One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 174: Drake VS Hyena Bellamy

The dog, Bellamy, looked angry at the sky and said: "Although you are a general of the navy, you can't be so rude to the Flemings." After that, he came out and attacked. Look like.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that there will be a big battle here, but Thunder is still a leisurely face, as if he is not in the battlefield, still faintly said: "Dofranming brother, your dog is a bit No, you should be disciplined!"

After listening to the thunder, the dog Parami turned his head and looked at Dolfranming. Without the command of Fleminger, he really did not dare to launch an attack. However, Dolfranming did not look at him, but said to Tianlei: "Blue Dragon general, if you return the sugar to me now, and then immediately leave the kingdom, I can not pursue this matter?"

When Tian Lei heard it, he looked at Dolfranming with a contemptuous look and asked with sarcasm: "I am a naval general, come to you, leave without doing anything? Do you think that my idle egg hurts? Nothing to come to you for a stroll?"

The anger of Dolfranming's heart is burning constantly. It seems that there is no way to be good with Tianlei. He immediately nodded to his dog, Bellamy.

The hyena Bellamy saw that Dolflander nodded and immediately went to the field, and the meaning could not be understood.

Tianlei can't help but stay, this is your mother, want to learn to play the singles in the Three Kingdoms? However, I like it, and immediately turned to the partner and asked: "This is the dog Bellamy, the spring fruit ability, strength and armed color domineering are good, who are interested in taking him down!"

Listening to Tian Lei’s question, Drake stood up and said, “Let me come! I have not encountered a decent opponent for a long time.”

Drake also came, and between the two groups of Tianlei and Dolfranming, Drake and the hyena Bellamy immediately held up, and the scene was tense.

At this very edge of the world, there are some people on the small national squares gathering more and more, because above the square, on the screen used to publish political texts, there are actually new naval generals. A group of genus came down to the kingdom of Franmingo.

I did not expect this new general, not only his own strength, but also the strength of his subordinates. Actually, one pair killed four and caught a senior cadre of Franmingo.

There is only one idea in their minds, that is, this matter is going to be big, but at this time, the information is broken. This of course is interrupted by the Tianlei and Navy internal calls. They were still not aware of this scene. Since the white beard and the Navy headquarters, the biggest battle since the first battle, the screen of the screen has resumed. And at this time, one of the seven kings of Wuhai, Dolfranming, also appeared with his senior cadres, and has already held up with General Blue Dragon.

They were excited at once, and one person said: "You said, who will win this game?"

"Of course, the Blue Dragon general! Although he is young, but the general is a general, it is not comparable to Wang Xiwu Wuhai."

"That is, just look at the battle between the blue dragon general and the multi-Franming brothers. You can also know one or two. Although this is not their own strength, they can also represent some." It seems that the people are still standing in the navy. One side.

Back to Drake and the hyena Bellamy, the hyena Bellamy looked at Drake, who came to the field, and immediately said, "Is it you, the fallen general of Dr. Drake?" Bellamy took a look at Drake's shoulder and said with some irony: "Hey! It's already a lieutenant!"

Drake did not answer, nor was it affected by the words of the dog Parami, but a faint smile on the dog Bellamy, which was full of disdain and even disregard. Although Drake is a bit arrogant and a bit arrogant, he has arrogant capital. In the same period, only those who are supernovas can get his eyes. Although the strength of this dog Bellamy is OK, but it is still a little worse than Drake.

How did the hyena Bellamy suffer, and immediately screamed: "Spring sniper." After that, it began to thunder and attack. I saw the hyena Bellamy first turned the calves on both sides into springs, then pressed the legs that turned into springs to the ground, stored a large amount of elastic potential energy to the feet, and converted the large amount of elastic energy released. The moment of kinetic energy bounced to Drake, the more energy stored in this move, the stronger the power generated by the fight. But this dog, Bellamy, was in anger, and did not store much energy, he attacked it.

Although the dog of the hyena Bellamy is very fast in the ability of the spring fruit. However, Drake did not look at this white mix. Paul was a powerful blow to the dog's Bellamy. At the same time, Drake’s sword in his hand immediately made a strong sniper and slammed the dog to Bellamy.

The reaction of the hyena Bellamy is also very fast ~ ~ legs once again become a spring, flew out to the side, escaped Drake's sniper. After avoiding the attack, the dog Bellamy immediately shouted: "Spring jumpers."

I saw the hyena Bellamy once again, first turned the calves on both sides into springs, and then pressed the legs that turned into springs to the ground, storing a large amount of elastic energy to the feet, and constantly moving back and forth between the surrounding buildings. Bounce, bounce to the end because the Bellamy speed exceeds the speed that the human body's dynamic vision can catch up, so at this time Bellamy disappears in the eyes of ordinary people. When the kinetic energy converted from a large amount of elastic energy reached the pole, that is, the moment when the attack power was the strongest, the hyena Bellamy slammed into Drake at a very high speed.

When the speed of the hyena Bellamy was so fast that Drake couldn't see it, Drake's face changed slightly, but it was slightly changed. It should be known that his domineering color is not bad. When the speed of the hyena Bella reached the limit and attacked him, his sensational color had already felt the direction of the dog's attack. Immediately waved the iron axe in the other hand and slammed the dog to Bellamy.

The dog's Bellamy is too fast, and he is so quick to react. A slap in the face, has been waiting for Drake's iron axe there. However, at the last moment, the dog, Bella, made an armed color domineering, and avoided the fate of Drake's iron axe in two. That's why the dog, Bellamy, flew out of the hustle and bustle, and then slammed into a tall building.

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