One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 167: Conquer the black sister 1

Seeing that Tianlei stood up from the place, the black sister was even more afraid. She didn't want to die. She only got the hurricane fruit in less than a year. Her strength can hit a big attack, just give her another one. A little bit of time, she has the confidence to be in place soon, the real general level.

Under the support of strong beliefs, the black-sister who has not been adult-like is standing up. A hurricane gathers around her, holding her, trying to move her foot, and wants to leave.

"Sit on the position of the four emperors, kill the rest of the three emperors, let all people live under their own protection, live a good life. Let the three words of the black sister ring every corner of the world, let my hands put All the blood of the pirates dyed the whole great route in red, and all this is just getting started. I can't die." With a heavy pace, the black sister struggled backwards. This is probably one of all the pirates, the one who is the pirate and the one who hates the pirates.

At this time, the gun **** Kelly, the shadow swordsman Weishuang immediately appeared on the black sister's side to support her, a look at the heart: "Black sister, you have nothing!"

"Sit on the position of the four emperors? Kill the rest of the three emperors? Use the blood of the pirates to dye the whole great route red?" But the Tianlei, who suffered some minor injuries, came to the black sister. After coming to the black sister, Tian Lei continued: "Since you are protecting people, why are you a pirate, not a navy?"

The black girl has not answered yet. The gun **** Kelly on the side said: "The navy? The navy is more hateful than the pirates. The pirates are not disguised as evil, but what about your navy? Look at your world government is not a demon I don't believe it. There is no ordinary person in the whole island? A good person? And what are the things that the Navy and the world government are protecting? What are the things in the eyes? People are estimated in their eyes and chickens and ducks. No difference!"

"And, as long as they say a word, your navy is actually going to dispatch the naval general with the highest combat power. I am really sad for you naval generals! In their eyes, you are stronger than chickens and ducks. !Ha ha!"

Tian Lei listened to the **** of the gun, Kelly, and his eyes could not be lit up. He sighed: "Yes! These are all you can see, but the high-ranking navies have turned a blind eye and are willing to be the running dogs of the world government and the Tianlong people." ""

Ready for Tian Lei to listen to the words of the **** of the gun, Kelly, will immediately angered the black sister who attacked them, the gun **** Kelly, the shadow swordsman Weishuang three people are dumbfounded, this blue dragon general, it is difficult to be strong, Can't my brain? Kelly can't hear him? And also said this, what does this mean?

No, the navy can't say this. The next meaning is: "Are you not a navy?"

The gun **** Kelly and the shadow swordsman Weishuang have already been shocked by the words of Tianlei, but when they heard the black sister's words, their heads crashed. At the same time, I thought, did the black sister make the navy foolish? This is obviously the general of the navy. Why is it not the navy?

The black sister said that he immediately responded. This person is the navy! Immediately said: "Your heart is not in the navy, yes, you should be stationed at G5, how come here?"

At this time, the three men of Zefa came over: "Speaking, the goals of both of you are still similar. They are all protecting the people. Black-headed, this kid can be ambitious! He is planning to build a navy. A true justice navy, one overthrows the four emperors, overthrows the world government, destroys the Tianlong people, and allows all the people in the world to live and live in peace and contentment. He is here to join the old man, the old man has already been enlisted, you want Also join the guy!"

The black sister listened again and stayed again. The already stunned gun **** Kelly and the shadow swordsman Weishuang are now even more stupid. What did they hear? They can’t believe it now. Let’s not say what Tian Lei wants to do. It’s a shame to say that it’s a slap in the income of Zefa!

Zefa’s position in the navy is very high, and his influence is even more unparalleled. You must know that at least half of the Navy’s schools are his students, that is, the generals Huang Qi and they are also his students. What's more, his strength is also very strong, but there are nearly 50,000 naval soldiers.

And what is the situation now? The Navy’s strongest genius, the youngest general, is now in the Navy, but the opposite of all the young generals’ adoration, and its influence is extraordinary. Now this old one is actually leaving the world government together, leaving the navy, and a news spread, I am afraid that the whole world will shake it! As for the navy, I am afraid it will be miserable! This old one and a few announced together to leave, no harm to the navy and a disaster!

Thunder looked at Zefa a little surprised, and he still hasn't spoken yet! He just pulled himself up, it seems that this made him fully agree with himself. It seems that this time not only achieves its own perfect purpose, but also can accept three full strengths.

Tianlei looked at the three black sisters: "Mr. Zefa said that there is nothing wrong with I am now preparing to believe that it will take a long time to complete." Tianlei looked at the three Expression, paused, and then said: "To say strength, just by your strength, just want to become one of the four emperors is impossible. Here I can tell you, Ace is not dead, I want to now he I am also preparing for something like me. This time, the aunt and Kayto who are going to grab the white-bearded site are afraid to eat a big loss."

The three black sisters heard that Thunder said that Ace was not dead, his eyes were coming out quickly, and what shocked them today is really one after another! Some of their heads are not responding. But even if it doesn't react, the black sister knows that Ace doesn't mean anything. They want to be one of the four emperors. It may not be at all.

I saw that the three black sisters had completely stayed, and Tian Lei also issued an invitation. He smiled and said to the black sister: "Since we have the same goal, do not do it together! How about joining us?"

The gun **** Kelly and the shadow swordsman Weishuang looked at their captain black sister. From the black sister's expression, we can see that she has been tempted, but there are still some concerns and hesitation.

Tianlei can also see what the black sister’s concerns are. Immediately, “Reassure, if you join our emerging navy, then if we find out that we are doing something inconsistent with your goals, you can leave at any time, I will never It’s hard for you. Of course, I can assure you that today you are not agreeing, I will let you leave, never lose words."

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