One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 192: The death of Tianlei?

The red dog's face can be drunk with water, and he doesn't want to say it! Who wants to be an enemy of a great general with space ability? Once a trick is going on, it’s just that you are asking yourself for trouble!

And it's still a big trouble, because he can attack any part of the government at any time, it is a powerful mobile cannon! What's more, this is still your own new voice.

But now, he is the marshal of the navy, and that must be considered for the navy. He said: "I have already decided, but this must be absolutely confidential. Only three of us know that it is very good to know the relationship of this kid in the navy. Once it is revealed, it will be notified. his."

The Warring States sighed and went out, still can't keep the navy's future! It seems that I have to run it. Under this day, the people with great potential can also be pushed to the opposite side of the navy with this thunder. That's a shame.

They have arrangements, and the Thunder is also arranged in the same way. When I see the red dog's phone bug hanging, he dials a person's phone bug: "Hey? Is it?"

Phone bug: "Boss, is it! Is it going to be implemented?"

Thunder: "Yes, I will reach the Marshal's Office of the Navy headquarters tomorrow morning. Is your business already arranged?"

The phone worm smiled and said: "You can rest assured that the boss! Although I can't buy people around the red dog, but there are people in the red dog's office to clean it! This can't be handed over to the naval headquarters. !Ha ha!"

Hearing the thunder and laughing, he said: "You are really a genius who is engaged in intelligence. I actually thought of buying a small navy that cleans the eye. This kind of insignificant little character."

The phone bug smiled again and again: "Sometimes, the little character can play an unexpected role. I have already been in the office of the red dog for a long time. You can rest assured! Boss!"

The second morning, the Red Bull's office of the Marshal, Tianlei is already here. Of course, in addition to him, there is the owner of the red dog, and the Warring States, Karp.

When the thunder appeared, the Warring States and Karp were already there, and it seems that they have long waited for the arrival of the thunder. However, Tian Lei is not stupid. If the red dog and his own phone were on the phone yesterday, they were furious and screamed at themselves, then it was normal.

But yesterday, the red dog was just the beginning, and it was a fire. In the end, it was flat. If there is no problem, then there is a ghost!

Tianlei is not a fool. When he enters here, he is playing the spirit of 120,000 points and always pays attention to the movements of the three people. Seeing that the Warring States and Kapu faintly have the meaning of attacking themselves, the Thunder is even more certain.

The Warring States side went to the side of Tianlei intentionally or unintentionally, and smiled and said: "Tian Lei general, your ability is really convenient! From G5, it only took a little bit of time."

And Karp is still eating his doughnuts. But Tianlei can feel it. Today, he eats donuts, but he is not as fragrant as before. His eyes are also intentionally or unintentionally rushing to Tianlei.

Thunder is also a sentence, no nutrition: "Yes! With this ability, there is no money to travel around the world."

The red dog looked at the face of nothing like a thunder, but Zou had a brow, and then asked faintly: "DoFranming, have you brought it? Thunder!"

"DoFranming brother? Take him over to do what? Uncle did not say that you brought it!" Tian Lei, deputy, you did not say! The expression of the thing that is not related.

The red dog looked at Tian Lei’s face, and his face did not twitch, and at the same time he gave a look to the Warring States and Karp.

Then he said: "Tianlei, you are also a general of the navy. Now that you know the identity of Dolanming, you should know that the Tianlong people and the government have been furious. So now you can only grieve you!"

Thunder: "Aggrieved me? I won the Flemish brother, a sea thief who has no evil, and I have to grieve me? I have made a great contribution, isn’t it worth it? It’s because of Dove Ming Ge is a former Tianlong person? I am a naval general, will you be wronged? And he can turn a blind eye to the evil done by Fleminger?"

At the same time, everything in the world is lived in the Navy Marshal Room. Everyone was shocked by this sudden live broadcast, although people all over the world are expecting this.

But what is the meaning of this live broadcast now? For a moment, all the people were guessing the intention of the Navy headquarters. However, from the few conversations just mentioned, it is completely unfavorable to them!

It’s not just the ordinary people who saw this scene, but many navies also saw it. They are now beginning to doubt the justice they have been insisting on for the first time.

Many young navies were unable to touch the school. The justice cloak behind them and the justice in their hearts also faltered. However, they still have a glimmer of hope for the Navy. After all, they have been on the Navy for many years. They continue to watch it, but obviously they are more disappointed with the navy and the world government. In the office of the coach of the red dog, Tianlei still faintly asked: "I don't know, Tianlong people, the world. The government, as well as the naval headquarters, how to deal with my navy, which is a justice!"

The red dog was silent for a while: "As long as you are shackled, I can plead for you, how can you push the city?"

"Promoting the city? I have not been to it, but I think I will go this time, not a manager, but go as a prisoner!" Tian Lei’s tone is still so dull, as if to say someone else’s The same thing. The Red Dog, the Warring States, and the Karp did not answer, but the expression on the face showed everything. The three are waiting for Tian Lei’s answer.

"If I said no?" The moment the Ray said this sentence, the three knew that it was impossible. The three were ready for the attack while waiting for Tian Lei to answer.

At this time, the three men were almost at the same time, and the attack of the three people was launched. I saw that the Warring States had turned into a Buddha, and Karp’s boxing was already full of armed colors, and it was apparent that it had already made a full blow. The same is true for the red dog. His whole body has turned into a magma state, and it has been launched. With a lavaized hand, it quickly ejects to the thunder.

Tianlei did not seem to be aware of it. Any three of them attacked him. These three people are all standing at the top of the world.

How Tian Lei suffered the strongest blow of the three people, and was directly beaten.

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