One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 222: Open eye

Suddenly a heavy hammer hit the depths of my mind, and the pictures suddenly shattered and turned into a little starlight, disappearing without a trace.

"Ah!" I yelled, only to feel the explosion in my mind, and a stream of hot air smashed in the body, and finally rushed to my eyes. My eyes immediately hurt my heart. At this moment, I was curled up on the ground, and I couldn’t help but tremble, and my consciousness was already blurred.

The four generations looked at me constantly on the ground, saying: "Three generations, this child was over-stunned, and he had to send him to the hospital!" He said, picked me up, and rushed out of the office with the three generations and rushed to the Kobaye Hospital.


When I completely recovered my consciousness and opened my eyes again, I saw a white around. Here, it should be the Konoha Hospital. Feeling that the hand was being held, looking down, the mother was asleep at the bedside, and the mother’s eyes still contained tears, which seemed to be ten years old. Looking at my mother's look, I felt very sad in an instant. The father is gone, only the mother is with me.

Perhaps I feel that I am awake, my mother opened her eyes, and after seeing me, I couldn't help but burst into tears: "Hey, you woke up! Great, you finally woke up! You scared your mother! Your father should No, if you have anything more, how can you let me live?"

My eyes began to worry, and I felt sad and smiled and said: "Mother, I am fine, I am really fine. You can rest assured that I will inherit my father's legacy and live well, in order to protect you, in order to protect Konoha!"

"Good! Good boy! Mother will be proud of you! Right, you have been coma for a whole day, must be hungry? I will go back to cook for you now! I will come soon!" Run out of the ward.

I am left alone in the ward. Recalling the memory before the coma, it seems that there are some changes in the eyes, is it...

Raising his hand, the mirror on the bedside table flew under gravity control. I pointed the mirror at myself, then closed my eyes and injected Chakra into the eye. My eyes were slightly itchy, and I was shocked when I opened my eyes. Sure enough, my pupil in the mirror turned dark red, and there were two small dots like the mysterious doubles that slowly swirled around the eyes. The two symbiotic pupils on the eyeball became unfathomable. Open your eyes! My writing eyes are open! Moreover, it is still the double-hook jade to write the wheel eye, directly skipping the single hook jade into the second stage! Moreover, it seems that my Chakra volume and mental strength have increased significantly since I opened my eyes. I have calculated it for a while, and now I can control it to reach 20 times gravity. It is not a big breakthrough.

In this way, the living capital I have mastered is even greater.

Although I have come across this world, everything in this world, including ninjutsu and family, has touched me. I have regarded myself as an ordinary member of the world. Even if I am familiar with the story of the world, I know how the future will develop, like playing a game with a cheat, but I don't want to change the historical development here. I just want to live well.

There was a close footstep outside the door. By writing the wheel eyes, I saw the coming people without any obstacles - the fourth generation and the third generation.

I quickly put down the mirror and closed the writing wheel. Three generations and four generations have now come in. The four generations are still so refreshing in appearance and fascinating smiles. He saw that I opened my eyes and looked very pleased. He came over and said, "Hey, you are already awake."

I nodded: "Thank you for the concern of Huo Ying adults!"

The four generations also nodded: "Wake up, just wake up! Is there anything uncomfortable?"

I shook my head: "No, I'm fine. But four generations of adults, I want to know something about my father's sacrifice?"

The four generations replied: "Just like I told you in the morning, it was something in the mission..."

"No!" I interrupted him. "Things will not be so simple. I want to know the specific situation, what mission, who is the escape, why should I chase him, the location of the accident, and, you guessed Which party is the murderer? All of this, I want to know!"

The four generations looked at me with surprise and looked surprised. After all, this is not like the tone and way of thinking that a six-year-old child should have. The third generation spoke up: "Hey, is this what you want to ask? Or, who wants you to inquire what?"

I replied in a positive color: "No one else, these are all I want to ask. After all, the dead person is my father!"

Three generations and four generations were somewhat embarrassed. After hesitating for a while, the three generations said: "Hey, you know that these messages cannot be casually disclosed. This will be related to the internal information of the village. Generally speaking, it is rarely arguable. So it is difficult to say. do."

"Sure enough," I sighed. "Is it a secret to the village?"

"You can say that, so..." The three generations looked at me apologetically.

"So, if I exchange information of equal value?" I looked at the three generations. Obviously now the three generations are still the main person.

"Exchange? What do you mean?" My words made the third and fourth generations somewhat unclear.

"Please ask you to see something first." I said, closing my eyes, and when I opened it again, the pupil was a dark red.

"嘶~~" Four generations can't help but suffocate write round eyes! The three generations cried in surprise. After all, this age-opener is still too rare.

"And it's still a double-hook jade to write the eyes!" The four generations carefully looked down, "the same as Kakashi!"

After turning to the third and fourth generations, the three generations smiled: "It seems that we really shouldn't treat you as an ordinary little devil!"

"Well, what does this have to do with exchanging information?" The four generations then asked.

I pointed to my own writing circle and said, "You should know that my eyes are different from others?"

The three generations nodded: "Well, I found out that each of your eyes has two pupils side by side, which is a pair of eyes that have never appeared before."

I smiled: "Yes, my eyes are very special, so my writing wheel is not the same as the ordinary writing wheel. To be precise, it should be that after I opened my eyes, I got some special abilities. For example." I said that I looked at the four generations and gave him five times the gravity. Although gravity manipulation is not written by the eye, it is a perfect excuse.

"Well!" The four generations were not careful, they almost didn't stand firm, and their complexion began to dignify. Although the fourth generation is Huo Ying, but in the case of no attention, it will still suffer, but only a small five times the gravity, obviously can not be one.

"This is..." The four generations asked curiously.

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