!"

When Tian Lei listened to Zefa, he did not feel strange. It seems that he still has to do it! Laughing to Zefa said: "It is a great honor to be able to compete with Mr. Zefa!" After a pause, Tian Lei said: "I thought about it, there is a small island nearby, we went there to fight. how is it?"

Soon, Lei Zefa and Binz and Ai Yin came together on this small island. Tianlei Zefa has already held it up. "Then let's get started now!" Tianlei was facing Zefa. After saying that an extremely powerful momentum emerged from the thunder, it was overwhelming in the past. ”

At this time, Tian Lei and Zefa’s look changed slightly, and they also saw the different colors in the other’s eyes.

"Oh." A gunshot sound passed through the lush forest branches to the ears of four people.

Then, with a powerful armed color domineering, black bullets broke through the air, flew straight toward Zefa's eyebrows, and a big blow would force Zefa to kill.


The cold eyes of Zefa slammed into the place where the bullets flew, and then waved, the bullet with a strong armed color domineering, directly played by Zefa. To know the nickname of Zefa’s youth, it’s called a black wrist! That armed color domineering is the use of fire innocent. The armed color of this bullet still does not hurt him.

Thunder said to Zefa: "It seems that this is coming to you! Hehe!"

Zefa smiled slightly: "There is no way. The longer the navy, the more the enemy will be. Doesn't this come?"


However, the person who hides in the dark is obviously a master. If he judges by the habits of normal people, the moment when Zefa slashes the bullet, it will definitely be when his spirit is relaxed, and it is slashed in Zefa. At the moment of this bullet, the gunmen in the dark opened fire, dozens of guns, dozens of bullets went straight to the main points of Zefa.

Zefa had a huge iron-arm shredder, but almost completely blocked his entire body in one fell swoop. The dozens of people who had come were all blocked, and even Zefa's skin did not hurt one point.


However, at this moment, another sound broke out, not the sound of bullets breaking through the air. This time it was a weapon to cut through the sound of the air.


Tianlei moved, although Tianlei is not a pure swordsman, but after all, it is also a swordsman. Even if he has not seen it with his own eyes, Tianxuan can determine the identity of the attacker. He is a swordsman. The hands quickly gathered up the light energy, and almost a moment of the sky, the sword appeared in the hands of the thunder, and then the thunder waved the sword in the hands of the sky, blocking this attack.


The sound of the air broke again, but this time it was the sound of the sky in the hands of Tianlei, breaking through the air. I saw the Tianyun Yunjian in the hands of Tianlei directly smashing toward the shadow center of one big tree.


A pure black knife appeared. This is like a wizard in the dark. There is no light on the blade. The sky clumping sword and the pure black sword smashed together. Under the powerful power of the thunder, this black knife instantly retreated and broke into the shadow of the big tree and disappeared, as if it never appeared. Too general.

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