One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 193: Thunder, the dead of death?

The faces of the Red Dog, the Warring States, and the Karp were darkened. They looked at the stumps of the thunder on the ground and had a bad feeling.

But the person before the screen, but not much thought, the red dog, the current naval marshal, the former warring country, the former naval marshal, and the navy's super hero Kapu, actually attacked Tian Lei general.

Killing the unprepared Tian Lei general, but is Tian Lei general doing something wrong? What Dolfrango did in the Kingdom of Dresden has spread throughout the world. Shouldn’t such a person be caught?

Yes, absolutely, let alone catching him is not an exaggeration, but why are the three highest-ranking people in the navy trying to kill the Tianlei generals? Just because he, without knowing, caught a former Tianlong person?

At this time, all the navies had an idea in mind. After that, he also caught a pirate in his own duties without knowing it. However, this pirate also has an unusual status, and he will be like a general of the Navy. Killing?

can you? This problem has once again appeared, and all the navy can not help but think of this problem. It is the same as the veteran lieutenant.

At the same time, in their hearts, there is also an answer, that is, yes, absolutely. The navy's generals such as Tianlei have also been slain by the navy's top management without hesitation. Those who are far from being in a position like this, do they still use it? The justice of the countless naval minds at this moment has been shaken.

It is the people of Pingpu who are also disappointed with the naval headquarters. In the past, the Tianlong people were the heavens and the earth, and no one dared to move. At that time, the Navy’s headquarters ignored them as evil, and they did not think about anything. They thought that it was justified. But now it is different. First, the small yellow scorpion that changed the sky, killing two Tianlong people.

Then there is Tian Lei, who arrested the former Tianlong people, and the status of the Tianlong people in their hearts has changed. It is no longer a high-ranking, immovable person.

There is a saying that is good, people are more dead than people, goods are thrown than goods. All people and things are afraid of comparison. With the little yellow scorpion and the thunder, the navy is too disappointing. It’s just a guy who bullies and fears hard, it’s the running dog of the Tianlong people!

When I thought of this sentence, all my heart was stunned. correct! Isn’t the so-called navy’s so-called running dog of the Tianlong people and the world government?

Of course, some people still support the navy, but most of them are nobles and rich people, because the navy will protect their property.

In g5, Bartol Romei, Nokigao, Kebi, Luo, they are also a face of worry, although they know that Tianlei is prepared, but their boss Tianlei, death is an indisputable fact. After all, their eyes won't lie to them.

However, they have some absolute confidence in Tianlei. There is some uncertainty in the moment. Bartol Romeo has some stuttering words: "You said, boss, will it be ~~~~~~."

Noki Gao and Kebi said at the same time: "Don't talk nonsense, the strength of the boss, we still don't understand? It is the highest strength of the navy. I am afraid it is not easy to win the boss!" Although they said this, they In the eyes, you can also see that they are full of worry.

Dezaa also said with a look of concern: "But this time, the boss is facing the red dog, the Warring States, and the Karp! They are the strongest of the navy. Are you sure that the boss can top three?"

Dezaa asked this question, but asked the most worried about everyone. For a time, all the people were silent.

At this time, on a sea, dozens of warships marched toward g5. He was the navy led by Gal Dino and Yalita.

This is the naval school and soldiers they have drawn from the navy. At this time, a group of people gathered on the warships of Gardino and Yalita.

This group is also Smog, Dina, T. Benn, Xiuen, Kata Airwave, Cadaru, Yukimura and others. Just listening to Smoog asked: "What do we do now, this time, the thunder and the handsome are too careless, and the three people are in the middle."

Yalita’s face is also a bit unsightly. I really don’t know how to answer Smog’s words: “This is ~~~~~~~.”

But there is one person, the confidence in the thunder has never been shaken, that is, Gardino, because he knew the plan of Tianlei from the beginning, though not all.

However, he began to prepare from the early days of Thunder, knowing that the thunder will not be a witless, and the arrangement of the thunder, every step is exquisite, how can such a person, unprepared, has changed The naval headquarters of Chenglong Tanhu Cave?

I saw that Gardino said faintly: "You don't have to worry, although I don't know what arrangements and preparations the boss has, but it is so stupid to send to death, but not the boss."

Smog and Dina saw the confidence of Gal Dino and put the heart down a little. He settled down with these leaders and the seamen under his command naturally settled down. Continue to go to full speed at g5, but at the same time, they still stare at the screen to see if their imaginary results will appear.

And one person in g5 has reacted, that is, Luo who knows very well about Dolfranming and Tianlei. He immediately checked up, the screen of the thunder of the body.

"No blood?!" Luo Lima found a key point and could not help but exclaim.

On his side, Bartol Romeo, Nokigo, and Kebi, they heard the exclamation of Luo, and immediately asked a question, and he followed the sentence: "No blood?"

At the same time, they looked at the thunder in the screen and then sang the same: "There is no blood."

Bartol Romeo had a smile on his face and said loudly: "Is that the boss is nothing?"

Luo Bai took a look at him: "Is this what Barton Romeo said is not nonsense? You think carefully about the boss's ability and the ability of look at the screen again. Boss body, you will know."

Just now, the Red Dog, the Warring States, and the Karp three shots suddenly, and the death of Tian Lei was too shocking, so everyone did not respond for a while.

However, after a while, people with good observations found the same.

Of course, there is no real idiot in this world. I am puzzled and asked: "Is this day the thunder will not be dead yet? How do the red dogs, the Warring States, and the Karp look nervous and prepared?"

The person on his side couldn't help but leave a few steps, that is, his friend is the same, saying that I don't know this, the guy without the brain.

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