One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 166: Mission 4

"Run, you must run, otherwise I will be the next Parkin. Only when I am alive will I have a chance to make a comeback." The instant wine **** ho waking up and watching Pakina’s tragic death, the wine tycoon did not hesitate. He ran away with his legs. He didn't want to die like Parkin. He also had his own ambitions. Before his ambitions were reached, he didn't want to die.

"Go, go."

I yelled at the others and ran away. "Go, can't stay here again, otherwise the captain looks like our end."

Seeing that the wine hobby has gone, the other few also have the meaning of escape. After all, the strongest existence of the entire devil pirate group has been killed by Francis, and they will definitely step into the footsteps of Perkins. .

For the four people’s escaping, they have a space-like ability and a sparkling fruit. This is probably no one who can move faster than Tianlei. As long as Tianlei wants to chase, there is no People can run. So I didn't pay any attention to it. At this moment, Tian Lei was standing still beside Parkin's body, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Because at this time he found that this battle has made a big breakthrough, not the strength, but the breakthrough in the state of mind, to know that Tianlei has both sparkling and space fruits, he wants to go no one can stop. So I always felt that I was holding, playing, playing, and playing, but after this siege, I lost the opportunity to avoid, so that Tian Lei really played the blood for the first time. Yes! This is the most crucial thing for myself to forget the One Piece, the blood is right, it is blood!

"Battle, I need to fight." The firm color in the eyes flashed, and Thunder has already understood the path he will follow, and he will become the strongest person in the world directly facing life and death.


Just when Tianlei had just figured it out, a huge bang came into the ears of Tianlei, the black sister, the black sister.

It turned out that on the occasion of Tianlei’s thinking, the three black sisters saw that Francis stood there motionlessly. Without any precautions, he began to think and sneaked into the thunder.

The sneak attack is a fatal one, and the black sister’s shot is full of strength. I saw that the entire ten-square-meter atmosphere in the black box’s double box was shattered by him, and the attack strength was absolutely comparable to that of the general. Existence, but this is already the limit of the black sister. At this moment, the black sister forcibly spurred so many air suspensions. Under the powerful anti-shock force, the whole body of the black sister began to deform.

"Tianlei, you are dead." The black sister's morbid smile, the black sister who has almost no adult shape, showed a smile.

This blow is the strongest blow that the black sister can make so far. It is absolutely comparable to the full blow of the generals. No, this blow has surpassed the full blow of those who entered the rank of generals, even With the invincible meaning of the Navy’s slashing of the red dog, in the eyes of the black sister, the thunder that has been vomited by the group of Pajin, if it is hit again, will definitely die.

But the facts made the black sister disappointed.

"It's good to come." Tian Lei's sensational color domineering instantly sensed the black sister's attack, and the horrible power, but the thunder was not shocked, because Tianlei had just figured out that he wanted to break through again. The key point is the battle. Only the hearty battle can make the belief of Tianlei sublimate. In that case, he can break through the current level and completely reach the level of the red dog, the level of the general level. It is even the level of the Four Emperors and the Kapp Warring States.

Now, this black sergeant’s attack gives Tianlei this opportunity.

"Drink, Wei Pa impact."

Inspired by the horror power of this attack, Tian Lei’s energy was concentrated all at once, and then the right fist of Tian Lei slammed into the powerful force of the black sister.

Faith, strength, skill, domineering, the unity of the four, facing this power that has exceeded his limit, Tianlei once again played his strongest punch, and now the belief of Tianlei has never been concentrated.


The popping sounds, like the strongmen of the two generals level, the super strong fluctuations that can almost destroy everything. The explosion of the fists of the thunder and the black sister broke out, and the powerful spirits torn off. The cracked atmosphere goes straight into the sky.


Retreat, the first time since the black sister's full blow, Tianlei has been defeated since the war.

I only listened to the wind and the shadow of the thunder, and made a long scratch on the ground to keep going backwards at a very fast speed.

Of course, this time it was not that the thunder was not as good as the black sister. When the thunder and the black sister came out, the gun **** Kelly also launched an attack. The gun **** Kelly shot dozens of guns in succession. Each gun was powerful. Full, two people's combos, Tianlei did not rub for a while, was hit, hit and flew out.


The figure of Tianlei finally stopped after hitting a big stone. He saw the position of the thunder at this time, and between the position where he was standing, a gully of nearly 100 meters appeared on the ground. Hey, huh, really. ”

Leaning on the stone, the thunder of the thunder's mouth blew out the blood, apparently under the joint action of the black sister and the gun **** Kelly, but Tian Lei showed a smile at the moment, because Tianlei just played the most When I was strong, I felt the change in my body again. I really felt that my strength had increased. As for the injury? The black sister’s attack was blocked by the thunder, and the hitting **** of the gun, Kelly, hit her. Even if her strength is stronger than the full-time navy lieutenant, it is impossible to make the thunder really serious. The injury, this injury is almost the same in the eyes of the Thunder.

"Impossible, is this guy really a four-level and the level of the Warring States?" The black sister who was shocked by the powerful anti-shock force, but can not laugh at this moment, because Tianlei only However, spit out the blood and not die, that is to say, the thunder still has combat power at this moment.

After the black sister himself played the super strong blow, but did not have any fighting power, not only did not have any fighting power, the black sister's body inside was shattered by the thunder of the most hit, even if it is a The most common lieutenant in the navy, rushing here to attack the black sister for a period of time can also kill him, let alone the thunder of the force.

"No, I can't die, I can't die, I'm dead, what about those who treat me as a hero, what about the islands I care for?"

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