One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 175: Drake VS Hyena Bellamy II

After Drake saw the hyena Bellamy being beaten by himself, two snipers immediately smashed the past, when Drake's sniper was about to attack the place where the hyena Bellamy fell to the ground.

I saw a shattering stone in the gravel of the building that had been knocked down by the hyena Bellamy. The hyena Bellamy stood up from it and stood up and walked the dog Bellamy at first sight. The sniper of the ruler didn't want to, and a spring jump escaped.

The hyena Bellamy was no longer relaxed before, and the disdain on his face was gone. He changed to a taboo voice and looked at the relaxed Drake. The dog in the dog had a hint of fear.

All the people present at the scene saw it. Tian Lei looked at Du Fleming with a smile on his face. Dolfranming was irritated by Tian Lei, and turned to the hyena Bellamy and said coldly: I still don't hurry to get rid of this so-called supernova." After that, I looked at Luo, and the killing in the eyes, Hao did not retain the explosion, and pressed Luo.

At the moment when Dolframming appeared, Luo’s eyes were not removed from the body of Dolfranming, and the killings on his body were revealed early. With the qualifications of Luo, it is not difficult to give him a certain amount of time to reach the level of Dolfranming. It is a pity that Luo is far from the opponent of Franmingo. The confrontation between the two men is only an instant. Luo is suppressed in the downwind and can only resist.

Luo is on the left hand side of Tianlei, and Tianlei is only one step to the left, blocking in front of Luo. When Luoton felt that the pressure from Dolfranming had disappeared, this is a comparison of the momentum of Luo and Dolfranming.

In exchange for the contrast between Tian Lei and Dolfranming's opposition forces, this situation will immediately become different. Dove Fleming's momentum is like a raging wave, but the thunder is not a little momentum, but he goes to that stop, but he does not move as a mountain.

This time, there were some more frankly brothers who couldn’t see the thunder, and there was a hint of jealousy on his face. There was a blast in his eyes, and he laughed at the same time: "Huo! Huo! Huo! Huo!"

At this time, when I heard the super idol of Fleminger, the fear of the dog Bellamy’s eyes disappeared, and immediately burst into a scream: “Spring dead fist.” After seeing the dog Bellamy’s eye, the right arm was first changed. In the spring, the arm that turns into a spring is highly compressed in the direction of the elbow, and a large amount of elastic position energy is stored in the arm. This is also the more energy stored in one stroke, and the stronger the force caused by the punching out.

With Drake’s rich experience in combat, it’s natural to see this at a glance. He smiled coldly at the dog, Bellamy. “You’re a good guy, but it’s a pity that the preparation time is a bit.” Drake The words have not been finished yet, and the attack on the hand has already started. First, the sword in the hand slams a powerful sniper. After that, a blast hits up, and the iron axe in the hand smashes the past. .

The hyena Bellamy saw Drake's continuous brute force attack and immediately got a countermeasure. One hand greeted Drake's sniper, and the other hand greeted Drake's powerful axe.

"Boom!" "Hey!" The two consecutive collisions rang. The first collision was Drake's sniper and the dog's fist. When the dog Bellamy collided with the sniper, he immediately felt a sniper from Drake's sniper. Powerful force, push him back.

Although this is the case, but the dog Parami still bite the lock, the death of the block the move, and he is full of force, the blue veins on the forehead and arms are all burst out, the dog Bellamy was This sniper hit the ground and dragged it for ten meters before stopping.

But Drake was at this time, the iron axe in his hand waved to the hyena Bellamy, and the other fist of the hyena Bellamy was squatting together. This time, the dog Parami was no longer able to stop, and immediately flew out.

"Hey!" The dog, Bellamy, spit out a few mouthfuls of blood in the air.

Of course, after a strike, Drake naturally wouldn't have to count it. He immediately got a shave and came over the dog's Bellamy. He was also a strong axe and squatted to the hyena Bellamy.

The hyena Bellamy, who was flying in the air, had no way to escape. He could only cross his arms to his chest, and the armed color did not break out. He wanted to block Drake’s attack.

"Hey!" Drake's big axe once again slammed the dog Bellamy and slammed the hyena Bellamy to the ground. "Boom!" Finally, the dog Bellamy collided with the ground. “咔擦!咔擦!咔擦!” The ground is centered on the hyena Bellamy and cracked bit by bit.

"Hey!" The dog, Bellamy, spit out another blood!

At that time, Drake’s attack did not stop. It was a sniper that slammed the dog to Bellamy. He wanted to approach the dog Parami again, but the body seemed to be unable to move. Straight down to the ground. He didn't look at Dolfranming, and he saw his fingers moving, but he was not at all concerned, because he also had partners, and there was a boss!

At the same time, Tianlei stretched out a hand, and quickly gathered the light energy in his hand, while facing the faint main road of Dolfranming: "The little hooligan is really a hooligan! Since you have defaulted to one-on-one, let them one-on-one!" The words have not been finished yet, and the laser light from the thunder is shot at the ground in front of Dolfranming.

To know that the sparkling tactics have the ability to explode, this laser light attack is the same, with strong penetrating power and powerful explosive power. The attack speed of the laser light is too fast, so it is too fast to react, just listen to the "bang!" The ground in front of the group of Dolframming exploded, and the power of this huge explosion put all of the group of Flamenco into the attack.

Dolfranming and his men are all famous sea thieves. When Tian Lei began to gather light energy, they felt bad. They immediately started to avoid, but the laser light of Tianlei attacked too fast. Their own action, the laser light has already attacked the ground.

In addition to the superior strength of Dolfranming, as well as the high-tech hand, O.G, all were blown out. The big bang exploded a large amount of dust, and everyone’s sight was blocked for a while.

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